
Sneak Peeks at Upcoming K-Dramas Best Love and Lie to Me — 33 Comments

  1. wah.. those picts are really amazing, makes my imagination fly high.. I agree with u ockoala, I love CSW pict holding GHJ skirt with those serious looks.. makes me tickle a lil bit and more.. LOL..

  2. ok. i love me some CSW but seriously–YKS is WORKING it in that photo. i think i have a “guys in glasses” fetish now…

    i will be watching Kdramas non-stop with this ridiculous lineup of shows coming!!!

    • “guys in glasses” fetish…..has been one of my fetishes…
      for a long…long….long time..
      *except : Geum Ran’s ex’s boyfriend @ Shining/TwinkleTwinkle.

      • You have some competition on YKS… me!

        I love men in eyeglasses. Remember Park Shi Hoo in Prosecutor Princess.

  3. That one picture from Best Love had me wishing it was already May tomorrow!!!
    The Hong Sisters were enough to reel me in…but CSW, GHJ & YKS….it’s just too much for my feint KDrama heart to take!!!
    Much as YEH & KJH are two of my all-time faves…I’m hoping the writers could bring out the “chemistry” between them, enough to keep us all entertained….

  4. yes.. ockoala.. which one will you recap from those 2 dramas? I hope you will recap both of them, but hey.. it was just my opinion.. I will always read your blog and your recap of the Drama, enjoy your recap so far..

  5. I LOLed at CSW pulling GHJ’s skirt like he’s trying to stop her from leaving with YKS while looking nonchalant, like he doesn’t care if she does leave with another man. hahahaha

  6. I’ve been a lurker here in your site for quite a while now. And even DH wasn’t able to let me surface. But now I’ve ‘de-lurked’ just to say this: Gah, I love YEH’s jeans! =) And she is really looking mighty pretty here.

    As for Best Love, I’ve been suspending any interest for this (basically because I wasn’t a fan of CSW coupled with the almost-but-not-anymore casting of Lee Seung Gi) but dang, when I saw the last photo with his hands on the girl’s skirt.. oh drama, I’m onboard now!

  7. Definitely Best Love, CSW stole my heart in City Hall and I don’t think he’ll return it back in Best Love.

  8. lol at best love pic. Love it!!!!! and CSW omg… no words… i can’t take my eyes off his face or hand 😉
    i’m dying to watch this!!!! my most anticipated drama of the year
    i’m all grinning about it

    • CSW expressions looks like a naughty boy who doesnt want to loose his toys but trying to keep cool about it like he doesn’t need it.. but he does actually, we can see what happen with the skirt LOL…

  9. Eun Hye ok I hate how she dresses in events gotta send her stylist a “howler” (harry potter’s wizard letters) for dressing her up so tightly…..but this is one of K drama’s actresses that I would definitely draw my Samurai sword for (in my imagination) I totally love her in Coffee Prince and Pincess hours….so royalty I love it 😉 yup her beauty and being a simpleton is so natural that it makes her so adorable….yes the transition from a guy to a naive girl simply amazes me….they say the makings of a great actress is how she shifts from the opposite of characters… 😉 I would love to see her make a run for it in a comedy action flick, or action suspense hmmm 😉

  10. YESSSSSSSS omg Best of Love is my drama !!!! I can’t wait to see this.. after a month of drama drought I need this ASAP… Just by looking at the poster we can tell that the Hongs sister are raising the level of their game…. and OMG CSW is too die forrrrrr ..btw is just me, but doesn’t CSW kinda resembles Johny Depp on that pic?…. 😀 😀

  11. How is that Best Love poster so sexy?!? And yet it is! Yummy, I cannot wait. I love that she’s all involved with the nice doctor and it’s CSW’s big star who can’t stay away from her! These two fantastic leads plus the writing of the Hong sisters plus this set-up — it’s so potentially delicious. Yay May!

  12. only thing I can say about Lie to Me is: Thank God they didnt make her cut her hair!
    On the other hand I’m totally digging the best love pic!….goddamn both hos guys ar haaaawwt!

  13. I’m lovin’ YEH hair! Thank goodness they didn’t put her in that hideous mushroom cut everyone other leading lady seems to be wearing now. I honestly thought that hairdo died with the 70’s.
    I gotta admit that Best Love wasn’t really on my radar at first since I’m not a fan of GHJ. I know, I know…everyone else seems to love her, but I’ve just never gotten her appeal.
    As it gets closer to air date and with all the new pics that keep coming out, it’s steadily rising on my must-watch list. *crossing my fingers that the May dramas don’t disappoint*

      • I know I’m dating myself when I say this, but that haircut just brings back a lot of bad fashion memories for me! Some things are better left forgotten 🙂

  14. omg, I can’t wait to watch them.

    Word on YEH, though I do love her in pretty much anything. I mean, I even managed to finish the trainwreck that was Take care of agasshi which, well, you know. . I even kind of… maybe… sort of…not totally hated? *hangs head in shame*

    As for Best Love..aksjdkaljsd alksdjalksdjasd CSW has a knack for comedies, imho. Or maybe not (not like, say, Kang Ji-hwan or Cha Tae-hyun), but I do like him more when he’s doing funny stuff. For some reason, the way he delivers his lines in that sort of deadpan way slays me and we all know what he can do with the more emotional scenes so…I REALLY can’t wait for this kdrama.

  15. That Best Love picture is win, win, win. Hot and cheeky men and women. Esp that epitome of facial hair himself… Cha Seung Won! Shivering with anticipation now. Love all the four leads. I hope this time the Hong sisters will rock the second leads now.

  16. nice!..can’t wait to watch this kdrama
    btw what are they going to use? because I have seen in other site

    “THE GREATEST LOVE” …so what are they going to use
    Best love or the greatest love?

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