
The Evolution of KimuTaku Through AnAn Magazine Covers — 59 Comments

  1. I know next to nothing about J-entertainment. Just started watching Buzzer Beat based on your rec… But am wondering, if he is the Crown Prince, who is the King? And Queen? Thanks!

      • I second that. Kimutaku is the King himself IMO.

        It’s hard to find a long-reigning Queen in J-ent… I don’t think at this moment there is any actress who can claim this title.

    • Easy.

      Johnny is the King of J-ent. He makes or breaks any newbie. Period. He’s the Emperor and Johnny & Associates is the Death Star.

      KimuTaku is the Crown Prince, and always will be. He doesn’t want to be King – too much responsibility, he needs the freedom to challenge himself.

      There is no Queen of J-ent. Hamasaki Ayumi rules the singing roost, and maybe Shinohara Ryoko has the respect and the widespread actress appeal, but in the end J-ent is all about the guys.

      My Pi may be considered a successor to KimuTaku, but there is no such person ever to come again. If KimuTaku is Michael Jordan, then Pi, Kame, Jun, Shun, Miura, Hayami, et. al. are all just pretenders to the throne. Akin to Kobe, Wade, LeBron, etc.

      KimuTaku has everything – there won’t ever be another him.

      • So fascinating. I’m going to have to look up some of his work for future rainy weekends…

        BTW, I’m 4 episodes into Buzzer Beat now, and I have to agree with your praise – it’s got such a great vibe to it… totally digging the natural feeling I get from the main actors, esp your boy!

      • Haha love how you always bring basketball into the eqaution. Your a HUGE fan huh?

        But anyways koala, your right. KimuTaku is an original, but if there is a time when he needs a successor, I think it definitely has to be Shun! Shun. Oh I love him and his name. Because shun is so boss–IMO ofcourse. 🙂

      • agreed! hands down to KimuTaku.

        i have a major crush on him since Long Vacation :3

      • Definetly agree with you, there are allot of people who are talented and goodlooking. But there are only a handfull of people who have that something special on top of that. Like George Cloony in hollywood and Sha Ruk Khan in Bollywood.

      • yup ! nothing compare him :p (bias)

        i have all the picture because i adore him since kid :p until FOREVER

      • Kimutaku!! *Bow* He is like Peter Pan. Never aged much since his SMAP days…

        U like Pi chan? My love is Takki. *heart, heart*

    • To me, Nakama Yukie is the queen, but that’s totally my own bias XD Amami Yuki is also really awesome ^^

      But I’d agree, for the females there isn’t really someone like that. There are lots of popular younger actresses, like Horikita Maki, Toda Erika, Inoue Mao and Ayase Haruka, but they haven’t been around long enough, or are too young or something, I don’t know. It’s really weird, because there are so many awesome actresses, there’s really not one general national favourite, I think.

    • my first J was Pride and I’ve loved him since then. No question whatsoever HE IS KING! Now to plug PRIDE, it clever, his cocky and its set to several rocking Queen anthems. Shoot now I have to go watch it.

  2. Oh my… missed the good old days when I see some of the covers of An An that I did own… esp. the ones around 1995 / 1996, basically the same year when I first saw a dorama with KimuTaku in it. (also the golden era of J-dorama. sigh)

    Thanks for sharing this!!

  3. Kimutaku…my…drug of choice??? he’s not your usual pretty boy but he got sooo much sex appeal and talent that you simply melt into his world everytime you see him… Thank you madame K for these pics… Love them all… until now I can’t explain why I’m captivated by him… Love him in Pride and then hounded all his dramas after… he truly deserves to be called the Crown Prince of J ent.

  4. love him, though it’s 100% because of Pride. <3

    There are a couple pictures in there of him smiling with the long hair where he looks like (sorry, but I don't know the names) The guy who plays Mike He's little brother in the TW drama Devil Beside You.
    I don't necessarily think he's more handsome that all the other J-drama guys out there (though he's certainly up there) but he is definitely the sexiest.

  5. This man is just pure awesomeness when it comes to sex appeal. I also really fell in “love” with him acting-wise after he acted in Pride. I know that Long Vacation really exploded him onto everything in Japan and Asia, but I wasn’t really fully impressed with his doramas until 2004. I loved Mr Brain and Karei naru Ichizoku.

    Even though I wasn’t super into his dramas until then, I still really really loved him and the rest of SMAP for their variety show talents. They absolutely are hilarious! Loved their stuff from 1997 til now. I was always quite impressed with how even though they are really famous, they still do a lot of really funny comedy sketches. I don’t know… I feel like in TW industry, once you go super idol/famous, you no longer really do that kind of stuff. Granted the market is different there, but I still appreciate the SxS show and other variety shows that members host.

    Gosh, is it me or maybe really great photoshopping skills – but he looks younger in the 2010 cover than in some of the previous ones. Either way, he’s super fine. He definitely is the reigning crown prince… no one will ever be quite like him.

  6. Strange but true: I first fell in love with KimuTaku’s ACTING VOICE. In Miyazaki’s Howl’s Moving Castle, which I love with a deep passion and always watch in Japanese because I’m so much of a voice purist I don’t even like watching CARTOONS which are dubbed over in another language. Especially cartoons which are as elegant and culture-specific as Miyazaki. So, I’m in love with Howl, right. And so one day I google-image the actor and, hey, he’s kinda cute. And I watch A Million Stars Fall From the Sky. And the rest is history.

