
49 Days Episode 12 Recap — 38 Comments

  1. AH! THANKSSSS! I held off writing a paper to read your recap. Brilliant. Thanks. At this point, I don’t even care how the drama ends. I’m sure a “real” death is imminent in the future but that’s okay (kind of like Kim TakGoo and the death of the grandpa! Devastating but moved the story along). Loving the pace of the drama but disappointed that we can only watch it in 2-episodes-per-week installments. Bleh. Had I not started this, this would be a great drama to marathon through!

  2. Yi Kyung and Yi Soo … 3; I really do hope their “eternal separation” can we broke.
    I want something like Yi Soo be resurrected and being with Yi Kyung again.

    Maybe another chance ..? ;l

    Should I do my review in French, as I had promised to last week?… Probably not haha.

    Anyway, regardong the OTP, I’m starting to have mixed feelings. I’m not too sure anymore, after watching this episode, if I’d actually enjoy having Ji Hyun/Han Kang and Scheduler/Yi Kyung (however they manage this one) pairings. Actually, the brief moment Kang got in contact with Yi Kyung made me raise my eyebrow.

    Hey, think about this scenario: JH prevents whatever mischief the two MH and IJ are doing but then doesn’t have the time to gather her tears – basically, self-sacrifice for her beloved family – making her walk away in the elevator with Scheduler ; both would bid farewell to this world, feeling like they achieved what they needed to do (I’m counting on Scheduler to resolve YK’s issue), and then Kang-ah would just date Yi Kyung, since both went through similar harships – loss of their loved ones.
    Now, that my ideal version, because regarless of how sad it is (and quite impossible as well, seeing that the drama is not headed towards developing the HK/YK relationship), it actually carries much more meaning – like, what it means to die, and what you want to leave behind, what it means to mourn but still head forward…
    I feel like JH coming back to life after getting 3 tears would just ruin that thing. Sure she would have grown more mature, but… I don’t know, it’s like reversing the meaning of her original death. It disturbs me.

    I’m pretty sure the drama’s heading towards the ideal, fantastic, happy ending, because, let’s face it, it’s k-drama world, and I probably wouldn’t stand a mourning Sherlock-Kang-Daddy-Long-Legs but still…

    • As much as I’d like to agree with you. I really think the story will carry more meaning if HK and JH end up together. HK was, is, in love with JH, he is becoming more active in the drama because of he wants to help his first love. Why would it be more meaningful to work so hard for something, lose it, then “fall in love” with a complete stranger who only loves another man. Coming from a character who is loyal to his comatose friend (even before he knew YK was JH), there’s no way he would fall in love with YK. Have you not seen YK and her love for YS? If HK and JH does not end up together, the viewers will cry foul.

      • i agree with….i like it too if hk ends up with yh as well….it will make me more satisfied if the story ended with hk having his first love… will be really really disappointing if not

  4. OMG! Now the hugging starts! Thank you so much ockoala!!! I’m really glad the writer made the lead so smart and not brainless to pretty much know everything. Oh Kang, I so love yah!

  5. thanks okaola…thats fast..hehhehhe but its to my delight
    been waiting for your recap since cant watch the episod live…have to wait for others to reupload somewhere……

    thanks again…

  6. Thank you for the fast recap!

    And I have to share thought…..

    Remember Dr. Noh told Yi Kyung that it was his fault that “that person died” (a.k.a Yi Soo/Scheduler), which means he saw Yi Soo face, right???

    Well wouldn’t he of recognized Scheduler when he saw him at Purple Coffee????

      • Lol I was like: OMO DR.NOH is so gonna make a SHOCKED face….

        But, sadly, nothing happened….

      • maybe he was too shocked to recognize…
        i think it’s pretty odd… but then we just know it was an accident…so maybe their vehicles collided…the Dr. was in the hospital for quite a while and not able to see Yisoo? total speculation…:P
        so is he a psychiatrist or psychologist? they are quite different in practice.

      • Very true

        Pshycologist probably, I think psychiatrists are the people who work mostly w/the people who are mentally crazy and pshycologists work w/people who have personal/emotional problems… I think, I’m not sure…

    • He totally registered that it was Yi Soo. I can’t wait to find out how that reveal will unfold. And what does it mean for the scheduler to be able to assume physical materiality? And for Yi Kyung to see him and Ji Hyun? Is she supposed to be a liminal figure? Someone who’s willed her way into having one foot already in the other realm? I’m enjoying the Kang – Ji Kyung pairing. Not crazy still about NGR as Ji Hyun. Lee Yo Won is rocking it and her dynamic with Kang is just awesome, so this is my hope. That the eternally parted lovers can reunite in the afterlife by having Yi Kyung’s soul take Ji Hyun’s body and vice versa. Soul/body swap!

