
Possible Spoilers for Upcoming Episodes of Secret Garden — 22 Comments

  1. I love spoilers and this one is a wammy. Only thing getting me is I think the body switch has to have something to do with the ending. THANKS

  2. happy new year, ockoala!

    i’m glad you’re almost caught up with SG! i’m so in love with it still…actually more in love with the OTP and their crackling chemistry than anything else. i’ve never seen two actors so well-matched that i’m kinda wishing that they’ll be a couple in real life. (and this is coming from someone who swooned over Binnie and SHK during world’s within, so what does that say about my cheating heart? sigh.)

    as for this spoiler, i find it so cliched and predictable that i’m just not buying it. hehe. what i do know, and this has been confirmed, is this:

    (taken from SG soompi thread, i’ll just cut and paste it below)
    a concert of Oska ..
    it will also be a concert for OST of secret garden with 2000 fans gathered on 15th Of Jan . the OST performancers will be there as well as the cast of Hyun bin , ha ji won and YSH~ will be there and YSH will also be as Oska performing his concert for this esp to be aired on esp on 16th Jan . There will be gifts to be in lukcy draw lol i think they also giving out the tracksuit that is sew one thread by one thread and other sovineors ..The audience and cast will also be together to watch the esp aire on 15th after the concert !
    ***end of spoiler***

    anyways, however the story will end, i will always thank SG for giving me an OTP that i am so in love with. ahhhhh….every time JW/Binnie stares at RI/HJW with THAT look, my stomach turns and my heart beats so fast…its kinda ridiculous. 😉

  3. I must be the only person salivating like a rabid doberman over this. I love my emo melodrama angst! Heh. Gimme more!

    This said, I doubt this is accurate. I remember all those random untrue spoilers about Chuno when it was airing.

    • Hahaha, I knew you’d feel this way. Honestly, girl, you were made for wuxias (sorry for the tangent) which are heads and tails the KING of delivering emo melodrama angst.

      I mean, look at Yang Guo and Xialongnu. They may not be my fave Louis Cha novel OTP, but they sure give love a good name. I’m sure when YG lost an arm, you were all clapping for the sheer angst of it all. Not sadistically, of course, but the increasing level of shit that happens to that boy does make the melodrama junkie in me feel sated.

      I am 50/50 on this being true, but 10/90 on this happening now that the spoiler is out. KES HATES her shit being spoiled, and is notorious for screwing with her story to thwart the spoilees.

    • mousie, if writer does this to us, I will feed HER to the alligators, not Seul.

      If Ra Im goes all Nobel Idiot, screams will be heard across the K-drama universe.

  4. This is another, going-to-noble-to-save-the-person-i-love-just-to-have-angst plot device…. I love this drama but if its going this way I will really be pissed…. Hoping this is not tue…>_<

  5. Ok… I just want to make sure no one dies, right? Because of M3, that’s what I see whenever I hear “spoiler”-the lead dies. My heart can’t take it. I have tried not to watch or read any spoilers for this show until it finishes airing. There will be a happy ending??

  6. AMAZING, it is all becoming clear now as to why Ra Im’s dad swapped their bodies, i wonder if it rains during the scene or maybe Joo Won goes to find rain :s

    im pretty sure this is going to happen didnt Ra Im’s dad say that his daughter is ill, so he did this in an attempt to save his daughters life.

  7. The beginning makes sense, as it has already happened. JW mom has already told Ra-Im about the incident with her father (sorry if that’s a spoiler) 🙁
    It makes sense if the next episodes are as told in this spoiler.. things will begin to make sense ^^ *finger crossed*
    But maybe this is too good to be true, surely a k drama never pans out this easily?

  8. Thanks for the heads up ockoala!

    This was me after reading the spoiler: “OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOO”
    OoO (how do you make a face with my jaw on the floor?)

  9. I am late for SG usually. Although I like the main actor HB and actress HJW I only watch when they are in the normal characters ( means they are not in body switch).
    I like epi 13&14.
    After I read Possible Spoilers, I feel HUMMMMMM….. will someone die (I did read fm Han Cinema long ago about it RI’ll may die in SG ending, but I will keep saying …. Nooooooooooooo….. I want happy ending only please….

    Thanks for your great work as usual, Ockoala.
    I like your thought…. 0_0….. I cannot believe that u always have different awesome ideas. hahahaha….

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