
Protect the Boss Episode 9 Recap — 74 Comments

    • Oh wow… i’m first.. that’s a first. Lol. But there should seriously be a screen cap of Moo Woon’s smile at the end of that episode… it was like….. so… freakin…. H.O.T!!!

  1. Hi Koala! Thanks for your super fast recap!

    Don’t worry about the baby caps for ep 7 & 8, they are really good, no need to spend more time on them, please get some rest. thks, once again. Have a nice day!
    Thks ………….so much for this recap!

  2. I really can’t wait to see tomorrow’s episode. I saw the preview and from what I guessed, CEO Cha and MuWon’s gonna go at each other. (Guessing, since I don’t know korean) =O some people’s been saying that “dark Muwon” will be coming out soon? And not to mention MuWon and ES’s dateeeeeeee <3 Omg its gonna be so sweet, I'm probably gonna get cavities xD

  3. totally atching this drama when i have the time!! I am loving reading the recaps but i know that watching the show will give me the full impact!! Btw, i am so loving moo-won, he so hott!! <3

  4. Thank you so much for the recap right after your vacation. I’m sure you are busy catching up with everything else.

    I was so moved by the way chairman emoted, so earnest and real. It’s touching to see a man expressing his feeling like that.

    • Beyond his feelings for the son, the other moment that got to me was when he seemed to be about to threaten/warn his secretary. Via Viki’s translation–> after finding out his sister-in-law and a head of secretaries were working against him he said something like “If you betray me, would be very lonely” to his secretary.

      His relationship with his secretary reminded me of Na Yoon, in that both of them are so isolated by their wealth and status that they are bereft of friends.
      And Chairman’s Cha dependence on his secretary echoes J-Heon’s dependence on Eun Seol, but to a lesser degree.

  5. totally watching this drama when i have the time!! I am loving reading the recaps but i know that watching the show will give me the full impact!! Btw, i am so loving moo-won, he so hott!! <3

  6. JJ looks absolutely delish in this episode!! *sigh le sigh* Reading thru your recap I kept ‘awwing’ after the Chairman learns of JH’s phobia. How heartwarming! And, how adorable is Na Yoon!! heh

  7. YAY!! I’ve been waiting this while trying so hard to hold my hands to asked about ur recap coz I know it will be so annoying to u, thank you so much Ms. Koala 🙂 About ep.7&8 recap, I think u shouldn’t feel obliged to recap it coz u have give us the recap. It’s not a baby recap, like someone here has said, it just a recap without any screen cap and even I don’t remember that u haven’t recap it before I read about u feeling some undone homework about it, u have give us ur best, terima kasih (thank u).

    Love this epi, it twist all we know about K-drama. Yes, as u said, PTB gave us other aspects more than just love. It’s so perfect from all aspects, that’s why I kinda can’t understand why its rating just stuck and not go higher to 20%…sigh…I do want to ignored the rating but since more people said bout the rating, I just can’t ignored it anymore.

    I love how JH kiss ES hand, it show not just JH love ES so much but it also show us his affection to her. In other scene we see JH miss the old MW, even right now they fight for one girl, JH see this is a chance for him to be close again with MW. All the romance, bromance, and family romance in PTB is so great, I like it, crave for it, and love it so so so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh………

    Btw, I think Mr. Cha senior will support his child to get ES coz now he know how ES understand JH and she makes JH complete.

  8. Man, i lovelovelove this drama, this is the best drama of the year so far if not all the k-drama i’ve watched before. its just so amazing, and i agree with you, i can’t find any weakness in this drama at all. all the characters are very interesting and unique in their own ways, and i just hope they could extend this a bit so i can continue watching the fun.
    JAejoong is hot and sweet, makes me wonder how he is in real life (i heard people saying he’s very blunt/straightforward/speaks his mind, which gets him in trouble sometimes). He is very handsome and cute, but he is way too pretty, prettier than some celeb girls. he really impressed me with his performance in this drama, he got lucky for landing a really good drama project. for all DBSK members, i think JYJ has been the most successful in terms of acting in a drama/(musical for Junsu). anyways, i can’t wait to see the sub episode this week. gogogogo PTB!! keep us entertain.

