
Mary Stayed Out All Night Episode 14 Recap — 144 Comments

  1. i second the make-up sex for next episode! when maeri was decorating, she did pull the curtain back, but that maybe just me putting malice into her action. how cuuuuute is pervy mugyul?
    dear jung in, you can give me a back hug anytime.
    that was a lovely quote. thank you! have a well-deserved holiday break!

    • I volunteer to go burn that curtain. Heck, I’ll burn all MG’s clothes while I’m at it, starting with that stringy yarn ball he was wearing. Then he’ll be in his birthday suit all ready for Mary… and I’ll make sure to install a lock on his door that locks from the outside so they’ll be stuck in there with no clothes and no other way to keep warm except for…heeheehee

      • i’ll help u on taking out the curtain and hiding the clothes.. the sooner the better…:-)

      • Hiding? That place is the size of my bathroom. We need a winter bonfire!! And we better get an entire weekend’s worth of Holiday boating to make up for this ridiculous “cliffhanger” ending.

      • don’t forget to burn the leopard leggings! omg can you please be a drama writer and make this happen? it seems like maeri has every intention to stay at mugyul’s place (instead of moving back home with her dad since the deal is off). i know she’s innocent, but with mugyul’s charm, i don’t know if she’ll stay that way within the next two episodes.

  2. youre early too day. dont expect the recap for another 40′.even thought i’m sad that you wont be here next week but enjoy your holiday. im going home as well for new year. mary chritsmas and happy new year

  3. Dear Captain,

    I haven’t even read your message to us yet, but I am already very displeased with the picture you have at the top. With the many lovely Holiday moments, including MG’s come hither eyebrow wag while asking for the curtain removal and the I Love You Merry Christmas concert confession, you chose the one image I’m trying to erase from my mind. I don’t mean to doubt your loyalty to the Holiday Ship, but how could you?! Weep Sniffle Cry I’m going to go hide in a corner now and rewatch the previous Holiday Kiss.


    Holiday Ship Crew Member

    Seriously though, I like JI and all and I have utmost faith in the holiday couple, but that ending really bothered me. Why? Because we’ve already been there and done that and now we’re back for more. How many times are we going to have them each run into the other in these compromising poses/situations? And no, I’m not jealous of JI because each time, they get mad for a few seconds, then up the cute and then it’s like nothing happened. Plus, it doesn’t fit with JI’s character. He’s been nice to Mary and all but where are all these feelings coming from? It’s such a silly contrived plot gimmick. With so few episodes left, I wish they wouldn’t waste the time we have left sending us in the same circles again. FORWARD I SAY!

    • The plot circles suck, doesn’t it?

      As Holiday Couple Ship Captain, I definitely put enough MM screen cap goodness in every recap. But as a Koala recapper I need to be objective – and that was objectively one hot hot back hug, and deserved to be a post topper. The concert and declaration of love pics have been topping a few post already, time for something new.

      Especially since poor Jung In has never topped a post, and this is likely the last Jung In-Mae Ri moment we’ll ever see. Not that I’ll miss it (hardly), but it’s a final final salvo.

      Nothwithstanding how POINTLESS that scene was. Yes, my head met the desk a few times today when recapping.

      • Ok, I admit, that was a damn good hug. Just wasted though. It’s been a little cold here in SoCal, I could use a little bit of that. Actually, can I have a JI back hug and a MG front hug? That’s my favorite kind of sandwich.

        All I want for Christmas
        is a Kang Mu Gyul,
        a Kang Mu Gyul
        yes, a Kang Mu Gyul

        Gee, if I could only
        have a Kang Mu Gyul,
        then I could wish you
        “Merry Christmas.”

        Happy Holidays Everyone!!

      • oh lizzy, you can’t have your sandwich and eat it too ….
        imagine how deliriously and deliciously sandwiched one will be, between two hot guys who will be staring daggers at each other. Ha, i assume you’ll be the cheese that melts between them!

        gosh, i think we’re all going crazy over the christmas season – M3 to blame of course!

    • I actually really liked the scene at the end; I didn’t think it was redundant at all. Ok, yes, in terms of Mu-gyul seeing it and misunderstanding, I agree; but emotionally, I thought it was spot-on and very timely. I was hoping to get something like this out of Jung In, because as much as I don’t think he’s actually in love with Mae-ri, he does care for her. After all the emotional abuse his father has heaped on him over the course of his life and even more so lately, I can completely understand what makes him so desperate to hold onto Mae-ri. I think he is seeing her as something of an emotional life preserver, someone stable and warm to pull him out of the emotional maelstrom that he’s been caught in lately. I would have been disappointed if he hadn’t reached out to her somehow before he let her go to Mu-gyul.

      • I agree with you estel.. it is JI’s one last desperate attempt at clinging onto MR… poor guy…

        however, i’m not so sure if MG can be so nonchalant abt it tho.. He has been prone to stomping off and reacing strongly whenever there is a misunderstanding, no? I certainly hope that koala is right and the kids just shrug it off and make up rightaway, so I can get my last 120 mins of M3 with MR and MG making puppy eyes at each other.. God knows we deserve it danggit.. having tolerated some of the nonsense we’ve been served the last 10 over epis..

      • I don’t have a problem with that scene on it’s own. It’s just that in the context of his character and the “plot”, it makes no sense. JI has made no move to try to hold on to Mary at all up until this point. That’s why I’m annoyed. I don’t have a problem showcasing KJW’s looks and acting skill, but this is not how to do it. Plus, it’s not a dramatic moment either, because it’s already happened 10x.

      • NO!!!!! ME!!!! ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        I’m total hardcore KJW~ I just hope that for the next project, he gets lead role. I think he’s proven his acting skills (he didn’t get to showcase them much in MSOAN, but his Hong Tae Sung was dead-on)!

  4. Getting angsty here….LOL! But it is quite typical to have some conflicts/issues towards the end of the drama….well….I agree with you…KJW is so HOT HOT HOT with the back huggin’ pleading for MR….I think which is in a way professing his love to her which he did not know/uncertain of…..