      • The only problem with that is that Ji Hyun’s body still exists … it just seems more logical for her to return to her own body rather than going for a switch.

        I do agree with you that Lee Yo Won is rocking it as Ji Kyung, and even as Yi Kyung and as Scheduler in Yi Kyung. She has pretty good chemistry with JHJ.

      • thanks for clarifying! I haven’t watched the episode and am currently waiting for sub! Might be a bit before it becomes available.

        I think he has appeared in real person before (multiple times) but I don’t know the significance of it. It might be in his job description that he has this flexibility.

        I think Kang and YK make a nice couple. Their features complement each other very well. But Kang is not in love w/ real YK. It was JH that he was attracted to even when she was not there in “person”. It just showed that he truly loved her and cared for her despite her appearance. Should we call this true love?

        I wish they change JH’s outfit for a fresh air…

        Maybe this is wishful thinking…JH can be with the scheduler and YK and be w/ Kang. They all let go of their past and move to the future. JH might get her three tear drops but then decide to go w/ the Scheduler instead. I think JH’s interaction w/ the Scheduler makes them a better couple for some reasons.

      • After watching this episode, I don’t really want Kang to be with YK. She should be with the Scheduler! Kang can continue his undying love for JH.

      • I wish Scheduler could come back to life and live happily w/Yi Kyung….

        My heart just breaks into many pieces when I see Yi Soo and Yi Kyung happily in love ='(

    • Isn’t the Scheduler wearing a helmet when he was knocked down? I assumed he’s riding a motorbike when it occurred?

  7. I need me some hand-grabbin’ & more huggin’ from Kang Ah!!!!!!!
    & I hope they give us some kissin’ next episode….please!!!!

    Another 5 days of waitin’……aigooooooo!!!

  8. i like it too if hk ends up with jh as well….it will make me more satisfied if the story ended with hk having his first love… will be really really disappointing if not

  9. I am a little befuddled by the Scheduler taking on the form of Yi Kyung and then, later, turning back to his own form to pretend to Doc Noh that he’s covering for a sick Yi Kyung. Aren’t these breaking the rules? He’s interfering with human affairs.

    • I guess there is always an exception to the rule. The fact that he might be remembering something about his past might play a role in the next episode.

  10. just wondering guys.. who do you think will give the 2 drops of tearz??..knowing thaT the obvious one KANG already did..

      • There’s no better way than to collect tears from 3 hot, yummy guyz! That will be worth celebrating indeed Larkspur!!..but Scheduler may probably cry but not to Ji Hyun but rather to Yi kyung right? will it be valid then? If the other one is Min HO.. the writer want to redeem his bad deeds in the end?? No matter!! but if ur guess is as good as what im hoping for,,..then Hurrray!!

  11. I totally frickkin’ agree.
    The chemistry between JHJ &LYW is so strong that, that is the couple you want to see end up together &is the same reason why I been rooting for Kang &YiKyung but it’s obvious that their gonna put Kang &JiHyun together which is only right but I only want that if LYW was JiHyun, not NGR.
    Nothing against NGR she doesn’t bother me as much when the drama first started but it’s just the fact that I see NO chemistry at all between her &JHJ. You can tell in their flashbacks that they are trying their best to show that they work but they don’t. The flashbacks are so awkward that I cringe whenever I see their flashbacks.
    That’s why I just given up on any hope of seeing JHJ &LYW together because it’s clear their characters won’t end up together so that’s why I just don’t care for the main storyline anymore. I only wanna know more about YiKyung &YiSoo/Scheduler’s tragic love story. I want them to have a happy ending.
    Their flashbacks on the other hand I do no mind because LYW &JIW have good chemistry too. So if I can’t get the main chemistry pairing then I’ll go for the second.

  12. maybe I’m the only one, but during their flashback, I start to love JHJ – NGR pairing. That’s shocking since from the start, I cheer JHJ – LYW pairing to end up together. They grew on me. Really… I start to understand why Ji Hyun never saw Han Kang’s feeling for her in the past.

  13. Just done watching it again <3 ,i love this movie. Specially The meaning of "PURE TEARDROPS" and how the tragic Destiny happend and most "HOW special to live and the importance to make everyday Worthty and with sense"

    forever K popDRAMA LOVER

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