
Kim Nam Gil Makes a Surprise Appearance at Jung Joon Ho’s Wedding — 13 Comments

  1. Omg! I thought that was him but thought…no way, he’s in the military. He does look much better and the people behind his last drama should be fined for airing such insanity and dragging the audience through it.

  2. wow seeing kim nam gil makes me giddy… super love him as bidam in queen seondok…he looks refreshing considering he is in military service… btw what do they do when they have their mandatory military service???

  3. He’s actually in government service, clerking in an office. Some years ago he was in a car accident and essentially had his leg reconstructed, so he didn’t pass the physical for the military. Which is why the whole draft thing was so stupid in the long run, as he did basic and then went to an office. I don’t doubt that it’s a WHOLE lot more restful than filming Bad Guy though ::snerk:: Yeah, fan=me He is looking rather fine there.

  4. he? really? so Millitary service allows actors to go for free? Errrkkk…. yeah yeah, it’s becoz he’s an actor or? every army got the same previlage? sob… sob…

    it’s so easy that while in MS you can go party.. LOL

  5. …hmmmm….it seems …or Kim Nam-Gil is with some kilos more?????but he looks like handsome,too….maybe more…..then before……this army!!!!ufufufufufu,he is my favorite…..dehhhhh…..this photos are from 25march????it’s indeed surprize……he has permise from army some days…..I supose!!!!but look very,very fresh….and I observe that, he is dressing very trendy…but with style,like high klass……mmmmmmmm,nice,very nice

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