
Congrats to MinMin Shippers: Lee Min Ho and Park Min Young Confirm They Are Dating — 82 Comments

  1. Thanks for this Captain.. Awww.. Happy for MinMin Couple.. Can’t wait for GeunGeun Couple to be like them.. Who knows they might be the Geuns’ inspiration and be the next in line to announce their relationship.. Haha.. How I wish.. 🙂

  2. I also heard this exciting news from earlier but then their management denied this rumour, they said the couple only a close friend but not yet in a relationship.. gahhh.. I wish this news is true, I wish Lee Min Ho is indeed in a relationship with Park Min Young, love the couple a lot.. I wish all other couple in drama would also be pair and become real in their relationship

  3. I’m rooting for the beautiful “HwanHye” couple. Please, please….let them take the cue from MinMin couple and make the announcement much needed to boost my spirit.

  4. I’m bias i love Lee Min Ho. I want him to be mine only. But if it’s Park Min Young then I’ll give way. I love them too. I’m happy for them.
    I cant wait for the Geun2x couple to reveal that they are also real couple. Hope they will be next in line to announce it and then wedding announcement following their costar Kim Hyo Jin. ( still hoping )

  5. GEUN-GEUN babies nextttt…..pleaseeee….i love them to pieces…..

    HWANHYE….i wish that they follow the younger ones…

  6. Aawww…too cute! They’re adorable together. If this is true, then I’m happy for them. But I have to say I’m surprised they’d go public with it. Those fangirls can be scary.

  7. congcrats to MinMin but my first thought is how about HwanHye couple?????????????
    cannot wait any longer.hope that will be a good new too ^__________^

  8. I am quite ambivalent towards this couple. LMH is like the icon in my k-drama world, and PMY is well, just a little above the mere mortals. I do however, wish them only happiness, peace and some privacy. They look ridiculously pretty together.

    What I really long to hear is news about the HwanHye couple. I hope they’d be encouraged by this development and finally reveal to us what we already know in our hearts to be true. When that happens, I would scream, shout, dance in the street, sing, break out the champagne, kiss and hug everyone I meet and treat all my co-workers to lunch! Oh, HwanHye, don’t make us wait too long! Pleeezzzz!

  9. And thus the cries of millions of fangirls, teenagers, ahjummas etc. are heard round the world as their hearts break that it is now a fact that Lee Min Ho is taken…

  10. i just read it on viki and their agency denied about this…………..are they just want to double jaw dropped me with all this crazy news?!

  11. YES!! Iam so happy for them! The BST of City Hunter with these two was always cute and you could tell they generally like each other! I also agree with u about GeunGeun couple they should announce they are dating they makebit so obvious they like each other lol.

  12. NOOO NOOO. lol but i’m totally happy for them (: they are pretty cute. make babies so I can adore them as well! 😀 YES.

  13. Yes! Yes! The Min-Min couple!!! I absolutely adore both of them and both of them together – even better. I am definitely rooting for them to make it all the way down the aisle and a happily ever after. 🙂 She is just too cute! And while I didn’t really feel super amazing chemistry onscreen in CH1 -> here’s an opportunity to go for CH2 and really turn it on. 🙂 Congrats guys! Either way – hope all the fans out there can support 🙂

    Yes – Geun-Geun babies – I really do think they are sooo cute together and they are really matching in their careers, hearts, cuteness… everything!

  14. Okay, I’m always here everytime to have a peek but just has no time, dear me, to linger and comment. Oh I miss those days….But I cannot stay silent much longer! Really??? I mean I thought Park Min-Young and Lee Min-Ho are just one of those couples who have quite a chemistry on screen but the type that fizzles out soon after the job is done. Wow! I mean really? I’m so happy too!!! They do look good together alright, but I never thought they’d really be together off-screen. I mean maybe because their scenes have very little on the romantic side compared to the action/ other stuff? I’m really not so sure. Oh wow! Thanks for the info Koala unni! That’s one great news!!!

    About our HwanHye! They’re slated to do a movie together??? That is one box office hit for sure! I do think that even if it’s a horror film (which I totally abhor since I don’t like secreting too much adrenaline) or a suspense thriller (which doesn’t fit our HwanHye together at all, everybody would still watch it mwa ha ha! I still think that they’re dating secretly really. So my hopes of them ending up in the altar, exchanging vows, for real, is still high up there in the exosphere!

    The Geun-Geuns? Well, these two do not seem like in a hurry but that’s alright,I think we can all see that they’re on their way there, slowly but surely mwa ha ha ha! Oh, I just wished that these two would wind up again in another project to somehow speed up the process? Gosh. But then, who knows? They might be kissing privately as I write this now, har har. Am I asking too much though?

