
Prime Minister and I Episode 16 Recap — 36 Comments

  1. I love this episode it’s heart wrenching but I still love it. I don’t know how this will end buy I sure hope Yul and DJ will end up together. Saw the preview I think DJ’s dad died and she’s probably saying goodbye to Yul and Inho said DJ is going on a trip. I hope this is really not one of those open ended ending and one of those they will
    Meet somewhere and stare at each other and smile (I’ve seen a lot of those). This episode I thought I was watching melodrama… I thought this was rom-com?! They could have just make the lily club do their shenanigans I’ve DJ and she always come up with solutions and Joon Ki’s evil plan and yet Yul can dodge all the plans something like that… And you’re right the amazing supporting roles were gone… Oh well it is what it is… My expectations for the ending is low since the preview looks so grim(exaggerated I’m supper frustrated with the outcome
    Of the events unfolded) but happy. The conversations very grown up. I understand where DJ is coming from I understand her being a coward and her intentions because I for one would have done the same thing…oh well last episode tomorrow. Que sera sera!!! Thank you Ms K!

  2. Thank you so much! Is there really just one more episode left? I hope she runs to him and embraces him tight (which I feel like doing now, lol!). I love you, Lee Beum Soo, er, Yul!

  3. Wow, thank you for the recap and commentary. It was truly a hard episode to watch, I found myself crying even though I didn’t know what they were saying. The acting is wonderful, I just wanted to spend some of my time with them and feel their hurt.

  4. The only thing that would really shock me now is if, we do not get an open ended ending. It sure seems that is what we are headed for.

    • It sure seems as if we are headed for an open-ended resolution; Da Jung has truned out to be too immature to deal with this situation. Her running away and her lies were really painful, especially since she has been so solid and straightforward up until now. She is not a stupid person, so I can’t help wondering if her continued obtuseness about Yul is really just subliminal anger. The way I see it, she could be unconsciously angry about Yul’s inability to find and get closure with his first wife – I mean, you have to wonder how hard he really looked for her, when she was hovering around her lover’s bedside for seven years. Wouldn’t the lack of a body keep him looking? Wouldn’t he have huge resources at his disposal for this task. The whole thing is just totally unbelievable, so maybe Da Jung has just sortof had it with the gang that couldn’t shoot straight. Only she can’t admit that, even to herself, so she decides it is because she’s the one who can put this family back together. Fear, dishonesty, pride, close-mindedness…I don’t know who this new Da Jung is but somebody take her away.

    • I think the ending is their kissing when Yul runs to Da Jung who is holding and umbrella and letting the umbrella go to receive Yul’s kiss….my guessing cause we haven’t seen that scene yet.

  5. Thank you very much for your hardwork !! i really love this drama because the story is not too complicated but entertaining in its own way…even without those typical lovey-dovey scene…it is very sad that it’s going to end soon…Makes me love LBS’s acting even more…can’t wait for his new project…credit goes to Yoona as well, her acting improves a lot…gonna miss the adorable Kwon kids too…

  6. Howoe. Thanks for the review . You write it very well.and me myself hoping for the happy ending.please dj! Open your eyes. Go back to your husband. Stay on his side. Yul is a man. And i am very fall in love with his character. So, pm and i fans, lets hoping the best happy ending drama.

  7. Thanks, Ms Koala! I’ve enjoyed following this drama through your super fast recaps and even caught a few episodes online. I agree with you Hye Joo is a fantastic 2nd female lead, I would venture to say my fave ever!

  8. Dj really starting to get on my nerve with her stupid stubborn that is not needed in the first placs.yul,ny,ih,hy all of them already mention that she just need to be brave and just grabe yul but the preview also it seems she took her idiocy stubborn to go far away.hope when yul does chase her it will end her noble idiocy and gave us awesome make up kiss.if she not doing that I will personally took yul all for myself.why don’t they leave the decision to the kids.I wont accept open ending and in the preview show jk an yul’s kids play together is how the open e ding they choose.I mean by the writter!nervous for the ending.will not be happy if the otp boating time only the last 2minutes and gave ny portion bigger!

