
49 Days Episode 9 Recap — 27 Comments

  1. Thanks for this even though i understand when i watch it raw i miss a few point
    LOL Kang and schedulaer are both so cute i cant decide who’ll end up with ji-hyun 😛

  2. Omo, omo! You wouldn’t imagine how many times I visited this playground just to check (and so hoping) I would see this recap! Here’s one of the reasons why we so love you, ockoala! You’re so super! Simply the best! I really wanna hug you right now!

  3. Whoa you’re one fast koala!
    “Scheduler is like a marshmallow wrapped in the body of a rocker dipped in the sauce of a diva.”
    I TOTALLY agree with that! You’d think that dealing with death, he’d be broody, serious & gloomy. Instead he’s wearing french fries training suits, shoes with wings & flirting in pools. What a STRANGE dude. Indeed, quite a character!

    Oh BTW, do you think the Scheduler is being a sweetie-but-totally-in-denial-about-it to Ji Kyung because he fancies Ji Hyun or because he feels a ‘connection’ with Yi Kyung?

    • And they say “Don’t flirt with death”, ahem this seems to be an exception to the rule 😉 LMAO harhar!!!! 😀

  4. You are too kind for keeping up with the recaps for this drama. I know some subplots develop at a swifter pace, but many of us appreciate your patience 😉

  5. And I so so loved that the scheduler sunbae granny showed up on a bike in full leathers with a Alexander McQueen skull scarf. How perfect was she? Scheduler (and JIW) were just awesome.

  6. kyaa so cute ^^
    ji hyun and scheduler’s scenes r my fave, theyre such a cute couple
    sigh, if only they end up together….but looking at the drama i dnt tink they r 🙁

  7. Umm I think Scheduler Granny has a problem with his junior’s perm.

    “A perm, hoobae-ya… A freaking PERM?!
    You’d better start wearing fabulous scarves like me.
    I recommend Alexander McQueen’s The After-life Skull Scarf Collection.”
    says Scheduler Granny.

  8. Thanks for the recap! I like how episodes 9 and 10 make everything moved forward; but am still hoping for more Yi Kyung story… guess that would mean another week of waiting, sigh.

    Dying to see how Scheduler would react as he discovers his past with Yi Kyung (please don’t tell me I need to wait til episodes 13 and 14, raaarrrrrr)

  9. Thanks Ockoala for your quick recaps!!! I’m anticipating tonight’s episode to up the ante one notch higher!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE 49 Days & your recaps never fails to complete my viewing experience!!!
    “That, my good man-boy-spirit-thing, inspired me to recap this dang episode just for you! Scheduler is like a marshmallow wrapped in the body of a rocker dipped in the sauce of a diva.” This made me guffaw soooo early in the morning!!!LMAO!!!

  10. Thank you!! Thank you 100x for still recapping this drama. I love drama that gets better each episode and this drama is one of them. Thanks again!

  11. Thank you, Thank you!!! Your fast recaps help me with the raw episodes because there’s no way I can wait for the subs!!! You’re my hero and I’ll name my first born after you 🙂

  12. Bloody fringe, the names are really hard to retain, and I’m like panting like a sweaty dog… 😉 Ohhh cool grandma she beat me to riding a Harley, and wazzup with the get up was she a former band member of Bon Jovi? I would love a Ducati road trip one of these days!!!! I wanna see this drama hmmm good I’ll be keeping a list so I can run a marathon on labor days (in the hospital after giving birth) hahaha…. 😉 good thinking!!!!

  13. Thank you for the recap ^^
    your recap are always so fun but still very informative!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! 😀

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