    We have seen so many scenes where misunderstanding happened and MR/MG get back together with no huff n puff….it is just like it melts away like the snow gets the sunlight .. so I think it would be solved quite easily in the next episode….

    As per your earlier comments on the comparison between M3 and YB….comparatively the storyline has more punch in YB compared to M3…but I think acting wise….I would prefer M3 better… but nevertheless, I love both dramas coz
    1. JGS is in both – love him to pieces…
    2. I love rom-com such as these (not forgetting PK n SKKS)
    enough reasons? LOL!

    Thanks for the recap koala…I hope you have a good vacation….don’t worry about us… we will just patiently wait for your return….we will almost die out of exasperation but we will still survive with raws…hahhahaha…

  5. I think the ring was the JungIn’s engagment ring from devil daddy that his mom pawned . I think he bought back the ring and was returning it to JungIn ( although I don’t get why it was wrapped unless thats how they gave it back to him). That is the only way I can understand why Mu Gyul would be going to JungIn’s of all places.

    • Or could it be MG’s gonna propose to JI afterall….LOL. Naaah….he’s too eager to cut all and any ties between JI and his Maeri Christmas so they can hurry and get to boating time….oohh Yeeah!!! 😉

      Thanks for the recap and crossing fingers for wedding boating and all of the above!! So I guess Maeri’s cutting ties with loser daddy too since she has no intention of going home to him but staying at MG’s… Go Maeri!

  6. “Mu Gyul is happily walking to Jung In’s place, and I’m like what-the-what on that disconnect. Let’s assume he went home first, didn’t see Mae Ri, and then headed over to Jung In’s place, okay?”

    MG just wanted to gave back the ring to JI, then rush home to be with his Mae Ri… so sad, one of them going to lose Mae Ri.
    Why is it illegal to have two husband? 🙁

    • Okay, now THAT makes sense. Too bad sense was knocked out of me earlier by the kidnapping.

      Thanks for the clarification, I’ll edit.

  7. thnx ockoala for the are olwayz the first thing i searched in my computer because i really want to read your recap.just your recap coz i don’t wat those other recaps of M3 like in dramabeans…im really sad that you will not recap the last two episodes but then again thank you for the time that you shared to us and the views of this addicted drama of mine.just enjoy your holiday with the one you loves…

    merry x mas to u and ur family…love your superb recap and i think m3 will olwayz be my fave drama because of the geungeun couple that stole my heart:)

    • I am recapping the last two episodes! Just not on my regular schedule, look for it next week, hopefully around the weekend time.

      • i am waiting then with all your followers here patiently waiting for your great recap…i really love not really used to read kdrama blogs but now your my no. 1 kdrama blogger…love, love. love it olwayz:)

      • yay! yuo’ll recapping ! yay! and THAT’s my xmas present… ! huuuuu ^^

        Thanks ockoala ! love ur blog damn MUCH !

  8. I believe the ring box contains the ring that devil daddy gave Mae-ri — I thought I recognized it. In fact, that would make sense, then, that MG would go see JI first: he could give back the ring, break things off with Jung In (hmmmm…that sounds a little more *cough* suggestive than I was initially thinking…heh), and then go back to Mae-ri to announce the good news and hopefully get to some good boating.

    What else can I say at this point? I love MR and MG together even more every passing moment, I still don’t like Seo Jun, the respective parents need to drop off the face of the earth, and JI is hot despite being the second lead. And I wish there were two MRs, one for MG and one for JI. The backhug scene was even sadder than the drinking scene last episode. *heaves sigh* Thankfully, the concert scene was hot and pervy Mu-gyul is even cuter than singing-on-stage Mu-gyul. ^_^

  9. Thanx for recap.oh how I wish they wont go around in circle again.I love everything in this ep except when SJ still longing for MG and deny MG love her!out of pity!pfft yeah right go dreaming crazy I like it how MG still have perv mind but still not jump at MR and ravish her but take his time so that MS will eventually fullfil his at the end,this is like a pay back of last ep where MR witness SJ forced a kiss on MG however this have more emotional.I smell make up sex,please make it,not make up sex then first nite make up fight?are they not release preview ep15 yet?

  10. Another great recap!!!Thank you so much!!!
    ““This song is dedicated to the person who turned the cold Winter of my heart into the warmth of Spring. Merry Christmas….I LOVE YOU!” Oh my heart, can you beat a little slower, I’m afraid I’ll need a visit to the ER for heart palpitations.”

  11. Thanks Ockoala! Oh my gosh! I feel so sorry for Jung In. I guess he really has fallen in love with Mae Ri but has resigned to the fact that she will never love him back. The poor guy needs me. Moi! Heh! Can’t wait to see KJW’s performance in the back-hugging scene!

    I’m still loving M3 despite the craziness and I know it is largely because of the three talented actors, and I feel a little melancholic because it will end very soon. Sigh.

    Mae Ri Christmas Ockoala! I’ll certainly miss you.

  12. First of all, I have to say.. you are freaking hilarious koala!!!! I will really miss your recaps next week, but do enjoy yourself in Japan my dear…

    however, I am sad that M3 is ending soon cos I love my OTP so much and I won’t be able to enjoy their cuteness anymore, crap plot notwithstanding.. sob..

    JI, JI, JI.. I really felt for him this episode…it’s suddenly like he has discovered that he does like MR and is desperately scrambling for some more time with her… poor baby.. and you are right.. KJW really does ‘broody’ very well, AND he can carry off a ‘reindeer’ sweater.. I hope he can get the girl in his next drama and I will be there cheering him on..

    coming to the end of M3, I think my greatest sorrow is that such a talented and wonderful cast has been let down by such a poorly thought out script.. truly, my heart bleeds for all these actors.. they put so much into their characters but the results are so dismal and they’ve lost so many followers along the way.. so that only a small loyal group like us here get to witness the brilliance of their acting..

    My christmas wish is that these actors can band together again with a fantastic script and create a wonderful drama that will shut all their critics up..( impossible but I’m glad to have put that down in writing..)

