
Best Love Releases Third Trailer and Holds Press Conference — 32 Comments

  1. i must admit it, i totally lost my good senses beacuse of this drama. Yayyyyyyyyy. so so excited!!!! and pleaseeeeeeeee recap this!!!!!! i’m begging you literally on my knees!!!!
    i will love a CH scene!!!! this drama i know will be Fun and I hope there will be so much Love (as City Hall)
    Finally CSW indeed really rocks, he looks so good in black and he looks so smiling and happy, that i’m happy and smiling too
    less than a week to go….i’m pleading again: recap this!!!!!
    thanks koala

  2. Just popping in to say–why do Cha Seung Won’s pants fit look so funky? That fit is just…really, really weird.

    Also, are hipster glasses becoming a thing in Korea?

    • I took a double look on that pants too, I thought he’s wearing two pants ^^ but the man still look as HOT as ever. BTW I’m crossing my fingers for the batty koala ^^

  3. I don’t see the appeal of GHJ. I agree she is definitely a good actress but I am just… neutral. When I think back to Pasta, her character was really annoying even though I did finish the whole thing (I think). I liked her in Biscuit Teacher Star Candy and it only lasted till the drama ended.

    Anyways, CSW looks awesome in black!!! City Hall spoof by the CSW himself would be fun. YKS!! I love his look..

    • The trailer looks really good and funny. I am curious which will be more popular/have higher ratings (this or Lie to Me) even though they are not up against each other.

    • I totally agree with you : I miss City Hall and I don’t see the appeal of GHJ . I might even say I am totally scared when I see her so skinny : that lady isn’t healthy . I don’t feel at ease when I fear for the actress and not for her character .
      I have appreciated GHJ a lot in Thank You but she wasn’t that skinny : absolutely terrifying !

  4. This trailer was FAR better than the previous ones (to me at least)!
    Although I am literally dying to watch Lie To Me, I’m definitely going to this one a try too! 🙂

  5. It seems like Yoo In Na character is based on Yoon Eun Hye. Yoo In Na however warned that the personality of her character and Yoon Eun Hye is different. She said while Yoo In Na’s character is a bad girl, Yoon Eun Hye is a very good person. But the character itself is similar to her, excluding the personality. So it seems that Hong sisters’ will make viewers think of real entertainers with their characters. Gong Hyo Jin also said that in addition to Yoon Eun Hye, people will also be reminded of Kop girl group, Finkl.

  6. OMO, is CSW wearing two pants, one over the other? *stares at press conference stills* Er o_O

    The trailer looks GOOD and yes, please, let us have a City Hall spoof! *crosses fingers*

    • OMG, I think he is. In his first photo it looks like he’s wearing pinstripe pants over jeans. What’s going on, CSW?

    • best love’s (best looking imho) cast for the BEST may kdrama win.

      don’t fail us show!

      also, visually orgasmic.

      damn those are some good looking peeps.


        last comment, i swear- GREAT use of a WONDERFULLY cute song. i also heart m. buble!

  7. Last scene: CSW in suit again! YAY!!!

    I laughed as they made the scene look like disneyland… (exaggerating all the lights in Inju city, huh? LOL)

    In fact so far from all the trailers (which I have to add – can they be less lazy in editing?? I feel like they are chopping off the scenes and putting them together…), I start getting the “feel” that the Hong sisters / PD are trying to bring – all craziness (which means the love story between CSW and GHJ will be very different from CSW and KSA in CH, and I’m happy becoz Gumi couple is not comparable IMHO and they are the best in their own genre).

  8. Ooh, the premiere date getting closer and closer! Thanks for bring the goods, ockoala!

    I like this trailer and the song choice… “I haven’t met you yet…” very fitting lyrics.

  9. OMG…..!! 3rd thriller is totally Rock! i like it so much. i guess in the end of the thriller there’s a romantic scene between GHJ and CSW.

    Cant wait anymore to read your recap about this GREAT DRAMA!

  10. it looks good! i have to see it really!
    the actress look too old or is just me!????
    i wish the actress was more appeling in some way!
    but well i will see if she actually can act!
    lokking foward to it!

  11. Best love loooookkksssss sssssoooo good despite the fact that hyo jin always looked like she’s irritated or as you said frumpy to me in the past, but I have hope that the way I look at her will change in best love.

    Koala I am going to go on a silent protest if you don’t recap Lie to Me. No pressure ;). Kekeke.

  12. love your idea of a “thank you” spoof! i haven’t watched “city hall” but i’m sure that will be hilarious as well. everyone that’s part of this drama is great so i have high hopes!

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