
Drunken to Love You Episode 3 Recap — 30 Comments

  1. I still have to finish the last half of the second episode but based on the recaps, i must say that you made a really nice observation. They both are in such a submissive relationship with their respective other that despite being happy, they are not..if that makes any sense..I mean not to say the love that Jie Xiu and Xiao ru have for Avril and Yi Xian respectively is not true but its more like that the love, the relationship kind of steals something from their ego and also from their personality..Its like one of those long relationships that you see two people in, where you know they love each other, but you also see how their relationship is almost becoming a burden yet they refuse to give up..Ok i m being all philosophical now..which is a good sign cause i don’t ever get really philosophical for taiwansese dramas especially..
    Plus rainie’s acting is so awesome man..I seriously cannot believe she was in “hello my sweetheart” and “devil beside you”..She was’nt bad in those shows..but i could’nt connect with it..
    hell this is even worth kind of putting aside my studying and taking a extended break πŸ˜‰
    oh and thank you so much for the recap..i hope you continue this if possible despite the massive amount of drama watching that is going to happen in may…:)

  2. Wow…I spent most of my afternoon stumbling over words trying to sub this yesterday. Here you are describing each scene so eloquently and succinctly. I envy your pretty words. Boo.

  3. XR & JX fit together like a pair of old gloves. They seem so at ease with other as a
    couple and they project an on screen chemistry that most casting agents can only
    dream of. YX & A seem cold and aloof, as well as selfish in their love.

  4. been haunting this website
    i am drunk on Drunken to love you its the best tdrama I have watched. the once a week is killing me

    i read the previews and watch the episodes over and over and over again

    and i have to do it in silence coz noone want to know nor do they understand

  5. I loved this ep. I don’t know how you can be this calm. I wish I could marathon this cos waiting for every single ep is frustrating. I love it SO much. If it keeps this pace and tone, I’ll be in line to buy the dvds when they come out.

    Re: Yi Xian. Like you, I feel conflicted about him. I just wish his excuse to be with Peggy isn’t simply a one-night stand turned into an unexpected pregnancy cos that would be kinda…lame and a weak excuse, but you’re right, whatever it is, he chose Peggy, out of duty or whatever, but he did make a choice. Still, I feel so bad for him. I feel even worse for Xiao Ru.

    I love Jie Xiu. I can’t even begin to tell you how refreshing it is to see a GOOD guy and root for him. Sure,he has flaws, but omg DTLY is about adults having adult conversations and reactions. \o/

    PS: To the world, Xiao Ru and Yi Xian are married, even if a few people know it’s just a contract marriage.
    Xiao Ru and Jie Xiu πŸ˜‰

    • O.M.F.G. O_____O

      *Hurries to correct it*

      Chingu-ya, was it a typo, or my subconscious at work?

      See, I logically despise Yi Xian, but seeing how he loves/loved Xiao Ru, it really hurts me that something happened to lead to this juncture in his relationship with Xiao Ru. My heart just hurts for THEM, Yi Xian and Xiao Ru, even as my brain tells me it was all for the best, because Xiao Ru was always too giving, too subserviant to Yi Xian’s needs, much too thankful he picked her, as opposed to understanding her own self-worth, which Jie Xiu is beginning to see more and more of each and every day they spend together.

      I LOVE DTLY – I’m only pretending to be calm when writing this recap, cuz my insides were a jelly of happiness watching episode 3.

      • It was Freudian slip perhaps? πŸ˜‰

        Re: Yi Xian. Exactly how I feel about him. Man, how are you so good with words? Rationally, I agree and I’m looking forward the romantic development of Xiao Ru/Jie Xiu cos that’s gonna be sweet and best of all, a relationship between equals on all accounts. But then, I see how in love Xiao Ru and and Yi Xian were -and omg, the scenes of their happy times! My heart, my heart!- and I’m sooo sad for them that I can’t help flapping my hands like an idiot and cursing Yi Xian for his stupidity. But then Jie Xiu does something so amazing and I forget out Yi Xian. IDEK, OKAY? I love this drama soo much. \o/

        Mission accomplished, chingu! You do sound all poised and collected in your recap! ^^ I don’t know how you did that.

      • PS: I forgot to ask. Any news about the OST? I’m SO addicted to the opening theme by Magic Power, omg!

      • I promise to bring all the songs from the OST when its released, which it hasn’t been yet.

        I LOVE all three songs so far, the opening number from Magic Power, Rainie’s sub-theme, and Yen-J’s ending song.

        The opening song by Magic Power is brilliant and perfect, but it’s actually only my 2nd fave MP song.

        The best MP drama song (and my fave drama opening of all time), belongs to the opening song and credits for PS Man with Blue Lan and Sonia Sui.

        Drama was crap – opening was just a work of art pretty.

      • Chingu, do you read my mind? ζˆ‘ζ˜―θ° ζˆ‘ζ˜―θ° ζˆ‘ζ˜―θ° is wonderfuuuuullllll! \o/ I haven’t watched that drama, but the song is oh sooo good. It’s my favorite from their album, which oh look, I’m listening to right now. πŸ™‚ See what DTLY did to me? Now I’m even getting to know new bands and get addicted to them.