  9. screw you writternim!!! why you make simple things so hard? aigoo this is the hardest episode to watch.
    before i rant and plant to throw everything to my monitor, let me say thank you for your wonderful recaps, thank you for stick till the end with your wonderful thought.
    i hate to see every predict that i said came true, so writternim take this, dont ever let this drama has open ended.
    pls stick to the cinderella story where princess get her prince and live together forever happily.
    kids has their mommies, but the lady of the mansion goes to da jung, afterall from 16 episode clearly both of them deserve one to another, there is no bond, chemistry can beat them.
    love second female lead, glad everything back to where they should be, so da jung, it’s your call, get your sanity back!!!!

    • I kind of feel the same way about the writing. Just watched the episode and read the recaps. Thanks for the recaps. I don’t think I would have been able to recap in such a neutral way, because I found the episode boring and am now pretty sure that I hate the way the show changed since the wife came back. This is actually the first time I am so disappointed in the (almost) ending of a romcom (which is not that much of a romcom any more), but I hear it is pretty typical in K-drama. But all is not lost yet. The second to last episode in K-drama (especially if it is extended) I often find the worst, so hopefully they will pull it together for the last episode. Fingers crossed.

  10. oh credit goes to LBS, i love his facial acting. when DJ asked for breakup, his face look 10 years older. hate to see him broodingmode. and when he with DJ, man …he’s rocks.
    i love him more and more, cant wait for his next drama. love you to the max

    • Watch out, in his next project, his buddy, Song Seung-heon, is also involved. Wow, if you want to see a hot guy in that show, it probably won’t be Lee Bum Soo. If those two go surfing together in that Spring-Summer show, the TV might melt.

  11. Urgh! I just wrote something and it all disappeared. 🙁

    Anyhow, the short version… I think it will be a happy ending. They wrote out the ex wife to be this horrible horrible person, woman, mother and wife. So just by that alone, they want us to hate her with all our might. I think they just dragged out this conflict due to the extension and such. If the ex was doing it for custody reasons, then fine… But really, she is a horrible woman. I would think most would at least want to take their children with them instead of abandoning them. Nonetheless, I hope the kids can forgive her cause as horrible as she was, she is still their mother and she is alive. There are many out there who can’t say the same. Hope she changes for her kids’ sake.

    DJ – I think she will come to realize what she wants and when she is ready, she will go back to him. I believe that, so I think it will be a happy ending. They both had a lot on their plates and I hope that in the end, they can be there for each other… Till death do they part. 🙂 writer-nim, it will be happy right?? Like twdrama-happy-ending happy? Please say yes.

  12. I love how this drama.. captures the smallest details.. from the suitcase thrown into the car.. from the small gift that the kids were holding, from the ever subtle conversation DJ has with WR/KY…

    I hope.. that the kids will help their dad… secure his true love…

    • Aish! Another detail you will see is that Da Jung’s journal is the same as the one she bought for her dad. I think her dad will get hers by mistake and read all about her contract marriage before he dies. Aigoo, not so good.

  13. I do NOT think Nam Da Jung is frustrating this episode, or that her character has a personality transplant. What Nam Da Jung is going through is very realistic for someone in her situation.

    People forget that when Kwon Yul and Nam Da Jung first met, they were practically strangers. Then they got married soon after, but it is a contract marriage – meaning it is temporary, and it is not real.

    Now, you are expecting them that because they are in like (Kwon Yul) or in love (Nam Da Jung), then they should just get married for real. Marriage is a serious commitment, and it is realistic to spend time to ponder about it – more so, because this is a different situation (Nam Da Jung is not just marrying Kwon Yul, she is marrying his children also) and difficult too (the first wife and biological mother Park Na Young being alive). Kwon Yul and Park Na Young were in love when they married, but obviously that did not end well.

    Nam Da Jung might be thinking that Kwon Yul is only feeling responsible for her for putting her in this situation; or that Kwon Yul is feeling guilty because Nam Da Jung fell in love with him. Or perhaps Nam Da Jung herself is feeling guilty because she thinks her presence is an obstacle preventing the Kwon family to reunite.

    Also, the way I see it Nam Da Jung is not pushing Park Na Young back on Kwon Yul and his children. But that Nam Da Jung chose to remove herself in a complicated situation because she thinks of herself as the problem or a possible source of conflict. Nam Da Jung is not deciding anything for them; Kwon Yul and his children can definitely make a decision for themselves with or without Nam Da Jung in the picture – if the Kwon family will reject Park Na Young, then they should do that because they do not want Park Na Young and NOT because they found a replacement in Nam Da Jung.

