
Channel X Holds Promotional Event and Drops Some Racy Footage of Joe Cheng — 7 Comments

  1. Joe, Joe, Joe. How far you have gone since ISWAK. I guess they can be more racy in movies as opposed to dramas cos it’s on TV and all? I’m all for that! 😛 Now if only he and Ariel can do a movie together …. ARJOE!!! Come back!!

  2. HEHEHEHE *giggling like crazy* I’m getting jealous on behalf of Xiang Qin. The kissing-the-shoulder move is a total rip off from ISWAK 2 honeymoon scene. XQ attack!!!

    Did not watch Black & White. Was “the scene” better than’s ISWAK2’s? I’ve not seen any twdramas (and even kdramas, for that matter) that could top The Honeymoon Scene. kekekeke

  3. WOW, it’s about time Joe shows some super hotness. I just might buy the DVD just for those scene he he he. I liked him at ISWAK, but not in Love or Bread. I thought he was playing a gay character at the latter he was kind of effeminate there.

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