
Drunken to Love You Episode 9 Recap — 46 Comments

  1. I have been following DTLY from day one and your recaps too.Thank you, I find this episode is quite slow. I have to agree with you Xiou Ru is too kind for my taste too. I just want to see more loving moment from the 2 main character just like LTM in episode11.

  2. Thank you so much for the recap!
    I absolutely adore this drama. JX is too precious for words and I can’t wait for these two to get it together for life!

  3. Thank you in Abundance for the recap, now I can go on my flight tomorrow solely focused on Lie to Me having my DTLY fix dealt with 😀

  4. Awww..thank you so much for this recap. Believe it or not, I actually felt teary watching this ep. Must be the combination of my LTM disappointment and general swooning of Jie Xiu’s awesomeness but yes, I got really emotional. Especially towards the end when he was holding Avril’s hand (who seriously needs to get a clue and move on…grrrr!) while looking back at Xiao Ru with an expression that says “I’m sorry I can’t be with you, I really want to be with you but there’s this bleeding girl and she needs my help right now.” *sigh*

    I agree with you regarding the whole Yi Xian-Peggy fiasco. Like you, I’ve been there and yes, it will take a looooong time to get over such heartbreak. But I guess Xiao Ru’s situation hits a little bit closer to home for me and I can also see where she is coming from, especially because Peggy is pregnant and for someone like Xiao Ru who grew up in an orphanage, I think she is willing to set aside her heartbreak because the most important thing for her right now is for baby to have a happy family. So yeah, I can totally see why Xiao Ru is doing what she’s doing.

    As for our Jie Xiu, I wrote this in a previous comment. He is surely the awesomest dreamboat to ever grace our tv/computer screens. Like you said, he is so well-written and very REAL. Not only is he smart, intuitive, sensitive, and sweet..I love that he has his shortcomings, his temper, his quirks, his dorkiness… gah, I can go on and on. I’m obviously smitten. Haha.

    And oh yeah, while you think you can have dinner with these two, I’m afraid that’s not a good idea for me. I might have to steal Jie Xiu and we don’t want that to happen, right? 😉

    • Totally agree!! But I can’t buy at all that awesomeness and forgiveness from Xiao Ru, she most being feeling like tearing apart!! I understand her background, but egghhhhh!!! Something doesn’t seems right to me!! Damn you Yi Xian!!! I hate you!! Even if you are handsome, and tall!! I HATE YOU!! I don’t forgive you for the fountain/trowing thingy!! No, no sir!!

  5. I hold you personally responsible for my addiction to this drama! Brat! I even found myself SQEEing throughout the entire episode. Hmph. I’m to old to SQUEE!! By the way, is it Sunday yet?

  6. Been waiting for this recap, and somehow find this episode a bit… disappointing. Avril is annoying, sure, but her role in the story is getting tiresome. Thankfully the leads (esp the male) are still endearing, and I hope the story picks up in the next episode.

  7. When I first watched this drama, I was surprised that the director didn’t choose a more evidently handsome lead actor. But Joseph just grows on you, and now by Ep. 9, I was wondering how could I ever think this man is not attractive when I first saw him He really is such a good actor and also his character is exemplary. As I’m also watching Lie to Me, I compare JX with Ki Joon and find the latter very much wanting in decisiveness and clarity in knowing what he wants. JX is so focused on which woman he really wants, and he’s ready to put a complete end to the unsatisfying relationship with the selfish b***h AW, even though XR is trying her best to make him wait before finally ending with thex-girlfriend. Apart from the ma-in-law from hell, I’m afraid XR will be too decent and will have too empathy with AW (remember she’s just lost her love to Peggy in a rather brutal fashion) to start any meaningful relationship with JX, who is clearly falling for her more and more day by day. I think there’ll be a somewhat brief separation between XR and JX before XR has recovered enough from her broken heart and put time and space between JX and AW for her to begin a deeper relationship with JX comfortably. This woman won’t be ready to jump into bed with JX even though she may have fallen in love with him eventually. So, I don’t know how 13 episodes will do justice to the storyline which is so realistic and credible. JX has already been disillusioned time and again with AW, and so we can’t fault him when he decides to terminate the desultory relationship. But XR is too raw emotionally from her abrupt breakup, which hits her with no warning, and she needs time to recover her emotional equilibrium before she can enjoy truly falling in love with JX and have a meaningful relationship with him. She may not ask for a divorce, I think, just for time-out, before she finally returns to him. So, we do need much more episodes than the current 13 as scheduled.