    • I enjoy your comment especially about how u impress about Jaejoong. As TVXQ n JYJ fans, let me give you some little info about Jaejoong, he is a blunt/straightforward person indeed but he is the most warmhearted n takecaring members, when his members sick, he is usually the one who take care and cook for them. He is the most members who has the most celebs friends, maybe his blunt personality made other people know him as a open and honest man and finally they feel comfort with him. This little thing i can serve for you. PTB fighting!! How i fall in love so much w/ this drama!!^^

    • I enjoy your comment especially about how u impress about Jaejoong. As TVXQ n JYJ fans, let me give you some little info about Jaejoong, he is a blunt/straightforward person indeed but he is the most warmhearted n takecaring members, when his members sick, he is usually the one who take care and cook for them. He is the most members who has the most celebs friends, maybe his blunt personality made other people know him as a open and honest man and finally they feel comfort with him. This little thing i can serve for you. PTB fighting!! How i fall in love so much w/ this drama!! Awesome!

  9. Sigh. What a great episode. As much as I like Eun Seoul, Ji Heon, and Moo Won, I’m not terribly invested in either romance. When ES is with JH I’m happy. When she’s with MW, I’m happy too. But what keeps me coming back (and obsessing over) is everything else in this drama. I guess in that sense it’s more like an American sitcom or drama. We’ve got our romance, but it’s not about the lead characters and then the secondary characters. It’s just that PTB is an ensemble. Everyone has their role to play and everyone is important.

    The scene between the Chairman and Grandma was just awful in the best way possible. I was choking back tears, and then they came out fully when the Chairman was just sitting in JH’s room crying into Dooly.

    I’m really enjoying Na Yoon, and how she’s trying to figure out the real world and where she fits in it. The scene with her and Moo Won breaking out of jail was adorable and hilarious. I can *almost* see them as a potential couple, but they’ve both got a lot of growing up to do.

    I also wanted to thank all of the lovely ladies for putting TVXQ links. You were all right. Jaejoong’s voice is beautiful. I especially liked the Japanese song that was linked–I listened to that one a….lot. You all totally proved me wrong, and I’m happy to know that he’s more than a pretty face (and what a pretty face it is!).

    • i really like Na Yoon too, particulary when MW was walking her to the car, and she sits inside like a kid and gives the sad expression from her car window like a kid. love it.

      I would not feel bad if Eun Seol does not end up with either of the guys, coz rest of the casts make up to recieve my love, including Na Yoons mom.

  10. This story takes giant leaps every episode, love the pace, there is never a repetition of any kind, and all dialogues(i understand sub titles) seem sincere and in daily conversations.

    I love the father, love him more after hearing his real life story.

    I love MW, he is awesome, cutie pie, and the second lead Na Yoon is someone that we fall in love with as much as the main lead, infact i like her more than the main lead i would say,may be may not , but she is so unlike Yoon Joo , that we hated our guts.

    i wish the bring back the director of old age home in first/second episode, he is YEHs colleague in LTM.

    Every character in this show gets enough screen time for their character to develop and move the story forward.

    Writer dugu aa?

    • I kind of miss it too. Jihun still looks like an overgrown kid even though he has a change in style clothes wise and hair. But him taking on a new job and working hard with Eunsol at least shows he is trying.

      But I have noticed in this drama once the guys change hair styles it is here to stay. Muwon fell asleep and woke up with perfect hair. He wear’s a bathrobe and still perfectly styled up hair.

      Guess broccoli head is dead xD

    • He’s growing up and becoming a man, so we have to think of him
      as a brother or son and be proud “the baby’s not a baby anymore”.
      This drama definitely rocks and I love not feeling angst. It is such
      a smooth ride that I watch th episodes over and over again just to
      feel good inside. It makes me happy because Eun Sol is teaching
      a lesson all mothers want their kids to learn; “nothing is free in life
      and you have to work hard and from the bottom up in order to be
      successful. There is not one character I dislike ’cause even the
      gossipy moms are not mean, they just want the best for the younguns.

  11. I’ve been reading your recap, but now I have to watch the drama. It’s so different — everything is pretty much out in the open, no hidden motivation.