    Have a beautiful Merry Chirstmas and a wonderful New year, koala and all the other M3ers 🙂

  13. I”m glad I’m not watching this for the plot…XD Jung In why do you have to be so awesome?

    I would like to wish you happy holidays and have fun stalking Yamapi…(damn it I want to stalk him too *whines*) Yamapi <3

  14. Thanks for the recap…. I just watched the episode without subs and then reading your recap makes my day.

    I totally am with you when Mu Guel was coming to Jung In’s place with such anticipation with his gift box. I was also thinking where is he going? he knew mae ri is waiting at his place. she mention that she will not have to go to Jung In’s place since she told the villain daddy everything.

    And yes, about the door with no locks…. so anybody can come in and go out in Jung In’s house??? LOL!

    Ah! and one more thing…. Mu Guel hurt his wrist in the first place… and later his shoulder… more focus was on his shoulder later and it didn’t seem hurting when he rolled over to Ma Ri’s lap on the bed…. who is directing? who is responsible for checking the details? are they trying to wrap up the drama in a hurry… I didn’t like the fact they try to make a fool of the viewers…. so many bloopers….

    Which reminds me the day when Mu Guel announce Ma Ri is his wife after the first performance in the office.. and get in the fight… back at Ma Ri’s place when she was tending his bruise he sees her bruise on forehead as well… and once time he has a tip-bud on his hand and the next there wasn’t .. and again there it was and the next it wasn’t there….. Ahhhhh! give us a break!

    Although, I thoroughly enjoy this drama… love to watch Jang Geun Suk acting… I watch it only because he is in it otherwise I would not have bothered to watch it.

    • Yeah too much bloopers,remember riding bike for trying to avoid loser dad?haha I just laugh at it because our OTP sweetness cover it up.hehe

  15. Forgot.have a nice holiday and wish I can have one.huhu.see you next weekend (I hope)
    merry christmas and happy year to you captain and I hope our ship will land on happy merry land.

  16. omo! no, that should be OMO! *faint* koala, you nearly gave me a heart attack with that top screen cap. From that picture alone, one KJW back hug is much better than no KJW back hug at all. =)

  17. Many thanks for another great recap!! A Maeri Holiday season to you and your family!!

    My heart is still going crazy with that public proposal, so swoon-worthy!! This is why I love you so much, MMM!

    And I love that quote, so apt for what I feel for M3 🙂

    Never knew that reindeer sweaters can be so sexy…

    Thanks again ockoala!! Enjoy the holidays!

  18. Thanks ockoala for your fabby recap 🙂

    … for, “I will leave you all with a quote by Elizabeth Barrett Browning”

    The pragmatist in me wanna say this, …. The Young and the Restless. When they get older, they become more restless.

    the love conquers all mindset is romantic and idealist then, reality hits like a bang! I believe…dramas are entertaining but we (esp young gens) should always be responsible enough on knowing what is reality. Else, life will revolve around this romantic idealism and waking up one day with the harsh reality.

    sorry guys! I enjoyed the drama but thats it.

  19. “locks be damned” hahah too funny. Tx for another hilarious recap. Totally made my crappy day at work much better. I don’t care how much other people complain about how ridiculous and bad writing it is, I love the craziness & the cuteness!!

    Have an awesome vacation! We all deserve it.

  20. OMG that jung in back hug absolutely kills me! i love all of Jung in’s scenes in this drama..always poignant and introspective. KJW has got soul!

    Maeri Christmas Koala! Thank you for all your hard work.

  21. “Mu Gyul is happily walking to Jung In’s place, and I’m like what-the-what on that disconnect. Let’s assume he went home first, didn’t see Mae Ri, and then headed over to Jung In’s place, okay? Or maybe Mae Ri left him a note that she needed to pop by Jung In’s place. I don’t know anymore – the lack of any sense in plot development in this drama is slowly making me insane.” – i think what happened was that he lied to Mary that he will be late because he will be getting the pawned engagement ring…that’s why he’s happy going to the director’s house because he can now return the ring to him.

    • what the heck..i should’ve read the first few comments before putting this one..somebody already told this to you..sorry, my bad. :p
      anyways, love your recap. this is very helpful specially for those people (like me^_^) who doesn’t understand the language. ^_~v

  22. Jung In!!! awwwww.. i feel for you sweetie!!! the back hug.. as much as it is rrreeeaaallly hot… made me cry.. i felt the emotional connection that he was trying to hold on to Mae Ri, but he knows that he needs to let her go too, i guess that is why he asked Mae Ri to just stay like that a little longer.. too bad that it was witnessed by equally hot Kang Mu Gyul… hmmnnn..

    the public declaration of love was just priceless!! it made me squee like a highschooler and melt like a puddle of goo all the same time.. sshhheeesshhh… and pervy Mu Gyul.. pervy indeed!! hahahaha!! at least we all know what he WANTS for christmas!!! no subtlety at all.. hahahaha!!! cute shamelessness!!!!

    two more and it’s the end of it.. hopefully everything gets resolved so that everybody is happy in k-dramaland.. 🙂

    and to ockoala.. a very merry christmas to you and a happy new year!!! enjoy your vacation with your family and get a well deserved break. all of us will be waiting for you when you come back. 🙂

  23. Hi Ockoala,

    Thank you so much for this recap and photos. We really appreciate it that you share your love for M3 with all of us. This is a happy Christmas for all of us.
    Have a very enjoyable vacation. Wishing you and your family a very joyful and blessed Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    We’ll be patiently waiting for your return. Take care, and thank you again.

  24. yamapi-stalking is a good cause… *____*

    thanks for the recap!

    agree with how pointless the ending was for a “walk-in” cliffhanger (although i agree that jung in needed a scene like that… but couldn’t it be much earlier? or a day after? XD).. unless they turn it around on us and make it more serious because she promised she wouldn’t go anywhere and wait for him on his birthday. i actually don’t understand why she decided to go over to jung in’s house that very night when he said he was going to wait until he got his answer; it’s not like he was out waiting in the snow and cold without an umbrella like Some Other Guys in Some Other Stories. couldn’t she wait another day? i do actually love how, in past episodes, the “walk-ins” have been forgiven and forgotten fairly quickly… and i’m praying for it now.. two hours of viewing before it ends.