    Anyways, it makes sense for Nam Da Jung to choose to spend time alone after her father’s death. Most of her adult life, she took responsibility for her father. And during her contract marriage with Kwon Yul, she took responsibility for Kwon Yul and his children. So it is okay for her to be selfish right now and to choose herself for once.

    Because of the contract marriage, Kwon Yul and Nam Da Jung and the children will be great together. But this series started with the ‘epilogue’ first before the story (the expected doubts and insecurities in a relationship) – but this pattern works because of the set up of a widowed/divorced man with 3 kids and a single woman plus the age gap.

    • *Because of the contract marriage, Kwon Yul and Nam Da Jung and the children will be great together – this is already a known fact and is already shown.

    • Thank you for your outstanding analysis. I think everyone is upset because they want this to end well, we are all emotional wrecks. You are completely right, I personally feel that Kwon Yul had it rough too. Remember he told Da Jung to give him some warning before she leaves because it would be too hard for him to endure if he loose Na Young, Secretary Seo and Da Jung all the same way, i.e., disappear in thin air. For that reason, I think he handled himself remarkably well. Da Jung said, twice, “it won’t happen because I love you.” What she is doing now is pretty mean, telling him that she wants to run away. In Ho actually called her on that motive and if she really wants to leave Yul for real she could pretend to date him.

  14. Also, I don’t think Seo Hye Joo is right about keeping Park Na Young alive from Kwon Yul for the duration of his term as prime minister because that is 5 years!
    Kwon Yul deserves to know the truth, in fact he should be the first to know the truth. And the children deserves to know the truth – or at least a part of the truth that their father decides to tell them, until they are ready to know the whole truth.

  15. Another thing, I don’t understand why everyone thinks and expects that Nam Da Jung should be holding hands with Kwon Yul and his children while they are rejecting Park Na Young…

    That is totally unacceptable in any conservative culture. That would essentially make Nam Da Jung an interloper influencing Kwon Yul and his children (the situation about Park Na Young does not matter here).

    So if there is going to be any rejection that will occur, that will take place without Nam Da Jung in the picture – like what Kwon Yul did here in episode 16 and what Kwon Woo Ri might do in episode 17.

  16. I love that Woo Ri, when troubled, went to seek DJ out… That’s trust.
    I think the talk about navigation etc, DJ’s answer will be used back by KY on her just as he mirrored the taking one step and one step….

    • I am curious about the writer’s use of mirrored events as well. The one step at a time thing. The guy falling asleep on the girl’s shoulder thing. I am hoping that Yul would declare during a press conference, “It is embarrassing, Nam Da Jung and I, we love each other!” as the mirror to what she in Episode 2. Am I asking too much?

      • Not entirely sure if the contract marriage premise will be ever revealed. The contract marriage premise is possibly only important in putting two strangers in a contract marriage and their journey to having a real one. This is further supported by Kwon Yul and Nam Da Jung supposedly deciding in renewing their vows between the two of them in church for a real marriage.

        If the contract marriage was supposed to be revealed, there had been a lot of instances when it could happen but did not – when Nam Da Jung lost her copy of the contract; the hotel incident where Nam Da Jung was framed with Kang In Ho; and the Kwon Yul and Nam Da Jung in a press conference with the media where they were asked if theirs is a contract marriage.

  17. I am hoping the second half of Kwon Yul’s sentence, after “Nam Da Jung-ssi, can you live without me?” will be, “I certainly cannot live without you.” I am praying really hard that would be what will come out first in Episode 17.

  18. Cmmon all…
    Dj leaves becoz KY never kiss her. Just kiss her, an open mouth kissess, that surely will makes all girl will sure that he loves her.
    and….I bet Na Ra and Man Se will choose Dj, well their mom is a stranger right ? For Woo Ri ? His attitudes show that he regards DJ as his mom. DJ been taking care all their needs, give them love and caring plus she give them a’grandpa’.

  19. As expected..always the inevitable noble idiocy syndrome has infected our female lead! Da Jeong-shi, you just wasted 1 precious episode with your brooding! Arghh! Good thing, our Choongri-nim has been doing the saving coz if not for him, I would not last this episode, at all! Go Choongri-nim! Fighting! 🙂

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