  12. Have I ever told you how much I appreciate your recaps(regardless of it being baby recaps or the full ones). IT’S SO GOOD AND SO FILLING! especially in the morning(since it’s available in the morning where I am from) LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUUU!<3

  13. Ji Sung – the man dressed that awesome all black suit is simply so handsome and sexy and hot! OMG – I am in total fan girl mode. Ji Heon is such a delight. I expect nothing less from Ji Sung… love his acting always.

    JJ as Moo Won – well, going into it… I had my reservations and kept my expectations really low cause even though I’ve always love those boys a lot for their wonderful and impressive singing/vocal talent… the “acting” part has always left something to be much desired. JJ has surprised me and his hard work has paid off… i think he’s doing a good job in his character and definitely even made me feel a little sad for him not getting Eun Seol in the end. MW and JH’s fighting is just tooooo cute. I can’t get enough of it. MW is just too cute… a darker MW would be nice too but I am rather enjoying the cute one. JJ – fighting!

    Eun Seol is really sweet and I like just how real she seems. Her dad was great in this episode. I really think she could be really great friends with MW and JH – a cute trio – or a cute quad with Na Yoon. I love the grandmother — she is the best. I can’t imagine my grandma being that cool.

    PTB has rocketed up there in my list of very well-loved kdramas – I will miss this very much when it ends!!

    btw one of my favorite dbsk songs is “Love in the Ice” – doesn’t get old for me. 🙂

  14. Aww, watching this episode was incredibly moving because of how the Father projected his sadness, his self-anger, and his love for his son. I think he feels like he’s wronged his son for not understanding the reasons why his son acts the way he does.

    I must say, I find Ji Heon’s character really admirable. In some ways, I think the drama does a good job at balancing his character, edging away from highlighting the more serious aspects of his phobia. I wouldnt say that it downplays them or anything… it just doesnt use his illness as a character crutch (or a sign of lazy writing). He’s growing, he’s interesting, and I can watch him emote all day ’cause his face is just so awesome!!!

    Most of all, I love how even with all the rivalry, there is still so much connection between the characters.

    I’d say that the most classic of the conflicts in this drama, the company issues and the love rectangle, are handled very freshly. It’s fun to watch 😀

    Thanks for the recap!

    • Also, I’m really curious as to what kind of relationship Na Yoon had with the two brothers (Ji Heon and his brother… Ji Hyuk?)

      What kind of emotional angst caused the onslaught of emotions?

      If someone can help me out- wasnt there are T-drama where the main hero lost his older brother in a car accident? Ever since I heard that Ji Heon in this drama had an older brother, I’ve been getting flashbacks lol.
      There was also a drama where the rich girl (or someone about to get married) who crashed with her friends…

      🙁 I need to write these things down lol. Categorize them or something haha

      • In Kim Sam Soon, there was a car crash with an older brother.

        In Summer Scent, a bride dies in a car crash, but I don’t think she was rich.

  15. Every week this show surprises me with how good it is. I love how this episode was all about the parents– their love and aspirations for their children. 🙂

    Ji heon’s Dad loves him so much. I was really moved by him this episode.

