
My Princess Episode 6 Recap — 30 Comments

  1. THANK YOU for putting this up so fast and all the effort! We are so blessed to be able to enjoy your wonderful synopsis and comments!!!! I’m so on board this drama as well. Aja-Aja-Hwaiting!

  2. Thanks Ockoala. I just come to check this playground for recap quickly before I back to work, hahaha. You make my day. I do really want to read it …… but now I can’t……. I will be back again.

  3. AHHHH…… totally hit the spot!!! thanks okoala!!!
    this ticklish drama had me hooked from the very first preview…. the abs and the giggle……. i wish the days faster and am soooo grateful to have you make this trip one hell of a ride for all of us. its another PK roller coaster ride….OOOHHH i am soooo excited!!! SSH….. totally eclipsed my hyun bin love….something i never thought could happen….i was so desperate for him that i watched east of eden in 48 hrs…hahaha totally crossed eyed now… my partner threatening to cut my salary…..hahahahahaha….like i care!!!!!!!!! thats what sous chefs are for!!!! making sure i get my fix….even if it takes 2 days hahahahah

  4. OMG.. i love seul-hae young when they’re together.haha
    they’re hilarious and sweet at the same time..
    im definitely gonna check you blog much often now..

  5. thanks so much for this…After read some recap I thought I will be bit sad that this drama is being down after 4 ep because in ep 5 I don’t feel the vibe like in previous 4 ep..hehe but this back on track because they give more LS and HY on screen together with their silly bickering…I laugh my ass again….hope next ep will be more greatness though I doubt because LS is missing and that evil bitch YJ is having her winning time…god hate her so much….glad that JW already ditching her but I wonder what makes him do that??? did I miss something????

  6. did anyone see the preview of the next episode? HY can’t take his eyes off LS after she’s transformed into a swan w/ the new dress. I was like…he’s finally seen her beauty…(inside out!)…no more “there is nothing to see anyway”.
    But at the same time, I hope the drama is not turning dark in the next few episodes.

  7. I can’t believe Hae Young has not fallen for Seol yet! With all her cuteness! One tough cookie he is. (I think it stems from my personal believe that it only takes 3 dates/3 hours to decide/feel if that is the person to love or not.) And to punish him for taking so long, Seol ought to have more time with Jung Woo and drive HY insane. Why does drama jealousy is entertaining to me, I don’t know. It just is. BTW, I detest Yoon-Ju for her stretched smooth face with the weird smirk, supposedly pretty but very annoying.
    Seol’s sister is pretty.

    • i think he fell for her already but just didn’t know that yet. All the jealousy that he displayed recently showed that pretty well I think.

      they just haven’t had the opportunity to figure out their feelings yet.

    • I think he’s an honourable man who considers himself practically engaged to fish face. But he’s going to fall for her cos he can’t help it….ooooh delicious….I can’t wait!

  8. Thanks ockoala for this recap. After loving the written preview for ep 6, I decided to read this recap.

    Wow! Based from your recap and pictures above, SSH looks like is acting very well these days. More different facial expressions compared to EoE days. Good for him!

  9. I really like what u described HY. It’s exactly what makes him super charming in this drama. The combination that every woman wants.
    Thanks a lot for your impeccable recap!
    Can’t start my day without reading you blog

  10. Thanks for your great recap Ockoala….cos of you I can understand what’s going on. I agree with you what you said previously….this drama works best when two of them are interacting with each other. Ep 6 is so much more interesting than ep 5 cos of that. I loved the first part with just two of them. I hope they’ll have more of this. The 2nd lead is scary….she’s like a cold snake, poised to strike any time. She’s going to tell HY soon: I’m doing all this for you! It’s like PP….the guy rethinks his agenda after falling for the girl.

    Omg the preview for next ep….uh oh…what’s going to happen? She ran away? Back to the inn? HY will come running after her for sure! So shocked to see the end part after the replaying of scenes in the middle. Seul is so pretty…I love her twirly frilly princessy dresses….in the preview HY’s eyes widen….was it cos he sees her so pretty? But she’s pretty all the time….I love her though I hated her in Stairway to Heaven. It’s going to be all good for her from now on….she’s found her niche….romcom.

  11. hi ockoala thanks for the great recap and im just wondering can you recommend any site that i could be able to watch with english subtitle?? unfortunately viikii does not work..