    Anyway, I hope you’re having a swell vacation by the beach ockoala unni (wow, I wish I’m somewhere nice and warm too). Nice renovation here… Your site is light and crisp, pleasant to the eyes. Who’s that up there in the header, by the way? Is it the Scheduler, Jung Il-Woo? He looks like a vampire here, the Cullen type. Cold but hot! Scary but draws you in! Sigh!

  15. I am beyond thrilled to learn about this awesome news!!! It’s giving me hope that there is such a Kdrama god after all who listens to fervent prayers of shippy hearts… I wish my ultimate HwanHye couple would follow soon…Kudos to MinMin couple for being brave…I like their story…being friends for long then finally developed feelings during CH then voila decided to give it a try and announce it to the world!!! I admire them for being so gutsy… I wish for them to be happy and strong and to stay together for long and yes, if possible marry each other and have those beautiful babies…ahhhhhhhhh to be young and so in love!!! MinMin fighting!!!!!

  16. Aww. They are a cute couple indeed. I’m hoping for City Hunter 2 with them. Maybe the young generation wants to come out and be free with whomever they love and all those fans opposed are being silly cause he will never be theirs anyway only in fantasies.

  17. City Hunter 2 please… Or any other drama or movie with these two together, I take it. Oh so lovely this story!!

    Thanks Koala Bear (hmm… Min Ho with koala bear or nana bear?)

    • OMG! That is exactly what i want 😛 Never was a LHM/ PMY / City Hunter fan…but HwanHye couple has to happen! They better be dating! ( even if it’s done secretly :D)

  18. I am happy for them but I wished they date secretly for a bit longer say 3 months. The relationship is in its baby stage who knows what can happen just hope they are prepared mentally for the upcoming tidal wave on their dates. Wish them good luck.

  19. Dear Captain,
    First – thank you for all bomshell news that you bring to us.
    Second – I feel exactly the same about GeunGeun and HwanHye couples!!! I am especially impatient about GeunGeun couple! Come on Geun babies, you are so adorable together and I think you have a lot of support.
    Congratulations to the brave MinMin couple!

  20. Congrats to Min-Min couple… tho my heart broken into pieces when i heard LMH ssii now in a relationship, but its forgiven since the girl a sexy and beautiful woman PMY…
    I think I need to give the next baton to Jung Il Woo … and if it’s not work well with him too then I’ll pass it to Kim Bum… 😀

    HwanHye couples…come on! be fearless like these young couple..tell the world you’re dating 🙂 dun, both, will get soooo many supportive fans to support ur relationship…

  21. MinMin couple got outed the exacted same way all couples are in K-ent – someone caught them dating and snapped some pictures. Forcing both agencies to comment. Initially some mixed comments, then denials, and finally confirmation.

    Like I said before, unless the HH or the GG couples are caught in public dating, neither will ever confirm unless it’s because there is an engagement imminent. MinMin didn’t willingly announce they were dating, they were forced into a corner with photo evidence so they had to confess. Which is great, because now they can date in public without hiding. I hope LMH fangirls go easy on PMY. They are an adorable couple who were friends for a few years ago. A real fan of any actor ought to be pleased the actor has found a person to make him/her happy.

    As for my gorgeous couples? I know they are happily dating. Just my personal shippy beliefs. 😀

  22. What the news company does is usually send most revealing and controversial pictures of them together to each agencies first. Then they reveal less revealing ones first. If the agency denies, they will publish these pictures later. If they admit it, then they will leave it at what they publish originally.

    When the news broke, PMY’s agency admit it while LMH’s agency denied it. LMH’s fans attacked the reporters. Reporters attacked back on Tweeter, stating that if LMH’s agency denies all this after having met them in person to confirm, they are asking for trouble.
    Few hours later, LMH’s agency changed their story and said they were dating.

    It’s hard for agencies to accept. There’s lots of money involved, especially with LMH aiming for Japanese market.

    Isn’t it true that single entertainers tend to attract more new fans?
    Agencies only admit their dating relationships when the news agencies has 100% proof (not revealed to public) and when they have no choice.

    • I didn’t know that the reporters attacked back on Twitter. I was confused too with LMH’s agency. One second they denied it (my heart broke for a while), and then they confirmed it.

      • I hope their agencies are not making plans that keep both of them too busy to date/contact each other. Remember Dokgo-Jin’s manager in Greatest Love?

        I believe any agencies is capable of that and it would be really sad if they eventually broke up due to their conflicting busy schedules. 🙁

        Anyway – I say fighting to both of them and may their love prevails.. Cheers!

  23. While looking at the photos kissing couple the two younger guys hold the fave of their lady loves, but KJH hand was behind YEH head….perhaps for more longer kissing …..or this is the art of kissing and breathing technique..heheheheh

  24. When I first read the heading I was “OMG! What?! Really? How about my HwanHye???”
    So I could hope for HwanHye to be real!
    Okay, I just need to be patient.
    No news is good news. 🙂
    Thanks, Captain K!