  16. Hi and thanks Ockoala-san! As usual very fast and detailed, and really pinpoint the gist / important points! Luv ya and really thank you!
    I was cracking up, rocking back and forth holding my stomach, at how Mu Won God went to the rescue of Na Yoon and the 2 little kids (yes they DO need to grow up) escaped from “jail”…. OMG! Almost cried laughing…. How cute is that?? Mu Won is given more and more screen time and he is no longer the all-so-perfect damn-I’m-so-cool Mununim. He is now a flesh-and-blood naughty cousin of Ji Heon who is the calmer and more “adult” of the 2. And we see more of Ji Heon wanting to be closed to his prettier-than-prettier cousin now… I can’t wait to see more interactions between these 2, always at odds with each other but secretly yearning for each other’s company while fighting! Can we have a hug scene sometime SOON please? I am so on Ji Heon high that I definitely want the prettiest person in the drama (er, sorry Eun Seol and Na Yoon, you gals are not as pretty ha ha) to show LUV for him!!
    Broccoli or not, Ji Heon rocks in this drama! His showing of affection for Eun Seol with that hand-kissing gesture just melts my heart… WELL, anyone’s heart for that matter! How can a guy be so cute and yet so gentle? Gaaaah Ji Sung! You have me now! You are awesome! (coughs, coughs, GREAT BOD too! Coughs more)
    Eun Seol, the ass-kicking righteous gal gets to be more mellow and softer now… Its obvious to ANYONE that she like Ji Heon > Mu Won (at this point) yet she refuses to take a moment to understand herself and her own heart. This is so like a GUY! The writer is excellent in the sense that Eun Seol is written with a guy personality more than a girl’s, and it works with the superb acting skills shown by CKH. I luv this actress, she is really really good especially in depicting emotions with her eyes and mouth. Her chemistry with Ji Sung is so good that you wonder if they can never be a real-life couple!! Both of them are so good!
    The STAR of this episode: PAPA Cha, for sure!! I luv a GROWN boy (er, man) who can and is willing to show real emotions outright in front of his onma! Now how many guys can do that? Have you seen many, real-life or drama? NOPE! RARE and really rare! His genuine concern and love for his ONLY son (now) to succeed in life is so heartwarming… He is angry/irritated etc because he luvs his son and not because his son disobeys him! This is such a great successul rich business man! And he definitely DESERVES to have a great family and life! Of coz he has his flaws…… but he has enough goodness to cover all those flaws! Grandma Cha has raised him well! KUDOS to Grandma!
    Mu Won and Na Yoon really make a great kid-couple and I agree with some of the comments here too that I really don’t mind which guy goes with which gal, as long as everyone is happy and finds his/her own career/love along the way. I even want Na Yoon’s mom and Mu Won’s mom to find their own happiness! The drama is THAT good people! Go watch it (if you haven’t already)!

    Last but not least, can I DROOOOOOOOOOL over Jae in that BATHROBE now???? Can I???? I mean, WTH!!!! The director and producer sure know how to make FULL USE of Jae’s presence in the drama! Yes production crew!! Add in more SKIN here and there!! Collarbones too please!! Although it is tough to show his upper bod (Jae has got tattoos both on his left chest and his right shoulder at the back) but can we have MORE I-see-it, I-see-it-not moments??!! Kyaaaaa and MAJOR kyaaaaa!

    *Final word: its NOT the viewership rating that matters! (yes yes I know it matters in some sense but) Its the entire drama production (fabulous casts and definitely the crew), the way it makes us viewers STICK to watching it wondering what will happen next (unpredictable!), the way it will leave in Kdrama history a significant mark as one of the most interesting and funny Kdrama ever (point me to someone who doesn’t laugh watching the drama), and the way it provides wonderful entertainment to all of us watching it every week! Way to go PtB!!

    And I rest my case.

    • i approve bout revealing more MW skin.. LOL XDDD
      but we all know it is impossible since jj got many tattoos in his body…
      btw PTB rocks!!! i love jihun n he is sooooo sweet… nayoon is too cute n innocent..
      i like chairman cha, he is d only old actor that makes me like him.. XDDD

      btw i hope n really3 wish someday JJ will act with YAMAPI n SHIROTA YU.. 3 hot bff acting together it will be d bomb!!! <333

  17. I love the emotional richness of the drama.

    Ji-Heon father broke my heart today.

    And I do believe that Na Yoon might be my favorite female second lead.

    The one thing that made me nervous was the Ji-Heon wasn’t featured in the last scene. For my money, No Eun Seol belongs with Ji-Heon and anything other than that will disturb the orbits in my universe.

    I’m not on the Moo Won band wagon at all, but there was one shot today while he sat at this computer where I caught a glimpse the hotness everyone has been fanning themselves over.

  18. Protect the Boss is the first episode I’m actually watching live over the ‘net. I never ever bothered with another show before. And I’m in Hong Kong on top of that. I’m supposed to be working! LOL. (Don’t tell my boss.)

    But what a show. I’m really, really, really touched by the Chairman’s reaction. He is absolutely upset that he never knew that his son had such a debilitating condition. This drama surprises me at every turn, because if he was a typical kdrama chaebol dad he would’ve been a) embarrassed about his son b) thrown him in the hospital whether he liked it or not or c) sent him off abroad or something.

