
Joe Cheng Pairs up with Cyndi Wang for Nadia Sportswear — 11 Comments

  1. Argh, no, they really don’t have chemistry. Her palour really contrasts with his tan, but I don’t think that’s it (skin-colour doesn’t have any effect whatsoever on chemistry XD). She’s really cute, but her expressions are very similar in each picture! Like her, though ^^ And they seemed to be having fun, anyway, or at least they’re really great at conveying that feeling XD

  2. how funny that actually Joe was ordered to play in Love Keeps Going while Mike in Channel X
    did you watch Mike sing birthday song with Cyndi to Joe Cheng? they’re so funny there xD

  3. Wow wow –im taking that from Ji Sungs “Ji Heon” Character. hehe
    But my gosh why is Joe Cheng so hot. He’s always hot to me. I bet–lets not go there. But hes so gorge and i wanna him…

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