    • yes, i don’t understand why MR had to choose that night too….

      reasons why she shouldn’t have chosen to go to JI’s place on X’mas eve:

      (1) she promised to wait at home for MG.

      now, no matter how bored she is while waiting, a promise is a promise.
      promising your boyfriend to be at one place while turning up at another place in close proximity to another man is akin to betrayal. at least, that’s the 1st feeling I get. of cos our OTP will work it out later, but i’m slightly irritated with MR for being insensitive.

      (2) MG’s birthday

      of all days, she had to do this on his birthday?? inexcusable….

      (3) Would make JI feel worse

      my heart goes out to JI for being so much alone on Xmas eve.
      Is MR going to JI and rejecting him that night supposed to make JI feel better? i’m sure JI will get the message if he spends the night alone

  25. “Mu Gyul is happily walking to Jung In’s place, and I’m like what-the-what on that disconnect. ”

    Haha he probably got the pawned ring back and walked first thing over to Jung In’s place to give it back to him and cutting off all ties of the engagement. Then he was probably going to go over to his house and tell the sleeping Merry Christmas that they have no worries.


    • Ahahaha nm someone wrote the exact same thing…twice apparently.

      Ok you get it you get it!

      So I’ll just use this post as a sad groan as to how pathetic and sad Jung In looked alone with that whole table of food. I just wanted to hug him so badly :<

      He should have just taken all that food to the living room and watched The Notebook or something.

  26. I totally understand how JI feel at that moment. He got denied from mary. He was losing her. He missed her. She is the warm person. Absolutely, he needs her to be with him on Christmas eve day like a family. On the otheer hand, she asked him for the divorce. That is the heartbreaking scene. Mary felt sorry for him, because she couldnot fullfill his feeling. As we knew, Mary has a kine heart. That is why she cried. I wish three of them have Christmas eve together. Please don’t leave JI behind.
    Additionally, I like the scene. It shows the development and feeling of JI charactor. One thing that I don’t like is I have to wait freaking one week to watch the next episode. Dang!!! I try not to think about the last scene and keep watching MG drama showcase istead. That is the most awesome scene in this episode. I can feel MG and MR’s chemistry. They make me smile, laugh, grin, and unforget their faces. Dang!!! again, these two people (MR and MG) take over my heart and mind without myself knowing it. Thank you the bloger!! bye

    • Mutual feelings there…my heart is aching for Jung In, this character has lots of repressed feeling. One of them is he really likes Mary but aware of her feelings for Mu Gyul and vice versa so all he can do is accept the fact and enjoy her companionship, ( who would dare compete with the MG and Mary’s love when it is fully developed one and not an instant attraction which can be easily disillusioned.) I will always stay loyal to MSOAN though there are unexplained loops in the story not because I agree with the plot of the story but because I love the acting prowess of the characters. “There really are no small roles, only small actors and actresses.” So no matter how the plot goes though it doesn’t meet some of our expectations but the cast did justice to the roles they play, thats what makes me anticipate and see this story through with a warm a warm heart. With due respect the writer is compelled to put everything in his/her mind with so little time taking us to a roller coaster of confusion.
      All for the best!

      I’m going to miss the recaps come this Christmas octave since our dear ockoala would be on vacation.( Be safe ockoala and blessed Christmas to you!)

  27. I could not use enough words to say thank you to you Koala to gather us here and share our thoughts and feelings. I love your words, your thoughtful comments and I enjoy every comment here…all comments are funny and constructive. We’re like a group of stranger friends to have the same feelings from our heart. This X’Mas is really warm when i discover ur site.

    I’m not sure if I can find another cutest couple in Kdrama land or not but i can say that MR/MG is my favourite and cutest couple so far. These two are so adorable that we wish they can become a couple for real.

    I love this drama so much that i feel i already miss it more now when it ends though we still have 1 more week

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Koala and other ppl here. I wish you all the best for this season. May joys and happiness walk with you forever

  28. Thanks again Ockoala for the great recap….Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!…Enjoy your christmas vacation with your family…You deserve it…

    I will be patiently waiting for your last two recap of M3…No matter what happens on the last two episodes, for me, M3 is the best K-drama for this year…

    • i know.. he’s insanely cute. it must be the hair..

      i was grinning like an idiot watching this ep more so whenever my screen froze on his face (kbs able buffers a lot last night). i was never a fan of JGS, his off screen fashion sense makes me shudder but here he’s so so cute (i was not concentrating on his clothes). pair up with the adorable MGY (it must be the hair too!) i turn into a puddle of goo..

  29. Koala, will you able to post ep 15 written preview before you go for holiday!!Waiting seems killing me!
    Thank you so much for the wonderful recaps..You make us love MSOAN more n more..Take care!

  30. “A nomad and a woman longing for stability – their love story make me swoon because I can both rationally understand why they would be a perfect fit, and emotionally connect with why they love each other. That’s why the central OTP works in M3” <3

    thanks for the recap :] you will be missed next monday & tuesday .
    i hope you enjoy your vacation ! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year !

  31. i wonder what will happen in the nest 2 episodes when the story is like has not reached its peak yet. the story is a bit slow, & lacks excitement and storyline in every episode. the only thing that keeps me going is my love for the characters. Jung in’s character is a bit flat, he hasn’t changed from beginning w/c i think is one of the most vital part to give the story a lil twist. it’s sad that u wnt be able to make recaps of the nest episodes coz u are the fastest to give recaps among all the bloggers, we really appreciate ur effort & amazing detailed recap 🙂 mwah!

  32. “Yup, I think this calls for make-up sex in the next episode! Oh wait, they haven’t even had non-make-up sex yet. Whatever, this is the exact misunderstanding that calls for boating to resolve.”

    We want to see intense kissing – even better than the alley kiss….and make-up sex…with the curtains be rid off…LOL!