    And despite him not liking the idea of Eun Seol and Ji Heon together, he opts to allow ES to stay by his son’s side for his own good. What a dad.

  19. Thank you for the recap. Yes I agree with you that this drama has a quality that is not found in any other drama that I have seen.
    Actually I am no longer watching anything Korean except movies. I had to marathon Bones to get out of the hell that SOAW put me through and thank goodnes and God for David Boreanaz.
    This drama is really Americanized cause daughters and sons talking back to their parents? oh my! LOL. Parents actually loving their children and caring about their feelings, unheard of. I am mean I know but when I started watching Kdramas I never expected to be so involved but here I am hoping that the industry gets better.

  20. I haven’t read the actual recap because I haven’t watched the series yet.. but I read the last portion 🙂

    I like that Na Yoon known it’s her fault that she lost both men.. she doesn’t go blaming others or irrationally hating the girl they like just because she couldn’t get either one of them. She will probably be my favorite second female lead.

  21. Koala, as usual, I always love reading your after-thoughts. Thank you so much.

    “Like the two fighting dads getting to hang out after Ji Heon and Eun Seol get married, maybe with weekend in the mountain hunting wild boar together and getting into sparring contests. ”

    THIS. I can totally picture it happening.

    • That can be a family vacation in the mountains, with the moms, dads, granny, kids and grand kids all together hunting wild boar and learning martial arts!! LOL Now I can picture that!! LOL

  22. Thank you for the beautiful and excellent recap once again.

    You are so right, Ockoala!

    This is the best ensemble cast, production and story in a rom-com/kdrama that I’ve seen so far, too. One cant help but love and relate with all the characters.

    Btw, who are it’s writer/director? And what are their other works? Now I’m curious to watch those, too…

    Because of PTB I found Choi Kang Hee as a wonderful and lovely actress which got me interested to watch her 2010 rom-com movie with The Voice, “Petty Romance”, and I was in for a pleasant surprise. That movie is so funny and hilarious! I was banging my bedroom wall while laughing my head off with all the crazy I thoroughly enjoyed the story and loved the superb acting as a whole. And the graphic touch was really cool!

    I might just watch “Royal Family” or another work of Ji Sung after this, too…

    • The writer, at least, doesn’t seem to have done anything according to, and the director has done a few other dramas, but they’re all ones I’ve heard aren’t great. Hm.

  23. PTB rocks y socks off!!! And thats a pretty damn big feat, seeing as how I only wear knee highs. Heheh. But Koala I agree with all your thoughts about this drama. Every single thing. Especially about the chair an and his love for ji heon–I cant get over how great that is, kinda like ah jngs dad in LT but way better since its a chaebol we’re dealing with and this has never happened before in any k-drama for me. And also about how you can see this show continbuing even when it ends. too true. And most specifically about how it ight ruin you for other dramas. This draa is too too good. none of that crappy shit. Its just so trueeeee and no bullshiting. heheh i love everyone, even moo wons mom.

  24. I just love this drama so much that I even wait until is uploaded before reading your recaps, I usually read your recaps first and then watch the drama. Today’s episode didn’t disappoint. It’s such a light drama that I don’t even mind that the romance is not in full effect quite yet. They managed to find the perfect pace to the story, and have kept it highly consistent. And what can we say about the father? I just love the guy. My favorite scene was when he was hugging the stuffed animal. I felt for him.
    Off subject: I wanted to thank you for being so active during your vacation. And about the “baby recaps,” I just wanted to say that the baby recaps were amazing. They were very detailed and to the point. Thank you for your commitment to this blog and us readers.

    • By the way, I just love Na Yoon. She is one of the best “bad” girls I’ve seen in a K-drama. You just root for her and there are times in which you want to hug her and tell her that she can do better than that.

