
49 Days Episode 11 Recap — 28 Comments

  1. You know, this show is interesting in part because it isn’t following a tried and true drama pattern (yet).

    There are a couple of adorable little beats in there as well. The manager watching Han Kang from the balcony and grinning when he starts stretching as Ji Kyung walks up was just a hoot. And then Bae Soo Bad gets this grin on his face as he’s walking behind her on the cherry blossom path, as if it’s an ordinary date….just weirdly cute, like all of a sudden he’s not a cheating cheater who cheats.

    • The new formula works for me. Human relationships and emotions are so varied and complicated. It’s refreshing and very interesting to see some of these previously neglected aspects on screen. Of course the story provides an excellent skeleton with which to add the flesh and other stuff (such as the “adorable little beats”). I’m still unsure what the outcome will eventually be, but I guess we’re all waiting, with great anticipation to be pleasantly surprised. The guesswork we resort to as the story unfolds add to the fun.

    • you hit the nail on the head, momosan…there is no usual, cliche k-drama pattern here. i guess that’s the intriguing thing, because i’m having a difficult time figuring out where this is all going to go!

  2. wow you are so fast. thanks a lot. I am loving this drama more and more by episode. Like you I don’t see any romantic feeling of JH to HK. And HK, he may have romantic feeling for JH but for now, for me, he is BFF to JH.HK did get curious of who the real SOng YK. I wonder if they get to know more of each other and fall in love. And I am still wishing more more of YiKyung and YS story but more of real YK i the present.

  3. Thanks koala for continuing to recap. I hope you’re having as much fun doing this as we have reading your recaps and insights.

  4. i’m goinh for HK, YK pairing. HK will be there for JY as his best friend only. MH and IJ will not be together. MH will truly love YK.

    Thank you so much for the fast recap!

  5. Knowing the writer, the main female character wouldn’t realize that she is in love with whoever until much later in the drama – we’ve seen that in both PP and BL. And both dramas only wrapped up all loose ends in the last 2 episodes. I don’t usually have a problem with that but it did feel rushed, especially for BL. Crossing my fingers and hoping its not gna happen for this drama

  6. Wednesdays have become my favourite day of the week because your recaps jumpstart the 49 days madness all over again.

  7. I also very wondering why writing is not showing any romantic feeling between HK nag JH as it should be. But I think it is all past which we have not seen yet. I think HK was really in love with JH during school time (I see it by his glare to her) but probably cause the family’s problems he could not have relationship with her. Also then MH in first series told about woman whom HK wanted find during American stay upon arrival in Korea – this should be her without doubt. Probably he came back and found out about her relationship with MH((( about JH probably she was in love with him (is there other reason her to bother him again and again?) but when HK always rejected her and sent her away, probably duе to her naivety she thought he didn’t like her at all. But it must be some story of first love without any doubt (his glare to her, the braslet, her words that she does not hate him at first serie). My favorite couple of this film, if it won’t be happy ending I would die)))

    About scheduler – it is the question how he can come back to YK if his body is totally dead for 5 years? How about moving his soul to handsome doctor?))) but YK should get YS back – for her life past 5 years she totally deserved it (and her suffer is great more then 3 tears which heaven supposes enough reason to give the life)

  8. Thanks for the wonderful recap, you’re great as always

    Ji Hyun may not yet develop strong feelings for Kang yet but I can why Kang fell deep for Ji Hyun. She defended him when he was new to school from the bullies which I believed he could have taken them himself. Also, Hyun’s brilliant strategy to make Kang ashamed for how he treated his mother touched his heart. She is kind and friendly to everyone even though she is wealthy and popular.

  9. 49 Days is fast shaping up to be one of the best dramas for me this year!!! I so love the fact that Kang Ah discovers the soul-swap all by himself…think these past three episodes are DAEBAK!! 49 Days not using the usual KDrama route /formula is also such a welcome change…
    episodes 3-4..establishing the romantic triangle
    episode 8…the kiss between the leads
    episode 13-14…the “conflicts
    episodes 15-16…the resolution
    …I notice there isn’t any of the piggy-back rides, pojangmacha drunken scenes,sudden stop or U-turn by the leads when driving, etc.
    ….49 Days’ episodes are always interesting, intriguing & unpredictable!!!
    ….such a welcome treat for KDrama lovers, all around!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!

  10. I guess because of the Asian roots, I really like the death and after life concepts. Not everyone is given a second chance, so when one is given, use it wisely! might have to marathon this before the finale!!!

    thanks for recapping!!

  11. Thank you for the enjoyable recap.
    Smart of Kang to find out about Jihyun in Yikyung & decides to support her quietly.
    Amazing that in a short time as a spirit Jihyun matures, smartens up as she finds finds out how naive she was for being fooled by MinHO & InJung.
    I can’t wait to see more YiKyung interacting with the other characters.
    I wonder if the scheduler remember anything about YiKyung…the way he seems to protect her(body), & when he was in tears telling Jihyun about change of heart.
    The only romance I’ve seen so far is the flashback of Yikyung & Yisoo.

  12. Thanks ockoala! Now I read this at last! Was eager to come home for this. Couldn’t concentrate all day in class, driving myself crazy thinking where the darn tear came from, and oh boy, it’s from Kang himself! I can’t wait to watch the scene when Kang cried at the hospital. I’m glad the writer made it the way I like it, that Kang was smart enough to realize this and not made us scream our hearts out to vent off our frustrations. Now that the first tear is from the obvious source, our dear Kang, now we wonder where the two will come from. I’m really guessing the other one would be from Min-Ho and the third would be… I don’t know. I keep going in circles and I always end up with the Scheduler, I just couldn’t think of anybody else but him (yes, it’s crazy but it must be heaven for Ji Hyun to have these three hot guys cry over her =)).

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