
Seung Nyang’s Royal Goryeo Baby is Passed off by Tanasiri as the Crown Prince of Yuan in Empress Ki — 24 Comments

  1. LOL @ “TH’s life sucks so much he collapses.”
    Oh Hell, this is one big mess, but on the upside, SN’s has another reason for vengeance, and thank goodness for the birthmark.
    Super sad at WY’s crying scene. But I know it will be long until WY & SN see each other again. Just have to wait and see.

    • Lost royal babies always have birthmarks, heh. Drama law requires it. Deok Man was recognized because of her birthmark behind the ear, though of course the drama had to make those two girls fraternal twins otherwise she’d look just like the princess.

  2. I’m still laughing at the absurdity of all this…the actors really save the drama. I seriously considered dropping it but TH and JCW’s masterful performance is unfortunately keeping me from doing so…

      • LOL I doubt they are feeling too bad about it especially if they get the moolah $$$. The show is doing great in Korea (which is the target audience) whether y’all like it or not. I still love it. Yes, the baby plot was OTT, but honestly so are all the Kdramas i watch one way or another. Now they got the baby snatching out of the way, they can finally get to the Empress part of the show’s title. That’s the main reason i am watching, not for that damn triangle.

  3. Lol, all I got to say is that birthmark on baby star looks a lot of like the tattoo on the hommies in LA! Just saying 🙂

  4. I have to say I can understand why people want to watch it though. It’s ridiculous in plot but the acting and energy keeps you addicted.

  5. um I was all excited to come home to watch this but now, I think i’m going to pass on this episode and wait till tomorrow.. I can read a book instead of wasting my time on this one… haha. Thanks for the lovely info.. now I’m wondering what other craziness we have in store now… :p

  6. i wasn’t a fan of anyone when i started the drama..and it is only Ha Ji Won’s superb performance that is keeping me in following the drama till the end..i’m telling myself to ignore the ridiculous storyline and just appreciate the acting and hard work of the actors/actresses.

  7. So I am guessing that WY has no idea that SN did this in the first episode when they showed the marriage thing… And he probably has no idea that she did this for their son. Poor WY. While TH is a very pitiful character in this… It does suck that SN is basically driven back to the palace for the sake of her child. I actually don’t mind the crazy that much but I do want a happy ending… I like happy endings.

  8. the plot is getting absurb, i am turning to another series are much more interesting. anyway for the meantime i would read koalas review only.

  9. Lol I laugh at the absurdity too. They should have made this 20 episodes instead of dragging it so much. It’s getting boring even when they act well.

  10. The acting of the three leads was amazing!! I especially love JJM’s part. His reaction went through several phases. Very powerful!

  11. It’s pretty sad Ta Hwan is going to raise his love rival’s son by his beloved as his own. (I’m not even sure if that sentence made sense)
    Despite the makjang, this drama is certainly never a bore.

  12. The ratings keep doing better and better sooo I think this will continue, especially since they might have actual competition soon.

  13. well everyone is entitled to their own opinion, as for me the issue about the birth month of the kids are already answered if you heard what dokman said that sn was 3 mos pregnant at that time, then the tragedy happened four months later, at 7 months a woman can deliver prematurely, with fate and with luck of course the child will survive…if there is one thing I can really worry about is the strength of the woman who just gave birth…will it be the will to survive that made SN so energetic and luckily survived like she just gave birth and went to the frozen river to look for her child… cold thing is such a taboo for a woman who just gave birth… but drama is a drama….. I like the actors anyway and somehow it’s not that bad at all…. I will just enjoy the roller coaster ride than bother myself with inconsistencies whatsoever

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