
You Are My Pet with Jang Geun Seok and Kim Ha Neul Releases Teaser — 26 Comments

  1. The trailer was too cute, despite the fact that I didn’t understand anything. 😛 I watched the J-dorama and enjoyed it, but it definitely wasn’t the best. Haven’t read the manga though — is it good?

  2. This poster cracks me up everytime because it’s just so bizarre, but the trailer is cute and the movie looks fun. Will definitely watch.

  3. The set-up doesn’t work for me either. One of my roommates has been chomping at the bit for me to watch the J-dorama version (“It’s MatsuJun! How can you say no to MatsuJuuuuuun?!” Very easily, I think.) but I think I’ll pass on that but watch this one.


  4. Haha LOVE the last part:

    “Why do you keep crawling into my bed?!”
    *yawns* “I didn’t touch anything but your chest.”

    I may find the construct a little too nuts, but I’m betting on my Seokie nailing this role. Definitely looking forward to this. ^_^

    • “I didn’t touch anything but your chest” ?! Really?

      I think I may give this a shot. I couldn’t get past ep 1 of the jdorama because the whole concept was a little weird and icky for me, but this teaser is so cute! And it’s JGS, of course.

  5. I didn like the Japanese version even tho i loved MatsuJun…
    @ Noozie: Yeah me too, I belong to ‘how can u say no to MatsuJun’ club 😛 but other than that I hated d series, I may watch this one in-spite of the set-up being ridiculous only coz ‘ how can u say no to Seokieeee?’ 😀

    • Same here… I got weirded out by the J-Drama even though I’m part of the MatsuJun club as well. But of course our cutie Sookie can make anything amazing! Can’t wait to see it as well! 😀 <3

  6. I can say NO to Matsujun but I watched the jdrama just because JGS was rumored to play this role
    and I loved the drama even though her jversion doesn’t look that beautiful to me

  7. OCKoala, can I tell you how much I love you for injecting these little bits of joy into my everyday? Hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs!

    (I’m grading painful essays right now… No Protect the Boss til the evening. Gah!)

  8. I was curious so started reading the manga the other day. And to my surprise, it was actually really good! Finished the entire thing in two days.
    At first I couldn’t get past the drawing style, but it grew on me.
    Definitely excited to see the movie now 😀

  9. I’m treating the original and this movie as 2 completely separate entities. The original is it’s own beast with it’s own fandom. I don’t think it’s that easy to compare a drama adaptation to a movie adaptation. For the record I thought the concept was hella weird, but I ended up enjoying the j-drama. It had a really unique and quirky tone that suited such a weird concept. This movie adaptation looks cute, but it looks like it will be it’s own thing.

  10. LOVE this teaser…just made my otherwise, terrible day..thank you for the cheer up Ockoala unni…that teaser simply wasn’t enough though..i think this calls for a Kim Wa Petto rewatch..I think I found a rainy day J-dorama….JGS is perfect for Momo, I knew that my happiness on his casting wouldn’t be disappointed..I love KHN, especially when she is in a comedic role, but I do have some lingering doubts about her playing the repressed and emotionally stunted Sumire who was wonderfully portrayed by Koyuki

  11. Yay! The trailer’s good! Love love LOVE this story, and I was worried that the movie wouldn’t do justice to it – because it IS a difficult construct to make convincing. But JGS seemed to be working it, idk why I doubted him =\

  12. I was one of those who said “WTF?!!” when I first read the synopsis of YMP… but I am all IN if it has JGS on it. I even watched the Jap version when it was initially rumored that JGS would be doing the Korean version. The Jap drama didn’t disappoint. Matsujun is quite a charmer 🙂 So excited for this movie!!!

  13. I love kimi wa petto though I don’t really dig the pairing between koyuki and matsujun since koyuki looks so much older than matsujun. however , kim ha neul and geun seuk are definitely my fav actor/actress , so i’m definitely looking forward to watch this . can’t wait!!

  14. I HATE HIS HAIR…great actor and all but i can’t stand his hairdo what so ever!!! he looks way too much of a hippy with that hideous hairstyle…he needs to change it back to how it looked when he did Beethoven’s Virus

  15. Yes, same here. At first I was WTF about the plot! and when it first aired in Japan I couldn’t really watch it without rolling my eyes. THEN I GOT OLDER:) and I found myself in a similar situation as Koyuki, so 10 years after, I sat down and marathoned Kimi wa petto and found myself wanting a Matsujun petto too. But still, I don’t like the plot. So when they announced that JKS was doing a remake of this..I was like, hmmmm, couldn’t he have chosen another project? Then there was that LONG wait and finally the movie has been completed. Looking at the trailer, I think JKS is able to elevate the role to pure manga fantasy crack. Kim Haneul looks cute too. It only takes great actors like Matsujun and JKS to be able to play such WTF roles, and I’m going to look forward to watching the movie and immerse myself in fantasy land–escaping from my petless reality:( ^_~!

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