    Is there going to be any special episode for M3? Wish there would be…

    • Oh oh that would wrap the show hot way.intense kissing and make up sex.huayah.
      Yeah that would be awesome,hope they will make special episode

    • My best way for this to happen in my mind would be that JI’s reason to get to get MR to his house, was to give her a gift of the completed divorce decree, which happens after MG calms down.

      They end up going to the friends’ and bandmates’ party, where they have an impromptu, but real wedding (after a sincere proposal on bended knee), and go home to celebrate MG’s birthday and down comes the wall of Jericho. It would fit into MR’s realm of morality.

      Then they get it registered as soon as the gov’t offices are open, but the dads still do not know. MR is kidnapped by the dads an made to march down the aisle. MG struggles to get in. He objects to the wedding where he says, “This is my woman. We are married!” And holds up the document while everyone gasps.

      I’m trying to figure out how the drama scene they practiced I think in ep. 6 fits in. She talks about breaking up and he talks about not being alone any more. MG actually ends up saying that cheesy stuff that made him crazy the first time. Then he tells her that he wants her to be his family.

      Sooo… to get there, there has to be an argument. I’m afraid that MG will lose it at JI’s house though and MR will tell the men that she will marry no one.

      Then MG discovers the massive effort MR made and feels like a schmuck again. Maybe he finds her at the friends’/bandmates’ party and then that would be where they make up and then let the wedding festivities begin!

      Can you tell that I’m laid up right now with too much time on my hands to think about this stuff?? ha ha

      • ahahah nice one Jellybean, they should be married soon so when evil dad wants to kidnapped her, MG comes to rescue and make declaration that MR is his official wife and she and JI already divorce..aww that would make better ending and at last episode they still showing brickering love argument and with a surprice little brat exactly like his dad MG running around make their head dizzy…that would be a crack good laughing ending.

  33. two bad news for next week 🙁 m3 ending and no koala!!! i’ll be waiting for your recap…
    now i really was yelling at mae ri at the end of this epi, why did she went and why did she not break the hug why????
    anyway i scream and clap everytime i saw the declaration scene and at the end of the concert when jgs blink an eye (i rewatched this concert sequence like 5 times, or more???), hot hot hot guy, and that bed scene about the curtain, hotter!!!!!
    seriously this drama brought me back to my adolescence i’m now a 15 years girl in love with jgs and every smile, grin and thing he does!!!
    mae ri christmas and happy new year koala and m3 followers!!!!

  34. Dear Ockoala,
    Firstly I wish to say Merry Chirstma and Happy New Year 2011.
    As you may know already how much I love your blog/AKP.
    I wish to see u in real life, I mean it, if u have any plan to visit to Sydney, pls contact me I think u got my email.

    Now I want to write about … same as u I had bad news too.
    I know that this is bout M3 but I cannot keep it myself anymore.
    I think u and some of PK fans here have already known about cancelling about Taiwan PK promotion on 26,DEC.
    I feel so sad and bad in many different ways. First I worry for KHJ (the reason of cancelling was he is sick/fartigue) then I want to know how is Jung So Min coping as she is a new actress in this situation.
    After that I feel sorry for Taiwan fans too. All PK fans have been exicting and waiting for that day, including myself.
    Some fan blogs comments saying that khj is not really sick and there was disaggremet about media aggragement form TW ect… fans are very upset. But whos know the true.
    But PK fan meeting will not be only at Taiwan, there will be other oversea countries to go on in half year of 2011. I will wait and see about all this.

    Now , I bakc to M3, thanks so much for your awesome recap as usual. Although ur recap of epi 15&16 will be in after new year I will wiatwith patience to read them. I love the 1st picture of JI&MI so cute. I read all in again tonight.

    Wishing you all the best.
    May god bless you and all.

  35. Dear Koala
    I know how you’re feeling. I won’t be here for the conclusion. 🙁 but i can’t wait to come back to it!
    I also wanted to scream in to my computer and faint when i saw the photo you decided to post for this recap. JungIn-Oppa!!
    This is still the only drama were i haven’t been able to decide on who i should root for. Jung In or MuGyul? The back-hug from JungIn makes it even harder!!!

  36. I gasped so hard when I saw the main picture for this recap. Jung In back-hugging Mary?! :O
    but SIGH. you do not know how many times my heart cried out for Jung In…. so many times T.T
    I wanted to hug Kim Jae Wook so bad when he was having the nightmare, called out “omma” and then even shed some tears ToT. Then I was so proud of him for confronting his father but when his dad slapped him, I wanted to hug him again ;A;
    and again when he was lonely and wanted Mary’s company. seeing him like this makes my heart hurt.
    the writer has made him into such an enigma. I can’t understand what’s going on in his head, what he’s really feeling. I’m totally hoping for a reverse ending lol that would be so out of the ordinary. but if that does happen, whatever fans there will be left would probably only be the ones from Team Jung In haha

    ilu Kim Jae Wook♥ & Jung In~

  37. I’m actually not following this drama right now (stopped at ep 11) precisely because I’m in denial of its ending. I don’t want to see Jang Geun Suk being… well, anyone else besides Kang Mu Gyul right now. I watched that show where he vacationed in Hawaii and went berserk screaming… Mu Gyul!!! Mu Gyul da!!!! …simply because he was supporting that hairdo and being totally sexy and androgynous for the whole trip (except that by the end of the video, I was a bit confused when I saw Hwang Tae Gyung riding a horse… @___@” )

    I’ll miss him terribly when M3 ends and I’m not that eager to see its conclusion. Am watching it 1 ep per week now, so your decision to continue the recap after New Year is perfect for me.. haha *ish nuts*

  38. OMG i love KJW can he pls play a character that gets the girl one day, because in reality no sane girl would turn that down.

    Also i dont think it will be as plane sailing with this one I think MGyul will get really pissed with Mary and JIn as he went ape shit at SJun when he saw her come out of a guys car and had her sleave ripped.

