SMAP Commercials for Soft Bank: So Funky It’s Cool
Does the world need SMAP in order to sell iPhones? The correct answer would be no, but the fangirl answer would be hell yes! When I was in Japan, I couldn’t turn the corner from Shibuya to Omotesando without bumping into a SMAP for Soft Bank billboard. The boys (okay, okay, kinda old dudes) were everywhere. And looking good, might I add.
Hard to believe that the original flavor boyband has been around for twenty years and are still together (not counting an early loss of one member to car racing – he didn’t die, he left SMAP to become a car racer). Makes you wonder why K_T-TUN can’t make it work (Jin, wai you leave Kame all alone to lead?).
Sorry for the digression, but the latest SMAP for Soft Bank CM is unbelievably adorable and cool. I just love it to pieces, and I guarantee after you watch it you’ll be smiling as well.
SMAP for Soft Bank CM 2010:
This CM is actually a series of SMAP for Soft Bank commericials that have been released in the last few years. Below are some others, all using the same song. Very groovy, and very SMAP-tastic. Yes, just like I made up the word Junki-licious, SMAP-tastic is now part of the official lingo of AKP.
SMAP for Soft Bank CM 2009:
The SMAP for Soft Bank 2009 CM is actually one of the most parodied and copied CMs on Youtube. People make it for their work retreat videos, for weddings – you name it, you can find it. Definitely a viral sensation in Japan last year.
Now all imma waiting for is KimuTaku‘s 2011 drama – the man only does one a year, didn’t you all know that. After TnK (aka Tsuki no Koibito aka the worst drama I watched in 2010), he owes me big time. But since I’m currently slowly watching Sora Kara, which is sublime and fascinating, KimuTaku can take his liony-maned time picking his next drama.
Oh I am so old – I used to dance the Locomotion! LOL They are too cute.
Ockoala! Thanks for posting this. I discovered SMAP (as well as JPop, KPop) only a couple of years back, and even though they’re not the greatest singers around, I just find them adorkable!! I need to visit Japan just so I can see all the billboards with SMAP (specially Kimutaku) on them….
SMAP!!! <3 These people are aorable (no matter how old they are XD)
Wait sora drama? Is that the really screwed up one when Kimutaku is evil where I feel guilty for shipping him with the main girl?…..<3 Kitagawa Eriko (the screenwriter) suprises from Long Vacation to…well Sora Kara…back to something like Orange Days and Tatta Hitotsu no Koi….o_0
Nope… it’s about incest story. Very dark drama. It’s english title is One Million Stars Falling from the Sky….
O u r watching Sora!!
Sora is him mastering being KimuTaku AND flexing his acting muscle to a perfect blend.
I’m watching slowly. It’s exquisite. LOVE IT.
LOL my sisters were in Japan in August and they were amazed to see the SMAP everywhere on tv (that takes us back to the good ol’days -97-!); happy to hear from them, they’re entertaining no matter how old they are!
And of course, the even funnier part is that the music is the Grand Funk Railroad version! Ah SMAP.
But that’s what makes them Sumapu, righto?
And 20 years later, they *still* can’t dance in unison. I love them now more than when they were at the height of their popularity.
And I can’t believe KimuTaku’s eldest girl is 10 years old! Man, how do you talk with your classmates when your daddy is KimuTaku? My mind spins.
SMAP kills me. It fills me with wonder every time I see them. I do love the 2009 Mane of Glory, though. That’s just hysterical.
SMAP! I love them; they are so adorable. Has it really been 20 years?! They’re probably the longest lasting boy-band in history.
Ugh, I still love K_T-TUN, Change “Ur” World is a catchy song, but Jin is just making a fool of himself :|. The only upside to his solo career is his interviews. “My skin is yellow, life is golden.”
I have only two words for Jin – Love. Juice.
So Soft Bank is…. a cell phone maker? I’m so confused.
Soft Bank is one of the biggest corporations in Japan, originally a tech company, but now has reaches in multiple industries.
Soft Bank Mobile is a wireless carrier, and Soft Bank is the official licensor of Apple products in Japan. Soft Bank stores carry iPhones, iPads, all Apple goods in Japan.
Thank you for the background info, Koala! Sometimes, context is everything.
KOALA WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR HANDS ON SORA KARA?? omg been wanting to watch that since foreverrrrrrr. I second you in that TnK was the worst drama of his (and okay, of 2010 though i didn’t really watch that many) – it wasn’t very predictable for me but ugh, it was the first time i didn’t dig a KimuTaku’s one.
also yes thank you for posting this, love love love the CMs!
I know TnK was a badly written drama. But it did introduce me to the land of Kimu Taku. So i will always be grateful. Since then i have watched almost all of this drama and love him every bit. He is so charismatic.
@jandoe, Sora Kara english title is One Million Stars Falling from the Sky. Google it, it’s available in almost every Asian drama site. Or you can download it from
i’m getting pretty rusty with finding direct downloads of old Jdramas online haha. thanks emeldy!!
nice, a post about SMAP
whoaa, Kimutaku’s daughter is 10 years old already
Woah….. our koala wacthing SMAP *happy!!
they’re not THAT old ha..ha..ha… but Yes, 20 years still going strong and looking good. Each of their humbleness keep them together for all these years. Expecially Kimura kun who can go solo with his extraordinary charm. But he stay in SMAP and accept the second position and respect Nakai’s leadership. That’s what make him more awesome in my eyes. ~ a to be married at the height of their popularity!!!! only HIM who could get away with it and still loved by their fans…….
Still laugh hard re-watching their Skit Boys segment in SMAPxSMAP (highly recommended)
ah…and Mori (when he quit) became a motorbike racer.