MBC’s Traitor Hong Gil Dong Finalizes Cast of Yoon Kyun Sang, Chae Soo Bin, Kim Ji Suk and Honey Lee
After a few rounds of casting maybes from Namgong Min to Ji Sung, the titular Traitor Hong Gil Dong (or Rebel Hong Gil Dong) has found Yoon Kyun Sang as the famed Korean Robin Hood. SBS loves Yoon Kyun Sang and was grooming him with supporting roles in successive high profile dramas for the network but MBC clearly swooped in and snatched him away with the lure of headlining a prime time drama. Joining Yoon Kyun Sang will be Chae Soo Bin, coming off the hit drama Moonlight Drawn by Clouds and now her first big female lead role, with the second leads being Kim Ji Suk and Honey Lee. Directing will be PD Kim Jin Man of Kill Me Heal Me, East of Eden, and Scandal, while the scriptwriter previous wrote King’s Daughter Soo Baek Hyang. The drama will premiere in early 2017 taking over Mon-Tues from Night Light.
At first blush this cast seems underwhelming on the name recognition and popularity scale, but then again I like both male leads and sometimes a low key cast can shine in a drama where the story and directing carries the day.
I like Yoon Kyun Sang very much. Glad that finally he is elevated to leading man status. Would very much like to see actress Kang Han Na of “Scarlet Heart” taking on the lead role soon.
Wow! Great lineup!
Chae Soo Bin and Honey Lee are actually both really good actresses too.
And honestly after seeing dramas cast huge stars and then turn out underwhelming *coughufcough* *coughlotbscough* I’m ok with giving an underdog drama a chance. The best dramas so far this year have all been ones without Hallyu stars attached, look at Age of Youth or Police Unit 38.
For drama this year, too many hype but scriptwriter ruin everything.
I hope this drama has a good storyline
also, Chae Soo Bin’s casting is a step in the right direction, she’s talented and I’m glad that for once a solid young second lead is actually being given a chance to prove herself in a lead role instead of being cast aside for some talentless idol like was the trend in the last few years.
Thank you
Chae Soo Bin had the best female character in MDBC
YKS broke my heart in Pinocchio… The story of two brothers was so sad
In Six Flying Dragons he was really funny :p
I’m curious to see him in a lead role !