    • Yeah, 15 at last!!! We need to see Jie Xu, once again trying to get her or no, no better!! This time, Xiao Ru, is the one who need to get her game gear, and make Jie Xiu fall in love with her!! Because, he already do that!! He was with her, he try to fulfill her needs, and she is just pushing the brakes!! That is a NO-NO, lady!! He is in to you, and you are obviously in to him, so jump the bridge, because, the one who is going to catch you, that man is totally different from the one you had!! Hell Xian Yi, told you that you even find someone who give you happiness!! So, he gets it!! Damn you, woman!! Be strong, and make your decision!!

    • I share your views on JX – the character and the actor:
      – I also thought Joseph is not good looking enough to be the lead but he does grow on you. I had the same feeling for when I watched Yoon Kye San in Who Are You, but he grew on me and he’s now one of my favourites.
      – I also like the development of the JX character. When he decided he wants XR, he’s going for it… no dilly-dallying like the other leads in some dramas. The worst thing a lead cna do is to to-and-fro between girls… so annoying and frustrating.

  8. Raise hand! Jie Xiu will become world best dad, after my Papa of course!! LOL

    I lurve DTLY is my other cure for the LTM madness! LOL I don’t get the silly self sacrifice of Xiao Ru!! I hate that thing from her! She obviously know, that Jie Xiu, decide to move on, without Ai Wei and all her stupidity, selfishness and everything in between!! God Lord All Mighty!! He even take the photo out of his room, meaning, he doesn’t want her in his life anymore!! I get it!! Why the hell, Xiao Ru, doesn’t get it?? I understand she is afraid to love again, and love Jie Xiu, is like playing russian roulette, because, until yesterday he was head over hills for Ai Wei. I do understand Jie Xiu, disappointment, and how his love die. Damn, when you are in love with someone so selfish like that, the love that you feel, eventually, died. Little by little, the love just left, without a warning, without and orchestra playing, the titanic is sinking, but it doesn’t matter, whatever you feel, it doesn’t there anymore. I know Xiao Ru, is being cautious about how Jie Xiu feels, and hell, he doesn’t tell her how he feels either, so we can blame her. They just need to be honest, and open with what they are feeling.

    Xiao Ru, you better don’t feel guilty about loving for Jie Xiu, because, that relationship, was sinking before you get in the picture. Okay, okay!!! The new guy what the hell is he doing there, and what the hell is wrong with his hair? Seriously, looks like an UFO, landed in there!!! Ai Wei, please buy a ticket to the Bermuda Triangle or to Calypso and disappear, hell take Ricky with you, he seems lo like you, I really don’t understand why!! Peggy and Yi Xian, please get an early honeymoon to Calypso or Bermuda, and get the HELL out of the story like NOW PLEASE!!! And mommy dearest, don’t you dare to come, 80 years later, after leaving your son motherless for all those years, all worry for the future happiness, please that role doesn’t fit you!! Get it!! Okay, okay!!

    **Seriously!! Writers, don’t try to choke me with all that crap that Xiao Ru, is so, so , so wonderful, and forgiving, that she is even taking care of Peggy!! Common!! Only in drama land, the x girlfriend, become “friends” with the OTHER woman!! I don’t buy it!! Do you?? Don’t try to sell it to me, please! I am to old for that crap!! Common!!

    • I understand your frustrations cos i feel that way too when i was watching ep. 9 – then the rational side kick in and we realise that without these twists and turns in the plot, we wouldn’t have our bums glued to our seat, our unblinking eyes staring at the lcd screen, ears perked to catch each conversation for about 1 – 1.5 hours every Sunday 🙁
      P/s No offense to Xiao Gui’s fans, i find his hairstyle atrocious here – spoils his otherwise quite cute-looking face.

      • That thing is his head is an UFO, right? Is hideous!!! Ewwwwwww!!!! LOL

  9. I really enjoyed ep 9 overall but I do find that XR is going soft on the whole YX thing and I just wish that they would put an end to the whole Peggy thing. I don’t know… it’s not really interesting anymore. I was really interested in seeing Xiao Gui appear and am looking forward to that. I haven’t seen him act in a drama since the one he did with Lee Wei many years ago.

    Avril – yeah, bleck! She and YJ (from LTM) seriously need to get together and learn the “move on ladies cause you’re wasting your time with guys who no longer love you when you could be so much happier with someone else”. Urgh – Avril & Samantha (JX’s mom) in ep 10 preview give me the hebe-jeebys. I am not liking Jie Xiu’s mom at all.

    Jie Xiu – he’s just so funny and his sidekick is even funnier. I like Jie Xiu because he’s the right amount of balance between a guy who knows how to man up and one who also has a softer side. I also love his random awkwardness and looks.

    Joseph & Tom in the pool – oh yea!!! Looking forward to that clip. Go ratings!!! I like this sooo much better than FTLY.