    I predict a heck of a lot of heartache in the next ep :S

    if i was Mary i still wouldnt be able to choose between the two in the fantasy world of M3 or in the real world. x

  39. Aigoo… one wink, and I’m a talking goo on the floor. MuGyul a, what did you do to me… ^^;;

    I love that concert scene. I was squealing when MuGyul made his entrance (thank God I was in the safety of my room… and it made me recall certain scene in certain sbux LOLZ) and I was all warm and giddy when he made his love declaration. What did he say to make him looked so embarrassed (and the crowds were laughing too), before the said those words “MaeRi Christmas, saranghanda”. SJ’s gape made it all the sweeter for me… ^o^

    And I’m still giggling rewatching the hot-blooded-male MuGyul with his bday gift request. His face when he said it, and when the meaning dawned on MaeRi… ROFLLLL I’m soooooo gonna miss this couple come next week… *sigh* Never has a drama couple had this effect on me…

    I was kinda hoping the ending of the ep would be when MG came home and saw his MaeRi Christmas asleep on the couch… and then he noticed the curtain has been pushed to the side… warm smile, soft kiss to wake her up, as he carried his girl to bed… ^O^ *we’re all desperate for boating scene I guess… lolz… please PD n writer, give us one!!*

    I would rather the ep ended with warm notes (since it would be christmas week after all) instead of this so-called cliffhanger. And instead of another misunderstanding, I would rather be shown how the couple worked together to deal with the parents and tying up everything before we get the happy ending.

    Now, let’s start the last count down… 5 more days!

    NB: Oh, you’re going to Japan for the holiday? It will be so much fun (with or without chasing Yamapi ^.^) Have a great time with your family, dear Koala… In case I don’t get to say this later: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Milliong of thanks for recapping this drama and sharing with us all your insightful comments. *MungMung!!*

  40. Hi everyone!

    Thanks for the well-wishes. A Mae Ri Christmas and A Happy New Year to you all, too! It’s been a treat to share M3 with folks who enjoy watching it. 😀

    • ..this is non-M3 related…but we might have been long lost relatives because… if you’re really going to places w/ lots of “onsens and insane amount of snow”..we might be heading to the same direction… ^_^

      Have a great trip and enjoy ” the weather” 😛

      • Is it a place that starts with an H and ends with an O? LOL, we just might run into each other. We need a code word to recognize each other. Though I’ll be in Tokyo for a few days first, and the chances of any two human beings running into each other in that city is less than zero.

      • haha yes…the place starts with an H and ends with an O. But I’ll be in both Tokyo and Kyoto before heading to it. If you’re in Tokyo next Tuesday… it will be a great coincidence ^_^

  41. Dear Ockoala,

    Thanks much for another wonderful recap. I cannot imagine how busy you must be preparing for your vacation and still finding time to quickly deliver us this wonderful recap, the antidote to our severe craving for that crack, aka M3. Thanks again!

    I have not finished watching the episode yet but like many I too swoon over the picture of JI’s back hug of MR. That picture just exudes so much longing…

    I wonder what led to JI’s quick turnaround. In ep 13, he became cold towards MR, then now at end of ep 14, he asks MR to stay?

    Love the quote from Elizabeth Barrett Browning. I only know her through her “how do I love thee” poem. Thank you for teaching me something new.

    Have a safe trip, a Merry Christmas and Cheers to the New Year!

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  42. omo!!! that was a very desperate move of my poor JI to hold onto MR for one last time. i felt his loneliness, emptiness, and his grown feelings for MR. though i know that he won’t get MR at the end (coz, hello… he’s a second lead only 🙁 ), my heart still torn into pieces. don’t cry my baby!!! i’m with you all the way. you’ll be my happy valentines and i’ll be your april fool forever. what about that?! heheh! the OTP…. maeri xmas and happy new year are meant to be…. so be it.

    and to all m3ers…. chillax!!! it’s maery xmas and happy new year after all. 😀

    lastly…. thank you so much ockoala… happy holidays!!! 😀

    • poor Jung In, I’m crying. Maybe she’ll realise he’s the one? Nahhhh! No way….Boo hoo hooo allenif get me some tissues, I’ve run out of mine!

      • chingu!!!! catch the box of tissue!!! i’ve stocked a lot of it for this inevitable moment. huhuhuh!!! but wait, i have to save some for the final episode…. for that one last cry :((

        nevertheless… Happy Xmas chingu!!! may we be happy in our next drama trip. 😀

  43. LOL, I love reading the comments here, they just cracks me up. The drama seems to be driving everyone a little crazy with their unlocked doors (which seems to occur in nearly every episode) and scattered maery go-round plot but we died hard fans of M3 are still loving every moment of it.

    The writer have to make up to us by just having 2 full episodes of just Maeri & Mugyul sweet scenes (with more kisses and skin please).

  44. Okay, okay I’m just thinking here…..Mu Gyul will be upset and will end it with Mae Ri, she’ll lose her soul and agree to marry Jung In. Jung In will oblige, but will later realize he can’t do it . He’ll talk Mu Gyul to his senses on the day of wedding. Mu Gyul will cut his hair (because the hair is a supporting cast member and very pivotal to the plot) and with that he’ll take the place of the groom unbeknownst to Mae Ri of course. A happy-happy love ending. I had fun thinking that up while I washed the dishes. This drama is what it is, a romcom. The writing doesn’t need to make complete sense, it just needs to entertain!! I for one have been thoroughly entertained. Thanks ockoala for your excellent recaps, its makes watching the episodes all the more enjoyable. Have a good holiday!

    • that actually sounds like a plausible ending.

      besides often reacting in anger to such scenes, MG may very well really blow his top. he was so happy bouncing the ring box up and down while going to JI’s house, because he is using his hard-earned money to redeem MR’s freedom of marriage, and seeing JI / MR in a hug may blow his reason to kingdom come.
      remember that scene when sick MG saw JI kiss MR? MG totally lost it too.

      so, possibly, after Ep 15 of moping around and being apart, our OTP will come together in Ep 16.

      the idea that MR won’t know about the change in groom is wacky, it’s fun, and it ties back to the wedding scene in Ep 1 where MR was torn between 2 grooms and her wedding turned into a nightmare.

      this time. when everyone expects JI to be the groom, it’s suddenly replaced by MG – tada! surprise! and it turns out into a blissful dream come true for MR.

      then guess what the two daddies’ reaction will be?
      will loser daddy still say, “Stop! This wedding is invalid!”
      will devil daddy get a heart attack on the spot? ha!

      wow, lovelee, that will be an ending that suits the drama!

