
Yoon Eun Hye Glows in New CF for Chinese Skincare Brand Mageline — 37 Comments

  1. Cf reminds me the new trend. no make up by Alicia Keys. Yoon Eun Hye is my bias since 2006. Hope for a good drama , a little production because this year the big productions were a big no for me. I want her to play what she wants nevermind the success !Longevity in a career that’s what matters. Wish her the best for 2017 !

  2. He should brave to take a risk than doing nothing or her acting career. There are many rising stars for replacing her place anytime such as Honey Lee, Oh Yeon Seo, Seo Hyun Jin and so on. I still hope she got offered by TVN. Because that station has capability to make celebrities rise.

    • I believe K-ent industry still has a place for her despite being MIA for a while. She has a certain “signature” in her acting skill that can’t be replaced by other actresses (if you know what I mean). Besides not every K actress (including the names you mentioned) are a hallyu star with many followers (fans).

      • True, and the fact that she’s still active in China ( The great target) speaks a lot. The names you mentioned are not yet popular overseas . Honey Lee is too old now and Seo hyun Jin that i love must gain more popularity and China is very demanding about a certain visual , just look at the hallyu stars : JJH , SHK , PSH, Yoona… Yeh without any projects is in the top 10 of favorite kactresses in China.

      • Honey lee is 33. YEH is 32, not too far from your term of being called “too old”… just saying… I know you like YEH, but calling honey lee “too old” has to be in relative term, imho…

      • To @ candycane , what i mean is that Honey Lee is too old now to reach the level of an Hallyu star . She doesn’t have iconic roles Under is belt. She ‘s more a second lead . It’s sad but it’s the reality. Even if Yeh doesn’t have the fame she used to, she’s internationally known by kdramas fans.

      • I misss her too..i hope she can act together again with Gong Yoo..their chemistry really deabak!!

      • I understand that aging in this industry is hard but a lot of actresses of his generation still have roles, so why not her ?

      • Age shouldn’t hinder actors to pursue their career if it what they want. If they’re serious with it, they must learned how to master it (acting) instead of solely lean on popularity. Take Kim Hye So for example. Despite her age (which is older than mostly popular actors), many viewers still appreciated her because of her acting skill. Among many raising actors she’s still popular in Korea, therefor she gets many acting offers.
        YEH might be not Kim Hye Soo but she’s already showed her intention to hone her acting skill by taking post-graduate study in directing (she said that on interview). And it showed on how viewers praised her acting on latest projects such as Missing You & After Love. Even her cameo act in Chronicle of a Blood Merchant also been praised.
        So I’m not worried cause she will attest to viewers that she can act. And that’s what really matters.

      • I never doubt that.@ Lal. For me age doesn’t matter, it’s just that it seems so important in Asia. I’m from the country of Sophie Marceau (( 50 years), Isabelle Huppert (more than 60 years). My comment about Honey lee is that i don’t see her as someone who can replace YEH . That’s all. And all the new hallyu stars are younger .

      • My statement isn’t just intended to you @ Cahill. It seems some posters/commenters here are worried about YEH’s career because of the long hiatus. I said DON’T. Robert Downey Jr. could “rekindled” his career after being hit by drug & abuse charges (and was jailed because of that). He’s starting over his acting career when he’s almost 40’s and he even more famous now. My point is, DO NOT downplay YEH’s chance just because she’s taking hiatus (& because of the scandal).

      • @lal. I totally agree with you. But SKorea is less open minded. And RDjunior is a man, Winona Ryder was less Lucky !. And for me YEH “scandal” was much ado about nothing. Don’t care about her regaining his old status or not , just want to see her act a lot in different roles. Don’t mind about the male co star as long as he can act.

      • @cahill, maybe that is the reason (SK is less open minded) behind YEH’s decision to be more active in China thesedays ? Because Chinese people is more open minded ? Dunno for sure.
        But what I’m sure of is that there are many viewers (mostly her fans) who still want to see her onscreen. Not just in my country but another countries too. Many of my friends told me that. And that’s big deal for me.
        I’m just saying, everything is possible in life.

        And like you, I don’t care much about the rating etc. as long as she act again.
        But IMHO, she should consider to pursue her movie career more rather than in drama.

      • FYI, Kim Hye Soo is also has plagiarism scandal before (she’s already admitted it) but she could survived it by her acting skill. So did Lee Byung Hun.

      • Sorry @Lal i didn’t mean SKorea only ( i prefer not to say what i think about China !)). I wanted to talk about KHS and LBH scandals too, SHK Tax scandal. I agree with you, she should concentrate for the time being in movies ( more interesting in terms of acting and creativity ) and as you know , she’s someone who ‘s interested in various forms of art.But as a “fan” ( a word i don’t like) With a drama i could see her more ! Sorry for my English who causes misunderstandings. You’re kind to comunicate with me. Thanks.

      • @cahill, yeah I know. Movie is better in term of a more diverse role whereas in drama you always will be typecasted, well mostly. Anyway, I’m having a good experience to have a discussion with you 😉

  3. I so missed Yoon Eun Hye in K-Dramaland and look forward to her new one in 2017. Been waiting forever, lol. Fortunately, next year is just around the corner. Let’s hope she’ll announced which K-Drama or film she’ll be signing on soon. Hurry up YEH and let us know already! I can’t wait to see her back, in hopefully, a new drama that I can get excited and look forward to seeing her starring in to. 🙂

  4. She looks young here. Maybe staying away from the limelight for a while giving her a stress-free life.
    I’ll take whatever acting project she picks as long as she appears on my screen. That’s how much I missed her…

    • I miss her photoshoots too. She’s a goddess in this area. If not the best . Even the most beautiful actresses of Skorea doesn’t deliver this “special vibe”.

  5. Hi guys…i’m new here. Anyway, did u hear on the ban that china put on korean film,movie and variety show? I kinda worried about yeh’s condition. Did she will be affected because of this cause u know, she just newly being their spokesperson (i’m talking about mageline) and the brand basically is chinese cosmetic brand

    • Hi there @Eclipse, since the ban is still in progress I’m not really sure what’s effects will be faced by YEH & her contract with Mageline. But if Song Jong Ki cases (he’s been replaced by Eddie Peng for Chinese smartphone ambassador) is a precedent, every possibilities could happened. But for now it remains to be seen. Hoping the best for her.

      • Im guessing, she’s been long time big endorser in China, way back in Amway; China love her, she even did a fashion show with them, I think they will let her pass.

  6. Hi ! Eclipse. Welcome even if i’m still new here ! @Lal is a awesome person who is kind enough to discuss with me who doesn’t write well in English . Hope to have the opportunity to share our opinions soon.

  7. Sorry, off of topic but where is YEH.? Lee Bo Young, Ko so Young are back in 2017. Nam sang mi is in talks for a kbs drama… Are we going to spend another year without her ?

  8. hello, im from Philippines…my daughter & I really Like YEH very much. I think YEH needs to refocus on her acting career other than anything. Her company should give her a more overwhelming roles like “Goong” I even think that if there will be another drama with Ju-ji-hoon her international fame will be more intense because their love team is still being anticipated by their millions of fans up to this time… It will be effortless, the two of them are bankable being together onscreen..

  9. Her beauty is regal, royalty, highness, no matter how many other idols or new stars copy her face, there will always be one orignal Yoon Eun Hye! Hope to see her comeback in kdramaland very soon.

  10. Wow these are great photos of her. She is still very young, but more importantly she is a good actress. Let’s see, she not only can act, but sing, is an artist, business women, and beautiful versatile model….that is quite a dynamite package.

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