
The Other Shore 1945 with Vic Zhou and Janine Chang Releases Character Synopsis and First Teaser Trailers — 43 Comments

  1. I ‘ve been waiting for this, holly molly I was shaking while reading the post… Truly a EPIC one and I’m loving the love line between Vic and Janine, one sided love or forbidden love???… Did i just see Yong-Yong crying there… Great Job Ms K.. Well appreciated…

    • I KNOW! This sounds utterly fantastic. The last war drama I watched was a Korean one (Comrades) that was just so brilliant it left me speechless. I hope this one is going to be just as epic.

  2. This plot has a bit similarity with a korean movie which I could not remember the title. However, in that movie the older bro was extremely protective of his younger bro. In other to free his younger bro, he must be visible to the general of their troop. N that caused a separation btw them. Extremely good performance. But this TW drama has few different plots.

    • you must be referring to Taegukki starring Jang Dong Gun and Won Bin.. for me too, this drama reminded me of it after watching the trailers.. hope this Vic Zhou drama’s gonna be epic like that movie instead of the disappointing RN1..

      on the side note, I thought Vic Zhou is Taiwanese so why is ockoala excited that he is speaking in Taiwanese?

      • I think she’s not excited about Vic Zhou speaking Taiwanese, but because the drama wasn’t dubbed in Mandarin Chinese

      • I’m pretty sure Vic Zhou isn’t actually fluent in Taiwanese, that he only speaks Mandarin.

      • @madzgo

        Now everyone in Taiwan speaks Taiwanese. In 1949 when the KMT retreated to Taiwan with its troops and family, the newcomers (called Outer Province People) spoke all dialects of Chinese depending on from where in China they originally came from. But the KMT government mandated Mandarin Chinese as the official language.

        For the people already living in Taiwan at that time (called Main Province People), they spoke Taiwanese and/or Japanese (due to the 50 years of Japanese occupation when Japanese was the official language taught in schools).

        In the 60 years since, the native Taiwanese and the Chinese who came over in ’49 have all intermarried, and now while everyone speaks Mandarin, Taiwanese still remains the main dialect for people from the middle and south of the island. But you can find lots of young actors who are from families that don’t speak Taiwanese, hence they don’t know the language.

        Vic doesn’t speak Taiwanese in real life, he had to learn it for the drama. BUT, everyone who lives in Taiwan hears Taiwanese often, on the streets, on TV sometimes, so it’s likely easier for the non-Taiwanese speaking to pick it up for a drama or movie if required.

      • Speaking of Language….Mandarin makes me go crazy the tones are really exhausting….it can be as hell hard with French which is sooooo freaking nasal (better if I had a cold)….I’d prefer Korean and Italian anytime of the day…. 😉 Ciao

  3. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you… I imagine how much work you have done to write this down… and I’m really thankful…

  4. And because of the love you showed Koala Bear you are loved and very much appreciated, your passion is breathe taking Grazie mille!!!!! 😉

    If the COWS AIN’T HOLY ENOUGH ALREADY (in India I guess), well this kind of story reminds me of Amy Tan’s the Joy Luck Club yup the book which I read so far back….The story of war makes me cry….and yes it makes a strong person out of someone who is so used to order and urban living….it proves only that life can be so unpredictable that the only thread of hope is to bend with the winds of change….

    So where can I buy one like this “Has a gentle personality and handsome good looks. A kind person with strong convictions, he is naturally reserved and calm.” Hahaha Vic or Zai Zai is that right? This guy seems to be a classic living proof of unearthed treasure…..for someone who got into showbiz by pure coincidence really seems to be riding the tides well….

    Well I’ll stick with the two hour movie first, time is really out of my hands… 😉 Ciao!!!!

  5. Finally, Vic is back out with another drama. Like you, ockoala, I’ve been a Vic convert since B&W, which also happens to be the only TWdrama I’ve seen in its entirety without fastforwarding. I skipped the potential spoiler pictures and character descriptions, but don’t you think Vic sort of gives off the Tony Leung Chiu Wai vibe in the first two pictures? I mean, just the period background and the disconcerted expression and the styling.

  6. This looks fantastic! I’m a sucker for stories that revolve around siblings and the added touch of a love triangle makes it all the more interesting, imho. Sure, it’s a kind of storyline we’ve all seen before but do I care? Nope. Not one bit.

    Btw, my money is on the older brother making a come back in a “whoops, I wasn’t dead” kind of way.

    Anyway, should we expect a a Yukiko/Tai Ying romance at some point? Or the beginning of one or is Vic Zhou supposed to be paired with the other female lead? I need to know because for some reason I already started shipping Y/TY and I was already imagining the angst and manpain that might ensue.

    BTW I kind of snickered when I read that so many guys love Yukiko.

    • Yeah, all they needed was for the youngest brother Tai Jie to also fall for Yukiko and she would have slayed the entire young male cast for this drama~

      I don’t know the OTP situation. Seeing the type of drama this is, I wouldn’t bet my house that Vic ends up with Janine.

      • IKR!

