
Video Preview for Episode 7 of Protect the Boss — 24 Comments

  1. Yay! Glad the video preview for episode 7 is finally out, I’ve been stalking your site to see if you would post it and I’m glad you did. Thanks!! 🙂 Can’t wait to see the love triangle/square finally start. I also love that everyone involved knows about the others crushes & past loves.

  2. I knew it!!!
    They fight like a kids. LOLOLOLOL
    Now MuWon is officially a part of the Cha family. he get beat up on the elevator!!

    • and although the love triangle may skewed on one side, I hope we had fun on watching the other part got shorten and shorten and can laugh at it instead of hating it.. 😀

  3. bwahahaha the fighting scene is hilarious… Love this drama… can’t wait for wednesday… looking forward to more laughs this weeks’ episodes… 🙂

  4. those cousins seem very cute!!! Eun Seol is like a precious toy they’re fighting over… except she’s more to them than that, she’s someone that got to them in places no one got to b4, and both are not ready to let go of her now!!
    I’m looking forward to bromance in this drama!! I can see that they don’t “really” hate each other but are very competitive with each other
    I usually don’t like love triangles, find them annoying, and for that reason I don’t watch “That Many” kdramas, however if the characters deal with it fairly and maturely, then it might be interesting to watch 😉

  5. OMG OMG OMG!! PAPA Cha kicking both Ji Heon and Mu Won God butts in the elevator is just HILARIOUS!! Is this the CHA family or what???!!! People, this is such a lovely lovely slightly disfunctional chaebol family that I want to put them all in a room and just watch them FIGHT it out, WITH LOVE! Go PAPA Cha, go!
    I simply can’t wait for tomorrow!
    Really love Ji Heon this role is such a really different rich guy role that I’ve never seen! And the BROmance with Mu Won God!! Like I said, can we have the 2 of them as Best Couple 2011 please???? How can we let these love birds go away without awarding them the loveydovey prize of the year??

  6. There was the most adorable pic on Soompi that had Ji Heon and Moo Won s on the floor laying on their backs next to each other looking at their scripts after all their fighting. At some point while shooting, they were fighting so intensely that people outside the restaurant were curious why the actors were so upset with each other. 🙂

    Oh I just love how PTB keeps entertaining us week after week. Never disappointing! Can’t wait to watch! I’m sure Mr. Koala will be very entertained when you get up early to stream the raw video tomorrow 🙂

  7. asldkjkljfslkhaklsdhalksdhlka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait, can’t wait!

    I’m ridiculously fond of Ji-heon. I love him to bits! He’s so innocent and adorable and yet there’s something deeper lurking underneath the surface adn alskdjalsdjladsjasd OMG his little face of GLEE when his dad kicked Moo-won! *giggles forever*

    I’m also ridiculously fond of his dad. He’s slow, but hilarious.

    • “…his little face of GLEE when his dad kicked Moo-won! *giggles forever*””

      My favorite part! I was on the floor laughing. And then when his dad kicks him, there is the tiniest hint of a smile on Moo-won’s face. Can’t wait to see this episode! Please let it be as insanely wonderful as the previous episodes!

      • IKR! I can’t wait. That scene is going to make me laugh so hard I’ll probably cry! *g*

  8. thank you for the far this drama has not disappoint..every episode keeps us laughing, entertained and most of all it keeps the story moving forward and all the cast are wonderful actors..cannot wait until tomorrow =)

  9. wowwww
    I want to see the chapter, as needed to ensure that you exit, hahahhahahaha
    Super good drama this great and diverido, I laugh like crazy

  10. this drama has just gotten me crazy hehehe… and today was so happy coz it’s dandarararan… wednesday! i love that AKP is as bustling as ever even in vacay mode sis 🙂

    seen the preview several times already! love, love, love it! Both guys are so adorable and this is a bonus for me coz i love both male leads. the fight between the two boys are so, can i say this, cute 🙂 hehehe. and gah! papa cha is so adorable. like what you said earlier, sis, PTB is so relatable. you won;t leave any character behind, everyone is so interesting!

    i want to share this tidbit of info on PTB and how huge the support JYJ fan’s are giving the show. someone posted this in a one of kdrama groups i’m part of in fb.
    1. on july 27th, fans of Kim Jaejoong sent out 6.56 tonnes of rice wreaths as their show of support for their idol and PTB. link:
    2. JJFanUnion Large Scale 5th Round Fans Support for “Protect The Boss”, where breakfast was served to the cast and crew likewise gifts were given to the cast and crew. the gifts are just wow! link:

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