
Pimp That Manga: A Koala Swoons for Akatsuki no Aria (暁のAria) — 25 Comments

  1. good thing this isn’t available in english publication yet or my wallet would resent me for life. i’ve spent over $750 over the weekend hunting down the OOP series you mentioned earlier. i hate how expensive mangas are in the us.

    • What OOP series (sorry, my brain isn’t quite functional)?

      But yeah, mangas are ridiculously expensive in the US. C-versions sell for $5 bucks a pop, so much more affordable.

  2. Hahaha this is one reason I don’t read Mangas first I have to spend on something that does not appreciate in value (me the micer LOL 😀 ). 2nd I easily get addicted and I may not put it down and end up daydreaming when I should be doing things among many others (I need my feet in the ground) 3rd I’m more of the animation type of Manga Lover, I love free hand drawings turned into moving silly creatures in Adobe Softwares….etc. 3rd I just truly love Love Sailor Moon and Mamuro (and I wanna have Sailor Moon S and other alphabet series still hunting) and Madly love Tamahome….ahihihi How old am I? I wonder….there pause no more wanting for now ahihihihi :-p

  3. My Lub of my Mangafangirl Life Twinnie

    Do you know how FAILING HARD it is to resist not reading this post?! But I know u know.

    Just to keep myself occupied for my dear dear life every minute I can possibly live without the thought and the temptation to be on AKP, I’ve tidied my desk, obsessively scrubbed my surroundings like anOCD mad Minute Maid and finally sat down with my cuppa tea and my chocolate and decided I’m ready to bid my last strand of sanity farewell and read this mother of all pimping post of yours, spoilers and all.

    And I’ve cried and dried my tears on reading Paris, Rome, Tuscany, Istanbul, FEW years $#%^&^*, a smoking SMOKING! smoking hot eyepatchd triadbossN, SH, Japan… Can I just pray the last book is consist of them in bed as late 20 yos doing it and NTH ELSE?!?!?!?

    • After screaming incoherently for a good 12 minutes that Akaishi-sensai would DARE to maim perfect, precious, perfect Natsuo and make him one-eyed! (he’s not one-eyed, he just has a scar up there), I realized that eye-patch wearing Natsuo is So Damn Hot. *fans myself*

      You know, book 7 remains my perfect AnA book (so far), and it’s not hard to guess why. It’s dense with development and gives us the most amazing wedding/wedding night evarrrr~

      And 4 books down the line, I realized that it was also the last time Aria and Natsuo saw each other before cray cray bitch and then douchey Daidoji started meddling with their perfect love.

      When Natsuo is on the ship sailing back to Japan, as the ship takes off, he thinks back to the moment he got stabbed at Yokohama port, and he wonders if perhaps that was the moment he lost Aria forever. *SOBSOBSSOBS*

      I just want to grab him and tell him Noooooooo, Aria is not lost, she is forever yours, and she will never ever waver in her love and trust that you will find her.

      Okay, I am officially batshit insane in love with this manga. Oh, and yes, I concur with your request for the last chapter(s) of the manga to be only a bed scene and NOTHING ELSE. Though my gut tells me we’ll see a happy family, with beautiful kid(s), perhaps ending at the sun room of the country estate. Where they realize that they’ve gone through so much, but always they have each other.

      • 7 will go down as one of the most*cking great tankoban. I’m rereading it atm while eating…and to calm myself fr swearing not getting my evil plans all working out and hands on more mangas atm.

        U know, when u show me the eyepatchdN…I was deafening myself with my screams of coz…but expecting mangakasama to make N go blind and just live with A’s..arie and they will still be THE perfect OTP!

      • It makes me sad that I can’t read this post nor can I read your comments. But I’m catching up and I was reading volume 5 earlier this morning. After my bio class was over and students were filing out, I was so entranced with what I was reading on my iPod that I just stood there in the class until my professor came up to me and asked me what the heck I was reading. Totally blushed right then and there. Heehee.

        I’m not sure if it’s because I haven’t read a manga in a long time, but AnA is so addicting. I don’t even know why. This OTP makes me think of my SH OTP love as well. I love the fauxcest and the writing in AnA. It’s very well done. I can’t wait to get to vol 7, which mookie jie has said was “the point of no return.” I think she was quoting you on that one. Anyway, maybe my parents can drop me off at a C manga store nearby this weekend. Because if it gets that good, I don’t think I can wait for the scanlations to come out. ^^”

        Geez, there goes another of my weekends. Kekeke. Who says one can’t enjoy mangas & dramas AND successfully keep up with school & work? 😛

  4. Thank you for your recommendation! I immediately read the manga after reading your post. Well, I finished reading what is available in English before I read your full post. I regret it! I am quite… addicted to this manga. I try to stay away from mangas that are ongoing because I like knowing that a manga has completed… This is exactly why I like completed mangas… I know I can keep reading until it has ended. The wait will kill me… I wish I could read and understand Japanese… Unfortunately, the only languages I am fluent in are English and Korean. *whips out Learn Japanese book* LOLOL

  5. Oh snap. You say that this is a blend of Candy Candy and Lady Georgie? Two of the greatest shoujo mangas EVER? I will look for this now though it’s a shame that there doesn’t seem to be anyone who wants to scanlate it.

  6. Kya thank you for the summary, I only read up to vol 9, and it is released in my country only 1 chapter a month.

    Btw may I know the summary of volume 11? I’m dying to know what is happening to Natsuo. I really hope they got a happy ending ^^

    Thank you

  7. excuse me…but i wanna ask, is he Natsuo who wears patch on his one eye ? Does it mean he didn’t die? Because i was so breakdown when read his death scene -__-

  8. I’ve read this manga! Luckily it’s already published until volume 7 (or 8) in Indonesia. But the next volume hasn’t come up since months ago 🙁
    This is my Top 10 old-fashioned manga. Do you read An Ancient Love Story? It’s a good manga too, about romance in heian era ^ ^

  9. the manga is great but I can read only arabic , english or french so if it’s not available in those three language I won’t be able to read it
    dear Koala , could u please continue the story for poor us who doesn’t know japenease or chines

  10. Yes, please. I second what rainyrain said. Hope you’ll continue the summary to the latest volume. Like others said here, I’ve also read up to vol 3 and am happy to be able to your summary. Thanks!

  11. Can you tell me how the ending is ? I can’t find the raw scanlatin , please help, you need to save my dying cliff hanging life T.T

  12. You mentioned my shoujo holy grail… Candy Candy, yokohama Monogatari & Ten yori mo Hoshi yori mo…. T__T

    Put Kanata Tara & Miss Modern and its a complete grail

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