
Scent of a Woman Releases Additional Stills and Second Teaser Trailer — 18 Comments

  1. Man, I have been eagerly waiting for its premiere for ages. To be honest, it’s really the only kdrama I’ve been really looking forward to this year.

    Was looking forward to LTM but disappointed (slightly but the plot) and was so looking forward to cityhunter…then losing interest… then finding out it was actually good. So fingers crossed that this would turn out a la CityHall and less of When Night Comes for KSA.

    As for LDW… What can I say… Thank You Korean National Service.

  2. oh dear palpitations galore when i saw LDW’s topless pic!!!! was hoping he lost the shorts…he’s so buff…he left as a boy and came back a hunk!!!tee hee… perverted halmoni needs this…yay!!!…

  3. it looks like it might be GOOD. omg and LDW is (still) so hot. i love Seo Hyo-Rim too, kinda hope she’ll be paired with uhm ki-joon again, they had madddd chemistry in world we live in!

  4. what the hell…I think I hyperventilated when I saw Lee Dong Wook’s topless pic

    damn the man is hot! I’ve always loved him for his pretty face…now I can love his body too…Kim Sun Ah, you lucky girl

  5. Auntie K,
    These stills just make me think of LTM and I miss that show. Seeing Sam Soon makes me think of my Oppa Binnie dang it now I’m sad all over again :..(
    Hopefully SOAW will hook me like LTM did. By the way I miss my LTM playmates, we need to find another KDrama that spoke to us like LTM did.
    Hearts&Hugs playmates <3

  6. Kim Sun-ah is mightily pretty but she’s so skinny! LDW, he’s always been lean and delicious. The army post-bod is yummy!

  7. I cant wait for this weekend. anybody knows where i can watch this online streaming same time in korea? im a big sun-ah fan and i dont think i can wait for the sub upload one day later.

    sun-nah unni, bagophida.

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