  45. I think I figured it out- Daddy Christmas has a master key that unlocks all the doors. That’s why he was able to burst into JI’s house this ep.

    Koala- Thanks for creating a nice happy place for us to visit. We’ll miss you next week.

  46. hello everyone, does anyone knows how to translate the english words for hello hello???
    thanks for your time…
    merry christmas to all..

  47. Does anyone know if the girl who sang “My precious” in this episode was Moon Geun Young? It sounded really cute! Also, is it just me, or does she have the most GORGEOUS HAIR ON THE PLANET?

    • No u’re not the only one, count me in. I found her outfit and her hair as Mary is super adorable, perfectly fits with MG style hehehe

      • Are you telling me that’s her real hair? I assumed it’s a wig. She can’t possibly have that much hair?

      • I know that it’s a wig coz i already watched CS but even it’s a wig it fits her well

      • It’s totally possible! I used to have Mae Ri hair and bangs until I chopped it off ahhh~ maybe thats why I love this drama XD I’m just vicariously living though her haha!

  48. Thanks for the recap koala…I hope you have a wonderful vacation.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!! to you & your family….
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!! to all of Commenters

  49. Thanks you very very veryyy much for the recap,

    I will really miss M3 once it’s over :'(, since we won’t be seeing you next time Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, it would be selfish of us to want you to not fully commit to your family during this time, hope you have a great time, enjoy your loved ones and I’ll be right here when you’re back.

    Haven’t seen the raw yet, but I loved your recap of it, I can’t wait to see the last scene and I hope MG reacts like an “adult” (just think ‘what would my mother do?’ and do the contrary MG lol), I really feel for JI and I hope he gets to slap evil daddy before the end! Oh and loser daddy deserves to be ignored by his daughter till the end of time…

    Merry christmas to all!!!!

  50. the ending backhug caught me in bad spot – i was watching at a public plc and let out a very loud KYAHHHHH

    i want to love JI (i wish i can clone MR for him) i know how down he felt after the confrontation with his evil dad, all alone sans MR. but no no no no… MG – who knows what his reaction is, wait i do know.. he’ll lash out, then backpaddle after it’s out of his system. sighhh, i truly hope it will be a non event or whtever that will lead to a boating scene – lets all start chanting nowww.. (i mean why not?)

    abt SJ statue kiss, it WAS a non event but it left MR in a mild funk, she was stewing fr a few days.

  51. OMG….I have not even watched this ep, but koala, your first cap of Jung In and Maeri is so powerful and heart breaking, that it makes me tear.
    Now I don’t dare to watch the ep. I am afraid I will not be able to take it 🙁
    Kim Jae Wook you are really breaking my heart!

  52. Dear ockoala

    Thanks so much for your recap, and enjoy your well-deserved holiday 🙂 Somehow with the amount of goodies you have for us on your blog on such regular basis, I can understand why your family has to confiscate your computer for this holiday 😉

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! M3ers Will also be taking some time away from my lappie for the next few days as well, but I will be back to enjoy the sharing and squeeing on this blog once the final 2 recaps are up, and to see how much of the ending I’ve predicted by Ep 13 does happen 🙂

  53. thnks ockoala~ I haven’t watch episode 14 yet.. bt the last scene was really really really hot. BUT this time, i don’t know how would MG reacts. sighs. i doubt that MG will let this pass.

    btw, happy new year to u ockoala n all of the friends here. 🙂

  54. well, first of all happy hunting Yamapi in Japan……and thank you for the recap. Happy Holiday and Merry Christmas….or should it be Maeri Christmas now?

    I finally watched the raw, and whatever this ending might be or how bad this drama, I love this show to pieces. If the writer did decided to pull the carpet right under our feet, it have been a good 7 weeks seeing these two fall in love with each other.

    Next week will be the finale, and let’s hope for a firework ending…….

  55. I promised myself not to read recaps before I watch any subbed episode…but when I saw a pic of Jung In hugging Mae Ri in facebook, I dashed here only to find out that it’s the 1st pic I’ll be seeing here hehehe thanks, Ockoala! You really know how to tickle MSOAN fans like me.

    Ok now I forgive myself for spoiling myself. Oh subbers, please hurry — I commited a crime lol

    Mae Ri Christmas everyone!

  56. Urgh!!! Don’t want to spend the precious last 2 ep of M3 wasted in angst and misunderstanding please! It is worrying because MR had said repeatedly that she would not move an inch until MG comes back but got caught instead in JI’s house (and arms too!!!). To make matters worse, she was crying. Previously when SJ kissed MG, MG was motionless with hands at his side and face expressionless. That took one ep to clear and no make up scene after either.

    Seriously, when is MR going tell MG that she loves him too and kisses him from right here to the heavens and back? MG has come such a long way, growing from strength to strength, not bailing out even for a moment and standing firm for his love.

    Hope new writer remembers that it has to be a MERRY christmas and HAPPY new year! 2 more hours of happy, love, intimacy and cute is all we ask.

    Happy Holidays Everyone!

  57. Thank you Koala for another LOL funny and insightful recap! Looking forward to ur recap for the last two episodes next week. Oh, and I love the qoute you put in the end…nice touch =)

    • PS
      I was just at DB and read GF’s ep 14 recap/review and some comments…Sigh, i don’t really know why I even bother to read it when I know I will just be hurt by their criticism of the show and all the negative comments. Anyhow, I just wanted to thank you for creating a haven of M3 bliss for all us fans.

