
Lego Lee Celebrates 28th Birthday with Fans and Good Wishes from Famous Co-stars — 18 Comments

  1. Love,love Lego Lee so much!He’s so nice to his fans.How I wish I could be chosen to be one of the 100 fans who can celebrate his birthday together.

  2. Happy birthday to him. My bday is in a few days and will be also turning 28. Feel I haven’t accomplished anything like he has, sigh.

  3. For one moment, I am going to forget that I am (much) older than 28 and SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLL!!

    (*looking over her shoulder*) Who WAS that person? Best wishes to Lego Lee and thanks as well. What a great performance he is turning in!

  4. Hope Lego (and also Rong Rong) gets to have more opportunities (dramas, films, CFs and photoshoots) once IAGW ends, so he can invite more fans for his future fan meetings.

    And Rong Rong even with her video greetings is just so contagiously happy and bubbly. Did she say anything special or just that “old soul in a kids body”?

  5. This is so cute.
    I was on IaGW FB page yesterday with Google translate open for any piece of information I could glean. I saw the story where the girl touched his abs. So daring!

    What does Rukawa mean, by the way? It is from 流川.

    • Rukawa is the Japanese way to read 流川. Ru is 流 and Kawa is 川. He’s a famous manga character in Slam Dunk. Liu Chuan’s nickname is exactly Rukawa from the manga because Liu Chuan is a great baller and also because Liu Chuan’s real name Liu Shan Feng (Liu Mountains and Peaks) has a bit of a naturalistic vibe with 流川 meaning Floating Rivers.

      • Wow!
        There is a lot going on there with all the meanings. Thanks for the info.

        Makes me realize how mundane and machine-ready our Roman alphabet is.

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