Best Love Releases the First Couple Still of Gong Hyo Jin and Cha Seung Won
Tee hee, this picture is SOOOOO ridiculously cute. Best Love released the first official couple still of Gong Hyo Jin and Cha Seun Won. Between anticipating this and Lie to Me (not to mention watching TW-drama Drunken to Love You), I feel like I’m floating in a weightless chamber of bliss.
While I think Cha Seung Won’s top star look and style reminds me so much of his style in City Hall (in fact, if Jo Gook had become a movie star instead of a politician, he’d probably be the character Cha Seung Won is playing in Best Love), Gong Hyo Jin’s style is hilariously eclectic and frumpy. I love it! Below I’ve also brought some BTS pictures from the Best Love photoshoot.
Only Cha Seung Won, with his insanely long legs, can wear leather pants and not remind me of a male stripper. I love how they are holding hands in the second picture, because I’m already getting all swoony over their impending love story. If there is one thing Hong Sisters does well, it’s write a potentially romantic beyond belief love story. My problem with some of their dramas is that the second half gets really bogged down with resolving the love story.
[Credit: Donga news]
he looks like a rockstar to me.. can’t wait!!
May is going to be a very busy month!
(now that that’s out of the way -)
you’re dead on about hong sister’s writing – they write the first half awesome but lose momentum in the second half. not to mention their second leads tend to be really mehhh. they’ve a solid cast here, so i REALLY hope it’ll be ten kinds of awesome, this time around!
I’m just in wait for this couple to blow my mind. Between them and Kang JiHwan/Yoon EunHye, I’m in drama heaven.
As for the Hong sisters, in my opinion they’ve improved with each project, so I have confidence in them.
And did you mention Cha SeungWon and male stripper in one sentence? 0.o
*slaps self out of it*
You are right ockoala, those picts are ridiculously cute.. I am so happy that I can see these BTS pictures for this drama from your blog.. love it a lot .. Thank you Ockoala. Don’t you know I am so very happy about this drama.. finally I am able to see this hot looking man after a while ( I only watch City Hall, I dont like CSW role in Athena).. I am so exciting about this drama..Please come soon May..
LOL Gong Hyo Jin looks so, so funny & cute. I really don’t get what she’s wearing but well, I’m not a fashionista or anything…SHE is. She’s one of those people who can wear ridiculous shit and still make us accept it. Can’t wait for this drama
Not so sure about “Lie to me” – I have a problem with the PD. His dramas are always weirdly paced (too slow, or too spread-out: sometimes it’s fast, sometimes it’s painfully slow), and not sure if that will work for a trendy comedy.
she’s taking inspiration from julie andrews’s character in The Sound of Music
In the first pic GHJ is wearing an old fashioned school girl style outfit.. I don’t really know what.. its funny.. And Cha Seung Won looks rockstar to me!! I also got the same vibe from his pix, reminds me of City Hall and his character there..
can’t wait!
A non sequitur, though.
That header of Jang Geun Suk – what the heck? He looks great, but I thought he was a she. He really knows how to push androgyny to the max – thankfully, I like androgyny, but even I am just astounded.
Then, back to Cha Seung Won. Man.
Missed him terribly since City Hall [I didn’t watch Athena].
It’s going to be a merry month of May for me in kdramaland. So, so excited!
I don’t like her style. Why does she look like a nun? She is supposed to be a start! Make her look better!
OMG! Terrific pictures…. Thanks Ockoala.. I Really appreciate it!
GHJ looks so funny and cute (eventhough she’s wearing old uniform style)
Can’t wait for this May. May is the heaven of K-Drama…..
He looks like a rockstar and she looks like a grandma…
They need to improve her style !
Heh, I have a feeling these two will make people’s/blogs’ best k-drama couples of 2011 list.
They look really nice and I’m also getting a Last Scandal of My Life kind of vibe (hot male star, not so hot looking female star). CSW – so handsome and manly -even in those ridiculous leather trousers.
Ooooh he’s hot. Sooo hot. Are those black leather pants? Because I have a kink. Please tell me they are not. I’d probably explode if they were.
Also? I know I said he’s hot, but please, kdrama gods, let him lose the chains. GAH! /o\
I adore the first and last pic. alsdkjkashf OMG I CAN’T WAIT, CHINGOO! And don’t complain! Jo Guk as an actor? hee. How is that a bad thing?!?
PS: this beige outfit? Uhm. I’m not sure I dig it.
I don’t trust Hong sisters but I like Cha Seung Won so let’s wait…
Aww, I pre-love this series soooo much! I love the vibe between CSW’s totally on top of the world but slightly trying too hard to be cool superstar, and GHJ’s quirky, almost frumpy but totally genuine style. Can I ask the kdrama gods for one thing — no magical makeover once the romance gets rolling for GHJ? I’m not too worried, because I think the Hong sisters aren’t that obvious, but it would be cool if GHJ stays her adorably kind of weird self even once Mr. Superstar is chasing her.
Man, I just hope this one doesn’t let me down. I really want to love it!
yayyyyyyy…. everytime i saw a pic of this drama i can’t help but laughing and clapping and jumping and salivating and swooning… cause they are So Cute together and he is So Hot!!!
i’m absolutely in love with this drama and i’m so happy that CSW looks like Jo Gook. CSW rocks!!! i can’t wait for this
i just needed to check again the pics i love them!!!!
I adore the Hong Sisters! I could probably shed a pure tear for them if they need it.
*cough addictedto49Days cough*
GHJ is so adorable. I like her outfit in the first picture.
It’s exactly what Julie Andrews would wear in The Sound of Music.
*imagines GHJ running on a hill while singing ‘the hills are are alive…’ lol*
And her expression practically screams ‘I AIN’T KISSING THAT PORNSTACHE!’
Gee, I hope the Hong sisters would make fun of CSW’s facial hair in the drama. That would be epic!
Oh Dramagods, make it so… pretty please with a kimchi on top
i’m a Filipino fan of Cha Seung Won <3 i love his smile. So cool guy ;))