    • really??? kimutaku as Howl????? i only watched the subbed one….

      i have to agree with you in terms of Ghibli studio's film.
      Fantastic film!!!!

      but, i'm not a big an of their latest movie, Tales from earthsea…
      kinda let-down for me…

      • Yep yep… he is howl. 🙂 Super sexy. Even my hubby was impressed when I told him that the lead was an idol!! hehe. He loves Miyazki-san’s works.

      • I was warned that anyone who loved the Earthsea books (Ursula le Guin) as I do would be disappointed with the Ghibli Earthsea. And even with managed expectations I thought Earthsea was a pale shadow of Ghibli glory.

        Watch Howl’s Moving Castle in Japanese! The actor (yes, actor) who plays the Witch of the Waste is amazing. And, of course, it’s got KimuTaku!! 😉

      • I keep putting off watching Howl’s in Japanese, but now i think i’ll have to. Everything else, I prefer subbed over dubbed, but I always watch Miyazaki dubbed (probably because it’s so much easier to find dubbed). I think I need to align my Miyazaki with the rest of my anime. especially Howl’s.

  7. What a coincidence. I am in the process of d/loading Long Vacation, which happens to star KimuTaku. I just finished episode 1 and I think I will like it as much as BB. Apparently it’s from the same director or author?

  8. i like him , he is totally j drama prince …. but hoping to see also matsu jun an an cover evolution if he has one

  9. Wow.
    Can he let known his secret to eternal youth? Hardly changed at all over 10+ years. I wasn’t much of his fan in Pride or Long Vacation but don’t deny he’s good looking. However, was completely hooked since he did ‘Million stars falling from the sky’ Mmmmmmmmm.

    • Yes, he does. I use to call him Won Bin lookalike before i knew KimuTaku.

      Kimu Taku will always be the King of J Entertainment. If i hear Timu Taku speak japanese, i want to start learning the language right away. He has this aura and charisma and i don’t think any one is close to reaching his level yet.

  10. Thank thank you Koala for the pics. I was hooked on Jdramas solely because of him. Loved him in Love Generation, Pride and Sleeping Forest especially. And will always look forward to his new dramas. I so agree that they won’t see another phenomenon like KimuTaku in J-ent, or maybe even in any asian entertainment circles. He is truly one of a kind.

  11. I know very little about j-ent but I like his (KimuTaku’s)’s like I see my cute little Uchi Hiroki, who is the one I like most in what little japanese shows I’ve seen

  12. Is it me or that guy doesn’t seem to age much?? There’s some covers in the later years where I would totally have mistaken them for covers of his younger years… Magic of photoshopping? anyway, I crushed for that man right the first drama I watched him… and then I watched all his drama over the years until Pride came and I totally fell for him… I might be more obsessed with Pi but Kimutaku has this drawing power called charisma that Pi cannot equal.

    • Also… i loved in Hero… Awesome drama even though there wasn’t any romance. ^^ That man oozes sex appeal no matter what he does, and no matter how much the scenes lack romance in it. Or I’m just incredibly biased… -_-“

  13. Damn. I thought I was looking at Won Bin!

    I don’t know who’s older, but either he looks like WB or WB looks like him. Spitting image for majority of these photos.

    • My first thought was there’s definitely something Lee Min ho-esque about the 1st cover shown above…He looks gorgeous in the 2002 cover.

  14. to Dana and Lina, I agree that Won Bin is a very gud actor, he is special but pls dont say that Takuya Kimura looks like him or other actors, if you research and read about Takuya. HE is not like anyone else, both his appearance and talents…
    I watched most of his dramas and movies, and CMs, and I have to say I always can watch them again and again….
    Sorry to be a bit rude, but I just cant help myself saying that hehehe..

  15. Always lurked, but couldn’t resist when you brought out the KimuTaku! Been a fan since the 90’s myself and I can say there will never be another like him. Am an absolute Arashi fangirl, but individually, no one comes close to the KimuTaku.
    Just wondering if you’ve seen the anan pics of Pi… and Jin and Jun and Sho? The “this needs to be censored” series ;p

  16. LOVE Kimutaku!!!
    Thanks for uploading Koala. Been following his career for quite a while now an I agree he is crown Prince. No one comes close… Love the hair, love the look, love the style, love his dramas. Just finished watching ‘Space Battleship Yamato’, he plays the lead Kodai and he rocks.

  17. He doesn’t seem to age at all. He is just awesome! He is definitely my favorite Japanese actor along with Fukuyama Masaharu.

  18. i might be toooo late for this post..But whenever everyone in my country has been caught by Korean k-pop fever.. i’ve been falling in love with this Japanes guy ever since.It’s been 20 years already. love smap n kimutaku forever!

  19. He is really something. I only found his dramas recently. I’ve watched the ones by yamapi and tamaki hiroshi, but after discovering kimura takuya , he dominates my no 1 ranking. He’s on a different level than all the jdrama actors that I’ve liked before. Aura , presence , looks.. he just has it all. The emotion he conveys in his drama is deep as well. My so far favs are PRIDE , Good luck and 1 million stars falling from the sky.

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