    Btw – even though this is not about DTLY… I have now listened to Cyndi’s “Don’t Cry” about 100 times upon reading the Mei Le Go post. I am totally prepared for ep 12 of LTM as the song kinda fits that series too. And I couldn’t resist to take a peak at ep 2 and the DTLY’s competition. It’s not DTLY but better than I thought it’d be.

    • *oops – I mean “peek” not “peak”.

      Is this series really only 11 episodes? Does that mean there are only 2 more episodes? Or is it 13 – I forget – just remember that it’s really short.

  10. I’ve been watching this drama faithfully and reading your recaps, thanks for all the fun discussions on this blog.For my part. although I loved some bits of this episode, I was mostly dreading it as showed the beginnings of the usual WTF-ness that seems to invariably infects TW dramas, i.e. the Peggy-Yi Xian storyline, then the incursion of Daniel (like, what for?) and the fake pregnancy plotline that all just serve to extend the storyline only to allow for a 360 turn at the very last. Why do they keep doing that???? *vents*

  11. Agree with everything u guys say n think…DTLY has its brilliant and less than brilliant moments particularly in XR’s character development esp her forgiving and magnanimous nature where that Pregger Peggy is concerned…n hey,she’s preparing a wedding banquet for a thousand guests,does a bride even eat the food at her own wedding banquet?hence the unnecessary bother over Peggy’s tastebuds n what’s goes into the baby,for chrissakes!!
    Still,XR n JX r so adorable,one can rarely fault them in any way.And I don’t know why that Ah Beng Xiao Gui is being written into the plot,seriously,can or will he pose any threat to our charming JX in any department?Still,that whacky,zany scene with him ripping his pants in pursuit of the croissant was rather comical.Is dat hairdo to provide us comic relief as well?LOL
    JX’s quirky assistant is a natural comedian..I find myself smiling in amusement each time he n JX’s boss appear on the scene.Their exchanges are usually bawdy but so very funny n witty.
    Yes,Joseph Chang exudes charisma and charm and a natural spontaneity,absent in many TW drama actors,wc is why he is so watchable n grows on each of us as each epi unfolds.He is really into his role here.
    For reasons known only to myself,I find DTLY more engrossing,riveting and exciting than FTLY or any other recent TW idol drama.Geez…not since AC,have I been so totally obsessed with a TW life’s gonna be empty when it ends but the void can thankfully be filled by K-dramas n this wonderful blog.

    • OMG..have I started an uproar?sorry,guys,the comments about his appearance were not related to Xiao Gui personally but to his character,Daniel in the offence to Xiao Gui’s fans out there.Gulp…

  12. Re: Peggy/Yi Xian and Ai Wei. YES, THANK YOU! Exactly what I think.

    I really need to see more of Xiao Ru and Jie Xiu together, but honestly? The writers need to put Xiao Ru up to speed with Jie Xiu. They’re both awesome, but he’s like 10 steps ahead of her in the omg-I’m-in-looooove phase. I loveloveLOVE the way he is written. He’s mature even when he’s being silly (omg his segments with Tony? Hilarious and sooo sweet!), he’s ready for a story with Xiao Ru and he deserves to be loved back the way only Xiao Ru can. I was frankly disappointed when Xiao Ru saw April holding JX’s hand and misread the situation yet again. He told Xiao Ru to go to bed cos he was concerned for her health and the fictional baby’s (and you could tell he could tell Xiao Ru thought he was clinging onto April) and aaahhhh *is frustrated*

    Random thoughts

    1)Jie Xiu will make the best daddy ever, you’re right! *clutches heart*
    2) April doesn’t deserve Rickie imho. She should spend some quality time by herself and think if she’s happy with the person she is now. She totally needs that. And only when she’s changed and is happy about herself, only THEN she can begin another relationship. Because if she starts one now, it’ll be Jie Xiu all over again which just isn’t good. For her. Or for her love interest.

    And speaking about Avril, omg, we will have to see her again? Teaming up with Jie Xiu’s mom on top of everything else?!? I’m NOT happy about that! I prefer when the problems for the otp stem from the otp itself. That kind of conflict rings true and feels more real to me than anything else. It resonates more for me (think about the way Han-kyul reacts when he finds out that Eun-chan had lied to him in Coffee Prince? Man, I always break down when he gives the whole “why couldn’t you trust me?” speech). For example, I would have liked if Jie Xiu had confronted Xiao Ru about the reason she had lied to him cos I figured he’d feel betrayed. He had come to trust her like he has never trusted April (or, well, maybe he simply gave up on April since she kept putting herself before him) and IDK, if I were him, Xiao Ru’s lie would sting even if it was April that forced her to hide the truth from him.