  25. Hahaha, your reaction was exactly like mine. Woot, so happy for them but what about HwanHye and the Geuns? Ahhhhh, our shippy hearts can’t be stopped! ^^

  26. I’m in the minority for not being so thrilled about this couple. I want LMH to end up with another actress.. anyway, good luck to them 🙂

    If the GEUNS go public, I’d throw a freaking party.. now that is the pairing I am really really dying to see happen in real life.

  27. I’m totally shock when read this news from FB. They are super fast. 🙂
    Congrats to MinMin couple, I like both of them too.

    Hope our HwanHye couple can have good news soon…marry? hehe

  28. KYAAA SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My min min couple really dating in real life!! I’m SO Happy!! >0<

    I can't believe it… I have to pinch myself to convinced me I'm not dreaming. LOL

  29. ha! i knew koala would not hesitate taking a break from break with this good news floating around!^_^ happy for the minmin couple and the shippers!!

  30. Wow, this was a shocker. Now waiting for the Geun Geun babies to do the same. They are made for each other, totally perfect & adorable together.

  31. Yay! Another celebrity couple in the open. Though the only reason they confirmed is because they got caught. There are lots of others under the radar.

    By the way, I mean no offense by this, but am I the only one wondering if their kids will need nose jobs in case of a marriage? They are both super attractive people, but it’s a known fact that they both got their noses done. Ah, the downright of cosmetic surgery.

    • well if their child will get the fathers face then it will only be the nose that needed to be repaired but if the child will get the mothers face then he/she will need a total renovation ..i guess the child will have the repair when she is in high school like the mom

      • Wow, you’re so mean! Do you really have to be so bitter? Yes, she had surgery and she admitted it and most important of all it’s her life! Sorry, I just don’t like people who like to blackmouth others

  32. wheeeeee……….I am so happy for LMH and PMY. With due respect to the GeunGeun fans out there, I am not keen for their pairing. For one, JGS is skinny and effeminate for my beautiful and gorgeous MGY. Secondly, MGY likes someone tall and WELL BUILT. I am really all for her to date any other guys except JGS. However, ultimately she is the one to decide and I am keeping my fingers crossed it’s not JGS.

    • I agree. I love both of them very much because they are talented beyond believe. But I do find JGS a bit too “pretty” in a feminine sense to match up to MGY. I think she would look better with a more masculine guy. Although if I ship JGS with anyone, it would be Park Shin Hye but that ship seemed to have sunk a long time ago. She’s buddies with everyone but not girlfriend to any.

      But I totally vote for HwanHye.

    • why, thank you very captain for interrupting for ur vacay and doing this piece for us! me too want to congratulate the brave MinMin for coming out in the open. ur, right, the bright side is they won’t have to sneak for a date…teehee!i’m happy for them and i hope their fans continue to support them.

      as for our hwanhye and geun babies, let’s still wait patiently for everything will fall into place.

      and feisty_gal, i’m just wondering what u would do just in case geun young ssi chooses JGS.. 😉


      • Well, of course, I will not be too happy… but as long as MGY is happy, I will definitely wish her well (still keeping my fingers crossed).

  33. I whine too, after hearing MM go public, I immediately thought of HH, why can’t they go public….may be YEH is too shy and private to give fans the satisfaction of knowing they are a thing already….

    I hope to see KJH and YEH to promote the drama in other places. Just saw the recorded clip of KJH promoting LTM for GTV Taiwan, why YEH does not record one too?? =(

  34. Happy for them. Just hope they don’t end up like HB/SHK. Oh heck! guest getting together and parting is part and parcel of life. Just hope they enjoy the time together for now.


  36. Captain,

    Am looking forward for HwanHye couple still hoping them to keep relationship for real, they looked good together and have awesomome chemistry. Hope you can update us about them….


  37. Thanks for the update, hoping and looking forward the the HwanHye couple, I’m not a GUENGUEN shipper i personally dont think their was any chemistry between the actors even in their drama, I prefer Park Shin Hye and Jang Guen Suk so i guess im a GEUN SHIN SHIPPER than!!, YOUR BEAUTIFUL WAS THE BEST!!

  38. dnt care much on MinMin couple, they can date whenever and wherever they want, WHAT I REALLY WANT TO HEAR IS THE HWANHYE COUPLE…. Hope they will be dating in real life soon…. bout the movie, it must be soon since the fans cant get enough of them…. Im afraid that if Eric of Shinwa and Yoon Eun Hye will be paired in the future the HwanHye will be like YooHye of Coffee Prince…. haizzzz…..

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