Ruby Lin Hilariously Reenacts Princess Returning Pearl Iconic Scene with Variety Host He Joing

I want to thank TW-actress/producer Ruby Lin and uber Chinese television host He Joing for giving me the biggest bellyful of laughs in god knows how long. I was doubled over laughing until it hurt, and then promptly got up and clicked play again to experience it all over again. Ruby and He Joing are all over the Mandarin entertainment news for posting a hilarious video clip of them enacting a scene from Ruby’s iconic career starting old-school drama Princess Returning Pearl and this is too good not to share.

The drama is so dated it’s neigh unwatchable now, but anyone who was sentient in the late 90’s either watched or heard of Princess Returning Pearl, the sappy drama adapted from romance writer Qiong Yao’s novel of the same name. It was the drama that launched the careers of Zhao Wei, Fan Bing Bing, and of course Ruby as the female lead. All three leading ladies have assiduously tried to put their PRP roles behind them and move on, and have done a swell job of doing so, so it’s such a treat to see Ruby make fun of how ridiculously the entire gig was in a tongue-in-cheek way. Watch this clip your own peril is all imma going to say. Continue reading