    I’m curious about Daniel and I’m not quite sure if his storyline -whatever it may be- can be a good thing for DTLY. DTLY seriously needs more Xiao Ru/Jie Xiu-are-falling-in-love moments.

    • Y_Y why? Why you make me remember that scene!! Why????

      Han-kyul reacts when he finds out that Eun-chan had lied to him in Coffee Prince? Man, I always break down when he gives the whole “why couldn’t you trust me?” speech

      I cried like a little girl!!! Y_Y, OMG I am crying now!!!!!

      WHY you are so cruel!!!! Y_Y

      • I’m sorry! *hugs* I thought it was a fitting example of the conflict that stems from within the couple vs conflict created by external sources (ie clingy exes, relatives opposing the marriage/relationship, etc)

        And I hear you! That’s one of the saddest yet most poignant scenes I’ve ever watched. Coffee prince is one of my favorite kdramas ever for a reason! 🙂

      • He is an extraordinary actor, because, if you can feel what he is trying to communicate, damn, he do on hell of a job!!!

        That said, he make my cry!!! He break my heart!! I was OMG, why you lied woman, why? Why you didn’t tell him the truth!! You evil, lying woman!!! Y_Y

  13. Dear Koala,
    You are truly amazing. Don’t you need your beauty sleep like the rest of us ? (Not that I’m complaining!) I’m totally exhausted today. Stayed up all night trying to watch LTM Ep 11 live in vain. Then, lo and behold, was the baby recap, followed by the recap. To top that, the DTLY recap appeared! I take my hat off to you.How do you do it ? Anyhow, many thanks from the bottom of my heart. You’ve made my day!

    • And, my translation for it…

      Between TAW & SJX:

      唐艾薇 : 杰修,拜托你不要赶我走,好不好?
      TAW: JX, I beg of you, don’t turn me away, ok?

      宋杰修: 你待在我身边唯一的方式就是做回我的朋友,普通朋友。
      SJX: The only way you remain by my side is to return to being my friend again, normal friend.

      宋杰修: 我再也不要跟你玩什么暖昧不明的游戏。你到底喜不喜欢我?
      SJX: I don’t ever want to again play any ambiguous, unclear games with you. Do you actually like me or not ?

      Between SJX & LXR:

      LXR: SJX, I beg of you, don’t continue to ask again, ok ?

      宋杰修: 你要逃避什么啊?我都鼓起勇气跟你讲.你为什么怎么胆小阿?
      SJX: What do you want to evade/hide? I’ve plucked up all my courage to tell you. Why are you so timid?

      LXR: What timid ? Do you think, bearing a conscience, snatching other’s things is very courageous ?

  14. yay for recaps! Thanks Koala!

    So much happened and I’m glad that DTLY keeps going with the formula they’ve used throughout the episodes so far with the crazy hilarity and poignantly thoughtful emotional moments. Did anyone else notice that Xiao Gui’s character was added to the opening sequence and that new scenes which we’ve yet to even see in previews were also added? With the amount of stuff happening plus the addition of Samantha’s mini arc, there is no way they can cram that into 2 cups efficiently…Or maybe thats just my wishful thinking that it’ll be at least 13 cups haha it really only Tuesday? Its gonna be one long week…

  15. Thanks for the recap, ockoala!

    I’ve finally caught up with Drunken to Love You after marathoning eps 2-9 within the last two days. I totally forgot that it airs one episode on Sunday and didn’t think that it’d be so good and addicting coz then I’d wait to for it to finish airing and watching this baby in one go coz the wait is sooo long.

    Ahh, Xiao Ru and Jie Xiu… they make me giddy with glee.

  16. I have one quesion though…Why haven’t they divorced yet? They obviously don’t need to be married anymore for Avril’s sake (not that they did in the first place), but they were going to divorce when she asked for the favor; so why are they still married. Is this just a ploy to keep them together?

      • I wondered as well.Guez,it’s becoz they have a three month contract n the fee due to XR at the end of that period.Nah…on 2nd tots,it s more becoz they just wanna stay married coz they ‘complete ‘each other …epi 10 will confirm this as JX confesses his feelings for XR and declares that he’s decided to fall in love with her…..OOOOOO…Sunday can’t come any sooner..

  17. Thanks for the great recap ockoala – just had to read all your recaps after watching to make sure i don’t miss a single detail. Ooh… i’m getting frustrated with XR too, she’s taking the generous thing a bit too far i sometimes feel like strangling her. The only one lovable character throughout is SJX…… i don’t swoon but i guess i just might with him. And all his cute antics makes me laugh out loud while watching ppl think i’m mad. Now i know that a man can be macho and cute at the same time.

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