
Playful Kiss Episode 5 Recap — 18 Comments

  1. Just wondered onto your website in my search for PK recaps!! Am I so glad to have found you! Well written recap that satisfies my PK craving. thanks! You are absolutely right on about how PK doesn’t have any earth shattering or dramatic themes but it’s poignant with it’s day-to-day stuff as one journeys on their first love. Despite the lack of a gripping script, I’m still clamoring to watch the next and it makes me giggle no end with it’s many funny moments. (I’ve added your blog onto my favourites!)

  2. you know what they say about good things are even better when they’re brief? it doesn’t apply to good recaps – they’re better looooooooooong. gives me more to enjoy!

    However, this episode absolutely cements why I Hani’s version of the character most! She’s a little on the dim side, but here, not only does she know it, she tries hard to make the best of her life anyways, by giving it her all – even to declaring to her audience that she is Noah’s snail, but asking, nay… almost demanding.. that we like her anyway! and we DO!

    Eun jo however, I’m waiting for the drama itself to make any judgment. I can see how on paper he might not be that cute, but in the original Japanese version, I ADORED this little chap. He actually looked a little like a high school friend’s brother (when I watched it, I was actually still in high school).

    but I’m not worried about the lack of plot at all. the charm of this story was never in the plot but the relationships that the characters have that reflect our own and make us feel for them and for ourselves. if they want plot, tell them naysayers to go watch BOF then. Or Autumn Tale. If they tried to insert a faux-incest storyline in here, I’d just switch off the tv. pick it up. and aim it at that trashcan myself!

    ps. when u say u were lurking to see Uknow as Shin… pls elaborate…. as in near the theatre? in Korea? oh god I wanna WATCH IT. i’m sorry to the makjang-baker fans out there but I’d give up the finale of my Bread, Love and Dreams to watch that musical on DVD, with subtitles.

    pps. tqtqtqtq for the amazing and amazingly FAST recaps!

  3. thanks for the recap. I like the pace of the drama and the fact that it isn’t too dramatic with all the so called twists and plots.

  4. ockoala,
    Loving your view & reviews of “Playful Kiss”.
    I was looking for this after reading the one you did for Thundie. 🙂

    “Fork” as “stick to it” is a much better explanation than what I thought. i.e. “pig” —> “wealth” —> success. 🙂

    “Noah’s Snail”‘s impassioned plea even got through to the lime-sucking interviewer… who started to look like she switched to tangerine-sucking by mistake. 😀

    … cough cough … So who’s sword was bigger & longer? LOL

    Oh Ha Ni is seriously cute in this episode.
    Director Hwang In Roe seems to be allowing Jung So Min to use her own expressions instead of directing her to emulate Yoon Eun Hye as Shin Chae Kyung.

    I liked the development of the sub-plot of Hwang Geum Hee wanting Ha Ni as a member of her family. Not only a million boys are lined up around the block for her, with Joon Gu in the first position… but this old man is in that line too. All the girls in my family are fully adult and married… It’d be great to have an adorable teenage girl again. 🙂

  5. Hi everyone! – wow, lots of comments already, thank you all so much for taking the time to let me know your thoughts on PK the drama, and on my PK recaps. My goal is really speed over quality. I know how many people are dying to watch PK with subs, which are usually not available for quite some time. So I wanted the recaps to help sate everyone’s love for PK until you can watch it. I usually have lots of after-thoughts after the post goes up, but I leave that for the next recap. I’m glad in my haste to get the recaps up it’s not an incoherent gibbering mess. I’m more organized and prepared when I write reviews for Thundie’s. At AKP, it’s all fun and games, so please keep commenting. I love to meet new drama friends and share drama thoughts.

  6. I’m a KHJ fan ..and even I nodded reluctantly at your analysis of his acting skill. Well, he’s a musician first. If he wants to be excellent in the acting world, I think he needs to enroll in some acting workshops. But I’m currently enjoying any emotions he’s feeding us via this drama. It’s so rare to see KHJ looking anything but even-tempered and calm in his public appearances.. so I’m not gonna complain about our (us fans) good fortune.. hehe

    I love Hani, this drama works mostly coz of her.. nuff said. Thanks for the recap and the explanations on some cultural stuff like the fork. Was wondering ’bout that.

    Love to see KHJ in the european prince get-up. That’s one too many screencaps that’ll end up in way too many screensavers.. 😛

  7. I really am enjoying your recaps. Your thoughts and opinions pretty much mirror my own. Well except for one but I won’t get into the Hyun Joong acting debate because I am enjoying every single second of his performance and that is enough for me. What I will say is that when you give your opinion, whether it be positive or negative, you at least try to give a little insight as to why you have that opinion. I greatly appreciate and respect that.

  8. Thanks so much for this recap. I love it that your goal is to be fast, and I don’t think that somethings lacking in the quality area either. ^-^
    I can’t wait for your recap of the next episode.

  9. Congratulations, koalasplayground. Your summation of the interplay within this episode is excellent and absolutely spot on. I wonder what you might have to say about the “Boys Over Flowers” series. I’m sure it would be well worth reading.

    Personally, I have found over half a dozen classic plot lines in that manga-based show, much to its credit. Again, how nice to see such an articulate appraisal by you of “Playful Kiss”.

    Feel free to contact me if you wish. I would look forward to collaborating with you on critiques of other Korean dramas like “Iris”, “Athena” and “The Woman Who Still Wants To Marry”.

    Again, yours is a commendably accurate appraisal of what I consider to be some truly welcome and refreshing Korean drama productions. Please keep up the good work.


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