        I know, I know. It looks like a happy ending might not happen, but hey, I’m still watching this for sure

  7. Have to admit this can go either Comrades or….R#1 on us. I’m not as convinced this will be guaranteed awesome fr the short trailers. There’s sth off with the war scene…and sadly Janine. I’m just not as blown away…or my expectation is too ridiculous?! :/

    This maybe a very silly ignorant question, is ZaiZai’s mother tongue閩南語 and 閩南語 is different fr 台語/Taiwanese hence he has to learn his lines in Taiwanese? I rem ZaiZai can’t speak Mandarin as well and he had a hard time learning his lines for Meteor Gardens.

    • Zai Zai’s mother tongue is NOT 閩南語 or 台語. He’s half aboriginal blood, but his mother tongue is Mandarin. I betcha he grew up speaking Taiwan Mandarin, which explains why he needed to really learn to say his lines with the proper “newscastor” Mandarin accent in F4 (haha, Huaze Lei speaking Taiwan Mandarin would have been hilarious!).

      This is his family background.


      I don’t think this will be Rn1 (Taiwanese old school dramas like this don’t do sappy love swirly stories) even if its not Comrades good. I’m optimistic. 😀

      • Ahhh ic fascinating…… but am still confused. so did he go to public sch or do the natives have their own autonomy of school systems? What is the mandatory language taught in his part of TW? Taiwan mandarin is what he speaks at home and it is not mandarin? I can only tell the different accents but always thought the mandarin spoken in TWdramas is all TW mandarin and his mandarin sounds weird even to my ears all things considered in MeteorGarden. I only am sure TW mandarin is definitely not Taiwanese, that I know.

      • Everyone speaks Mandarin at school, it’s mandatory. But in our generation, pronounciation may not be as crisp for people who live in areas where it’s predominately Taiwanese speaking (i.e. not in a big Northern city).

        My Mando is accentless (i.e. I speak like a Other Province person, even though I’m native), whereas my parents Mando is what I call Taiwan Mando, i.e. has that Taiwan accent you can hear.

        The weirdest Mando of all the actors currently acting has got to be Wu Zun, with his Brunei Mando. I cannot get over it, so funny to my ears.

  8. I admit I don’t know much about Taiwanese history, though I know more now than I did before this semester started, thanks to my Chinese Gov & Politics class. But this does look pretty darn awesome, even for the ignorant. I’ll have to check it out. ^_^

    • Dongsaeng-ya,

      I’ll drop in more modern Taiwanese history into my posts about this drama as applicable. It’s pretty dense, but I’m so excited to hear that you’ve taken a class on Chinese gov. It usually just glosses over Taiwan though, but it’s still pretty heady stuff.

      Sigh, I miss school and classes~

      • I hope you’ll get to add more history! Knowing the history and culture of the country adds so much more depth to the dramas I watch.

  9. Oh my God, this looks and sounds amazing and has certainly become my most anticipated drama of the year. I am indifferent to Janine but even though she’s not one of my favorites, she doesn’t bother me and eeeee! Vic!!!!!

    Btw, can I link to this?

    • Of course you can~

      It looks potentially stunningly epic, doesn’t it? Sigh, Vic’s really taking up such challenging projects.

  10. Dearest Koala, we have something else in common besides watching dramas: Taiwanese background and an interest in Taiwanese history.
    I’m not into war dramas either, but I got chicken skin just watching the trailers. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen entire programs in Taiwanese. The basic drama story is probably similar to other dramas. But the larger story, on a personal level, is a reminder of a part of history that is slowly disappearing as the voices of our grandparents’ generation depart.

  11. Thanks sooo much for this post. It’s really awesome! And wow, you are taiwanese? Because of this drama, I started reading up about Taiwan’s history and it is really really interesting and very poignant. I can understand more where Taiwan and her people got their characteristic and personality from now.

    The 3rd and 4th trailers were released yesterday. It’s breathtaking !!

    Trailer 3

    Trailer 4
    (most dialogue in Japanese with chinese sub)

  12. Whoah! this post got me all goosebump! Thanks Captain Ockoala for all the translations of the character, the’re amazing in my book! One thing Is I adore Vic Zhou and this movie is definitely a great treat from him. Hopefully it will be available on online site Mysoju after it’s release…can’t wait! Good luck to the movie!

  13. Thank you so much for all nice comments for my dear ZZ and for the drama. thanks Ockoala for everything and for loving our dear, dear ZZ. Can’t wait for the drama to be aired.

  14. I just read this article because sytwo posted it in this one forum. Thanks so much for taking the time to do it. I usually stay away from war dramas too (but would make some exceptions) because of the heavy controversy behind (for obvious reasons). I think this might be one of those exceptions for me.

  15. wow i happened to be browsing through your older posts and came across this, and words cannot describe how excited i am for this drama now. i usually stick to rom-coms, but the proud taiwanese in me cannot wait to see (2) a drama where the taiwanese language isn’t only spoken by the country bumpkins and (2) how this show depicts a very touchy subject

  16. Can’t wait to watch this drama……I’ve been a Vic Zhou follower since Meteor Garden days and I’m so proud of what he has become now, a talented and serious actor.

  17. I’m trying to look for a website where their’s a english subtitle on. I found two websites this drama is playing but it don’t have english subtile. Do you guys have any idea where I can watch it???
    I’m a vic chou biggest fans( and I’m sure Im not the only one fan that follows vic chou’s drama series.) pls. Help me find a website where I watch this. Pls.

    Thank You

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