  25. Thanks for this really nice recap ^^ !!
    And I totally agree, romance is only just one type of love that even isn’t necessarily more important than the other types in the world of PtB. Even though the characters act in such comical ways at times, they all nevertheless come across as very real people with very real emotions that I can’t help feeling & rooting for everyone of them =) I look forward to the eventual reconciliation of the brotherly bonding between JH & MW as much as I look forward to the two main couples getting together, and I also very much looking forward to the entire Cha family “reuniting”, as well as a booming friendship between NY & ES. Actually one of the most intriguing ‘relationship’ in the story for me is between MW’s mom and JH’s dad… the way he calls her first name, and that she & MW’s dad had a loveless marriage (or, a tiny little lover, per MW’s mom, hee!). If THESE TWO end up together, it’d be the most shocking, hilarious ending ever in rom-com land XD !

      • Yep, I’m rooting for CJH and NES – plus CMW with SNY. If the four oldies end up in two pairs – ie. JH’s dad with MW’s mum, and ES’s dad with NY’s mum – I’d be tickled pink!

  26. PTB is suuuch a good drama!!! OMG!
    It’s the best one I’ve seen in a loong time and I love the fact that everything is quite realistic, and everyone is so relatable and truthful!

  27. I enjoy your comment especially about how u impress about Jaejoong. As TVXQ n JYJ fans, let me give you some little info about Jaejoong, he is a blunt/straightforward person indeed but he is the most warmhearted n takecaring members, when his members sick, he is usually the one who take care and cook for them. He is the most members who has the most celebs friends, maybe his blunt personality made other people know him as a open and honest man and finally they feel comfort with him. This little thing i can serve for you. PTB fighting! How i fall in love so much w/ this drama!^^

  28. Thanks for the recaps koala ^^
    Instead of the traditional rom-com, I think PtB more suit as famiy drama. I love the adults relationship in here.
    Can’t wait for tonight episode.

  29. “In my perfect ending, Ji Heon marries Eun Seol and Moo Won marries Na Yoon. And both ladies ditch the kids at home with the two dads and run off with Myung Ran for girls night out on a regular basis.”

    YAY! It would be heaven if the ending would really come to this. Add to that, Mu Won and Ji Heon being best buds.

    I am a Ji Sung fan, and he is as good-looking even with the brocolli hair. Totally, a JYJ fan, especially JJ, gah! he just looks so cool and he’s acting is improving so much since the start of the drama. Really, really handsome, gorgeous and HOT.

  30. you have mentioned all the reasons why I love this drama so much! i love all the characters in this! This episode sealed the deal of making Na Yoon my most favorite 2nd female lead ever. In-hee-bot, who??? That is forgotten!

    ” The friendships and the familial affection move me just as much, and make me care even more about all the characters. “– i agree!! I feel like a lot of korean miniseries rom-coms are weak in this area. This drama rocks!!

    I love how JH’s dad is sympathetic to his mental condition, especially since most Asian parents aren’t sympathetic to mental illnesses and will yell at their kids to stop being a baby and get over it.

    “In my perfect ending, Ji Heon marries Eun Seol and Moo Won marries Na Yoon. And both ladies ditch the kids at home with the two dads and run off with Myung Ran for girls night out on a regular basis.”— that would be my perfect ending too!!!

  31. If I didn’t already love PTB to pieces, I would have fallen crazy over it at this point, right here! This episode ROCKS!!!! Ji Sung already owned me from the get go. And soon after, Jae Jung and Choi Kang Hee creeped into my heart. But today, Omo! Wang Ji Hye! I thought you were just a pretty face and an effective, easy-to-hate evil nemesis in Personal Taste… but now, wow! You are awesome!!! Am loving this girl.

    WJH’s portrayal of Na Yoon is so child-like, and sometimes childish too – she is just hilarious. She is the antithesis of the oh-so-common evil, scheming, hateful second lead. I love it when she and her mom kept reminding each other about the “power of education” to keep their cool. And the sobbing bout in the shower! LOL! I am with Koala and am totally enjoying watching her find herself and her role in this menagerie.

    I want Na Yoon and Moo Won to end up together. I remember MW’s expression in the earlier episodes when they were together, so I know he has feelings for her. But in the end, I agree with most of you that I just want to see everyone of our beloved characters end up being happy, fulfilled and all “grown-up”.

