
Lee Jong Seok Continues His Magazine Hit Streak with an October Double Spread in Nylon and GQ — 12 Comments

  1. Man is not a model for nothing: He knows how to look good even if the photos are basic. One of the numerous things I like are his hands. *.*
    Can’t wait for Pinocchio: SBS needs a hit drama (quality & ratings) this year…

  2. actually, koala, i believe there are a lot of other people who started liking JS because of DS. at least i have a couple of friends/family who had gone from dislike to liking him after DS. yes, DS was probably his worst drama (in terms of plot) but he really performed well in it acting wise. (it’s kinda sad how DS made him “scared of acting” though, meh, the crazy script probably drove him crazy too)

    meanwhile, i’m really looking forward to the photobook that ceci is going to release for him!

    • the nose again when will you stop people just enjoy the gift of heavens, or should I say the gift of nylon, gq and ceci spread this october.

  3. Does GQ secretly hate him? Because I see no other reason why they would style a hot young male model-turned actor as the Michelin Man in that second shot…

    I look forward to Pinocchio too, but more for the second leads- Lee Yubi is so talented and lovely, it was time we saw her in something this year.

  4. I still remember you post about how you could’t practically even look at his face and I’m just glad you finally came to like him 😀 I’ve noticed him during Secret Garden and watched some episodes of School 2013, but I definitely fell for him (it wasn’t love at first sight for me too lol) only with I Hear Your Voice, I really hope you’ll watch this in the future it’s his best character & interpretation until now (at least, for me) 😉

  5. And soon Ceci will release a 200 pages photobook & DVD for him on the occasion of its 20th anniversary, I think photographers and editors just love to work with him..well you can sense that from the way they talk about him ^_^

    i love him as an actor and as a person, he is so honest in his interviews so down-to-earth, hard worker,always criticizing (sometimes bit harsh) on himself, never takes things for granted, his acting is getting better and better in each drama/film, he s kinda of actors who really pay attention to details when plays a character, he gives each character its own nuances (which is rare to find in other young actors)… even Song Kang-Ho called him and praised his performance in DS (not to mention other veteran actors/directors)
    he’s gonna be someone biig in the future .. i m tellin you
    Can’t wait to see him in pinocchio…
    plz pinocchio, be a good drama..:)

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