        And thanks for being sooo good with us. *\o/*

    • Koala has too many dramas to fan over so she’s trying to keep calm LOL

      Like you guys, I also loved how Ep 3 took us thru XR and YX’s past. I liked that they didn’t get past XR’s heartbreak immediately and went into the contract marriage falling in love part. I liked that they made JX a comforter trying to heal her wounds and torn heart. And the loveliest part was when XR expressed her appreciation to JX even tho he kept going on about how he’s not concerned about her blah blah blah.. Rainie was just amazing in that scene. You see the sincerity in her eyes. Her appreciation. And I love love scenes like that, when someone is suddenly struck by realization that what you did, no matter how small or little, had meaning in the other person’s eyes.

      And YX? I’m just torn when it comes to him. It is plain obvious that he’s very much in love with XR. Very much, and I liked that he didn’t try to hide his feelings in front of Peggy. The only reason he probably went to Peggy was that he’s having her child and he wanted to take responsibility? Not the perfect situation to get together (i.e no love between the 2), but it’s probably the right thing to do for him. And knowing XR, she would have wanted YX to go to Peggy too. What worries me now is that Peggy may not even be pregnant and she’s taking YX for a ride so that he’ll end up getting over XR and go to her instead ))(*(*$##n just speculating but yeah..

      And Jie Xiu oh my Jie Xiu, can he get ever more sensitive and nice? πŸ˜€

      P/S: Did you guys watch the making of Ep 3 at the end? My, everyone, especially Joseph, had me giggling in fits man!

      • I agree with you, Ripgal! I LOOOOOVE that tptb are throwing into the story little moments where you can tell the characters get…more aware of themselves, of their own feelings and of what the other feels. They’re gradually introducing love and that’s just so realistic and makes me appreciate DTLY even more. I mean, as much as I love the love-at-first-sight trope or the so many dramas where one of the leads suddenly “sees the light” and is in love, what DTLY is doing feels more natural to me and has me watching every scene more than once, look ing for the details, for the subtle shifts in the expressions of Jie Xiu and Xiao Ru. That’s what makes this drama so addicting, imho.

        Re: Peggy. Oh my, I was thinking the same thing. That she isn’t pregnant at all and she tricked YX into getting engaged. However, I also have the feeling they have known each other for a long time, like, maybe their families were friends? Not sure about the latter. Or maybe she has been in love for him for a long time. IDK, something tells me they have some kind of history although I can totally buy the got-him-drunk/let-him-think-they-did-it scenario.

        I can’t wait to see the 3rd male lead and what’s going to happen when he shows up. I guess he’ll be pretty much inconsequential to the OTP since he’s probably going to fall in love with April.

        Oh noes, there wasn’t any BTS at viki. πŸ™ Just the looong preview for ep4

    • I agree with you 100 percent. He is one of the few protagonist in a Taiwanese or Korean drama that I root for. In Fated to Love you , for example, it was hard to root for Ethan: He was a jerk and immature. I’m loving this drama!

  6. Yeah, avril’s character needs to be a little more developed. I have nO connection with her. She and her boyfriend dont have a good connection either, their relationship seems fake, i dont believe for a second that they love each other. I especially didnt like the scene when she comes over to his house and shes like we dont have that much time together and they just start making out. It was like a wtf scene for me. I know it sounds lame, but they should have been catching up on each other’s lives, discussing about what they’re going to do in the future; especially since xiao ru is in the picture…

      • @momosan

        Re: Avril. Agreed. She needs to be developed more. I guess I couldn’t establish any form of attachment or connection with her because she comes across as incredibly selfish in everything she does or says so.

  7. I love this drama. The relationship between Joseph and Rainie feels so natural. I adored that last scene where they were watching TV together, with Jie Xu getting all excited and Rainie struggling to listen and failing. one of many cute moments between them~ I agree that their past relationships were perhaps not bringing the best out of them/not allowing them to grow as people. It’s like they were almost too compatible with their old lovers.

    I really do wonder about why Yi Xian is doing what he is. It seems so unneccesarily cruel. I really wanted to hit him when he didn’t stand up for Xiao Ru in front of her manager. I also wonder if Peggy is actually pregnant, or if the baby does exist if it really is Yi Xians (either way they would have slept together at some point…or maybe Peggy got him drunk and convinced him they slept together. seems like something she could do ) So far I can sympathise with Avril, she is selfish but I cannot hate her for that. But I can’t feel anything other than dislike toward Yi Xian and Peggy…

  8. this is so cracktastic!! I can’t wait till they are in love with each other. do you know what episode the bed scene is in?

  9. Miss Koala, thank you so much for rekindling my love for TWdramas. I gave this a go because of your profuse gushing and now I adore this drama to bits and pieces. The weekly wait is a drag, but at the same time it lets me savour the story. On to episode 4!!!

  10. on behalf of our DTLY facebook page, we would like to thank you ockoala for being so considerate of us and even allowing us to use your screencaps on our page. we really do appreciate it and this time we’ll make sure proper credits will be given to you and you site πŸ™‚ more power!! πŸ™‚

  11. :O i want to wacht this ep now! but i have to wait until someone translate it!
    it was good reading your thoughts koala!
    it is always a pleasure!

  12. This is the 3rd drama that Kingone and Rainie DO NOT become a couple. Devil Beside You and Why Why Love set up a great love story for the two. They have great chemistry! This show makes it evident as well.

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