    The other reason why I think this is the best episode of this already fascinating drama is the Cha-dad! How refreshing, how rare (or is it that I have not seen enough?) and how endearing to see the likes of him in a korean drama! I actually teared up when he was crying over his failure to see his son’s illness all this time. And when grandma Cha gave him a hug, awwwww, wasn’t that so sweet?

    But those two characters being fleshed out at this point are just icing on a very delectable, rich cake! Kudos to the writer, PD and all the actors. I love this show!!!

  32. This is changing everything I knew of K-dramas!! It’s fresh, it’s new, it’s like a cold shower in a very hot day with the hunky 1rst and 2nd lead !!! I’m so greedy! Yes I am greedy! I want them all!! LOL

    Just joking, I’m just loving this drama so much, that I’m speechless! I mean, I even love the 2nd lead lady, who always is the biatch who can’t let go, and Na Yoon is doing one hell of a job, letting go and all, and trying to get her place, without mommy dearest telling her what to do!! Even Moo Won is doing the same thing, telling mom, hey back off, is my life!!

    And the song says:

    “It’s my life
    It’s now or never
    I ain’t gonna live forever
    I just want to live while I’m alive
    My heart is like an open highway
    Like Frankie said
    I did it my way
    I just wanna live while I’m alive
    It’s my life ”

    Artist: Bon Jovi
    Song: It’s my life

    As Miss K, I wish Na Yoon and Moo Won, end up together, coz, he didn’t like she was getting “blind dates”… I think Moo Won “likes” Eun Seol, but really loves Na Yoon… He is just confuse…

    Papa Chairman is a great dad, even with the beatings and all, he didn’t know what to do with his “lousy” son, but not because he was a bad dad, just he didn’t know his son was sick, he was so focus on his son’s failures, that he didn’t realize why was the reason of that failures!

    Eun Seol knows the answer of her own heart, she loves Ji Heon, but she is holding back, coz, she promise Papa Chairman that she ain’t gonna get “involve” with his son! She is helping him, not only to overcome his phobia, she is helping him become human. She is opening a whole new world to him, where he can be in touch with his feelings, and letting them show. He was someone who didn’t care of anything and now, he worries, he is even changing his hairstyle! LOL, he is growing up…

    Every character is growing up, right in front of us, and that is true life, and that is what hook me of this drama. That and the emotion and funny things that happen every 5 minutes! They are just awesome!!

    Miss K, love you, ALWAYS!!!

  33. Eunsol didn’t call Chairman Cha Uncle Bong. She called him Bongsuk (girl’s name) because he told her to pretend she was talking to a friend. His real name is Bong-something so she made up the name Bongsuk and Chairman Cha was like “Did you really have to call me that…” It’s like calling a man named Harry Harrietta or Patrick Patricia, but Bongsuk is a really old fashioned uncool name.
    Sorry to nitpick. But I thought that that Eunsol calling the Chairman “Bongsuk” was simply hilarious so couldn’t help commenting.

  34. loved it thankyou…its about now…monday..that im feeling the withdrawal pangs the most, so after rewatching I’m rereading everything

    And it so true what you said…PTB is totally spoiling me, the standards been raised and anything less than awesome would be unbearable to watch

  35. i really really really love this drama’s production team for making flashbacks in a drama as meaningful and useful as in this one!!!! kudos!!!!

    and in this episode, how cute it was for JH to try out calling ES as Eun Seol-ah in the toilet!!!!
    and NY is certainly becoming my ultimate example for a 2nd lead should be:D just adorable:D (i had never thought i would use the word ‘adorable’ for a 2nd female lead and even an ex-one! LOL)

    and also another ‘thanks’ for the team as for making the characters with brain:D LOL when she run away from house she take care extra notice that her cards would be cancelled, yeah that is the thing you should do if you are a smart chaebol daughter, right? 😀 LOL NY is lovely!!! I hope her to be real good friends with ES and MR!

  36. Dont know if u guys still read this topic but i want to know the instrumental on episode 9, in the beggining. The instrumental starts at 1:56~3:00, plzz help me, i rlly need this song, its totally stuck in my head!! ahahahah ;_; thnks

  37. Do you know what it the ringtone of Na Yoon please ? :/ In the epsiode 18 they have her ringtone phone but i don’t know the song 🙁

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