      Oh, and to comment on your initial brain fart when you didn’t realize that MG was going to JI’s to return the engagement ring…I guess you must be really distracted with the holidays cause even I, not having read your recap yet and just saw the screen caps of JGS holding a ring box thought, oh he bought the ring back for Maeri as he promised! Actually, my first reaction was…OMO! Is he proposing?? But then realized it has to be the engagement ring that Devil Daddy gave Maeri cause the box looked awefully familiar…
      And another thing…I really hope you are right and we get some major boating and hot kissing in the next two episodes cause this is what, the nth time that Maeri has declined a chance to kiss MG?!! Maeri girl, if your not gonna use that totally gorgeous and hot blooded man of yours then you might as well pass him to ME!!! Sigh…I’m still chanting “I wanna go on a hot date with JGS!” but it’s STILL not working =(

  58. Ockoala, once again thanks for bringing us joy – MSOAN fans. I’d like to be positive about whats coming with next week’s episodes. Instead of a predictable hot tempered MG, I hope the writer would let us see a much mature MG, one who can have a semblance of control over petty jealousy and anger. An MG who is respectful, understanding and trusting. That’s what I’d like to see. In one of the MSOAN fan sites, I got to read a translation of the song “I Will Promise You ” by KMG/JKS and I can imagine MG singing that to MR on their wedding day. Aigoo! I hope that’s whats going to happen! LOL

    • Lol,I hope that too.MG not bashing out and we have our maeri christmas and happy new year weds and MG sang that song,I promise you.MR will cry tears of joy and jump,ravish MG right then and there,SJ can finally see the final bomb and quit her denial,JI okay and move on,evil dad goes to jail,loser dad goes to mars with loser mom.on top of that our OTP live happyly ever after in their lalala land.the end

  59. I have to say, that is one hot backhug. I would sooo love to be back hugged by JI anyday. I get where it would seem ridiculous for MG to get pissed but at the same time though, this skinship is different from the other times. The kiss was a surprise. I don’t think JI planned that at all and the drunken bout with him on top of her, that’s pretty self explanatory. This backhug though *le sigh* seems to me like JI is declaring his feelings to MR and it’s those feelings that’s gonna piss off MG. All in all though, I feel bad for the second lead. I still think he needs her more and yes I know that MG and MR are in love, but still, it’s sad.

    • @leddik I feel for JI too.gaah he almost make me jump ship especially when MG being busy and left MR alone,bit of me angry at MG just tiny bit..oh I’m in the middle of bridge,depend on how MG will react and JI.MG I’m counting on you!must make me believe that you will never make MR cry again

  60. Maybe it’s the holiday but I cannot stop thinking about how sad this will end for me if the OTP don’t stay together. Listening to I will promise you brought me to tears so much that my family asked and I felt like a fool. It’s only a drama. It’s only a drama. I needed to write this down so that I could feel better cause I read where there will be a twist and in reading all these reviews on dramas I know I am going to be sadder yet I can’t not watch. Should I just stop now and find out next year after the holidays or should I suck it up and watch like the rest of the fans? Hopefully no one reads my post since it is at the end but it sort of helps to write what I feel and how much I love this love story that just keeps getting messed with. I read MG says he wants to be free and MR owes lots of money but gets to go to college and work part time. They say good-bye but remain friends. I know that I read this wrong or something got lost in translation. My heart is breaking. It’s only a drama! Its only a drama! No not a spoiler, I don’t know that someone in the fan world was making this stuff up.

    • I’m sad too that this near what?is that a preview mom?no that would be wasted all love we had up till now!how can MG say that?doesn’t he want to make MR happy by being a great musician,buy the ring back.gaah I hate this kind of ending.can’t they just make 2last ep blasting with their cute lovely dovey?end it with marriage?please make it..

    • I hope that it’s not true cause it would trully be disappointing. I’m down cause next week is the last week of M3…I will miss my favorite leads but wish them all a happy ending.

      • yeah its like watching the end of OH!My Lady,Cinderella’s sister, with just plain ending and not a satisfied ending…I hope they wont do that,wasted time and OTP, like we have lots lovey dovey and then the end DANG! goes seperate ways????way to ruin the story epicness…I wish for this christmas that Maeri Christmas and Happy new Year have their happy end and wedding

    • rory’s mom, where did u read this?

      i’m hoping against hope this won’t be true …. the actors did say in the beginning that M3 is like a Christmas gift and they hoped that it would bring warmth to the viewers, and it’s not going to achieve that if the OTP breaks up??

  61. I am writing cause I have finally calmed down. It is after all only a drama. I knew from the beginning that it wasn’t going to end the way I wanted. This song “I will promise you” is MR to JI. She writes MG a poem about how she will never forget him and that he should be happy and free. Call me a spoiler if you must but JGS wanted this ending for his charactermuzt

    • Wout?is it real?official?wtf?this way I refuse to see the end.gaah so much wasting time.god I love this drama but wtf happening?why the writter do this!awful awful nightmare.gaah worse.gaah now I wont be able to sleep.I know it just drama but I happen to follow it with dissapoint.I hope it wont be like that!ruin christmas spirit.
      here goes ranting.excuse me.

  62. hi ockoala,..
    i’m always read your recap since playfullkiss,.thanks a lot for the recaps,.

    but i think,.mae ri is suitable with jung in,cz they can complete the missing spot on each other. Rather than with mo kyul, they have the same characteristics, family background (i meant: they have raised by single parent), and same evironment.

    in my opinion:
    i love smeone like jung in,.he hve a future plan,matur, and of course rich (hehe),.

    but its OK,.i’m still jang geun suk oppa’s fan,..

  63. OMG! I am definitely itching for the last 2 eps. Kinda sad it’s gonna end huh? But what if MG decides to end the relationship with MR so she can lead a “better life”? Oh no, they won’t do that right? The couple will be happily together in the end right? You have no idea how many times I watched the scene where MG appears with MR at the showcase and he professes his love for her. OMG! Too hot!! I just want to keep him in my pocket!!

  64. does any one know the song playing in this episode where mae-ri is inside the store buying something ( not so sure what it is ) … the song is english not korean ……

      • no it’s not hello, hello … it’s ep. 14 where Mae-ri is buying something ( i think its a make up )and she heard KMG interview on the radio inside the store , where she wore a green ear muffs , it’s an english song ….

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