  12. Dear Koala
    Thank you for your recap. am gonna stay put with your playground. have found others bit more opinionated and negative at times, well at least to me.. when it’s bit negative, I tend to lose interest in the particular drama.
    Your honest style of communication shines through more of the positive than the negative and one feels more comfortable to visit your blog. It’s friendlier here and am sure lots of visitors would second that.
    Just when I thought it is safe to go back into the waters, suddenly I see dear Koala cooking up a storm[I mean storm of goodies, that is.. ha ha]

    Honest compliment.. kamsahamida koala… you’re much appreciated for spoiling us with so so much goodies..
    Wishing you good day ahead… Cheers..

  13. I would like to say thanks so so much to Ockala for details meaningful recap for
    epi 6.
    I desperately want to know when I was watching in raw …
    1. what were HY & LS talking/bricking about as HY will be tutoring to LS
    2. what did LS said in her bed because of that make HY got crazy and throw her into the water
    3. why did LS and her mum cried sadly and LS was keep crying (I think) the whole night (HY was worry for her that end up with standing in fornt of her room door)
    4. what did YJ said to LS at the ending of epi 6 (YJ badly means to her something with full of evil jealously)

    Your details recap makes me realize/know all above, so I really thanks to you. Because I deeply interest in MP, hate to skip any scene and want to know the plots that scene to scene in each episode. That is how much I adore MP making and its got my total attention.
    Originally MP is normal story (mean not very new) to create the drama but as drama carry on since episode one I finding more and more interesting in storyline/script. MP making is totally different from others Princess story movies/dramas before, I did see.
    Now MP is showing us it is not a new story but totally brand new of script and making. Script writing in MP is really solid and I deeply wish that MP will not end with only 16 episodes and may continue/carry on more …..
    I really can’t wait to see how HY will fell to SL as he is waiting a chance LS not to become a princess. He really mad everytime he hears JW/professor name form LS…..
    I saw in this epi ending with a bit preview for epi 7, LS left Palace (due to YJ’s bitchiness, I think) and HY was worry and going to look for her……. I do want to know what he is going to say to LS as he did not want her to be a princess…….
    Now I am looking forward to hear from you, preview or spolier for epi 7 and epi 8 of MY PRINCESS. Big thanks in advance.
    You said that this drama is you 3rd recapped series. How amazing that you’ve been choosing the dramas that touch the viewers deeply in different ways and reasons?

  14. Koala thank you for another wonderful, eloquent, and of course hilarious recap. I’m loving MP, I’m just digging the whole “Princess Diary” montage and feeling. I hope the script can keep up, and we get more laughter and hilarious scenarios between Seol and HY, cause they are 100% making this drama work. I truly though I would ever say this but KTH is sure making a great comeback and showing that her acting forte is rom-com, she needs to stay away from those melodramatic roles, this fits her better.
    I’m soooo going to died when all four start living in at the palace, sooo much fun stuff to come, can’t wait. Btw, I don’t think HY is not in love with Seol yet, he is attracted her to her, but no love. I think he gets irritated/jelaous when Seol talks about the “Professor” cause he can’t stand competition and how dare a comoner like the “Professor” be better than him?..uhmm is more ego than anything at this stage. But sure is going to be delighful to watch how he reacts when the love bug bites, his hot behind….. 😀 😀 :D….

  15. Greeting to the Australian marsupial! ^^

    Been reading recaps on dramabeans and now yours as well, with much delight, which led me to watch ep 5 & 6. Muah ah ah, SSH – whether in his white suit (not someone else’s infamous sequinned one) over the fountain or in the bedroom. He’s more than a pretty boy, then, he’s also a playful one. ^^

    Been wondering about birth parents: we do know that Hae Young’s dad is alive somewhere, yet nothing about his mother nor Lee Seol’s, unless it was mentionned at some point? Odd, isn’t it?

    Oh and everytime Lee Seol is called “Mama”, that triggers my memory either to teenage years with this song by British group “Queen”, performed by Freddy Mercury (the chorus is the focus) or an Italian friend of mine talking to her mother. Either way it cracks me up. ^^

  16. Thank you ockoala!! Love it that you always bring us the best recaps for the best dramas:)

    I think he didn’t actually have to write a report on her…the fact that he forgot himself and offered to return her exam script to her immediately tells me that he made up the whole things and was just teasing her because she was so sensitive about it. Guys do that when they like a girl and just want to tease her.

    I love that he uses banmal with her when they are alone…they have this great dynamics and it makes it funnier when he uses polite language when the others are around, pretending to be all very professional heh.

    Did anyone else think it was telling that she looks to him for assurance when the biatch wanted to take her downstairs? His little nod to her was so cute. Down with Yoon Ju! Your oppa’s heart is moving towards Seol right under your nose. And you’ll get to witness it yourself!

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