
Protect the Boss Episode 14 Recap — 37 Comments

  1. It’s funny that you should hate it so much, because I actually really liked it – I can definitely see your point, but I don’t think that Eun-seol acted totally out of character. People are a) liable to do stupid things, and b) do things they normally don’t do when confronted with situations they’re normally not in. It’s an acceptable explanation for me, at least. And I actually like this relationship arc with Ji-heon and Eun-seol, because I think despite the strides she made last episode, she still very much sees Ji-heon as someone she needs to protect. In order for them to be truly equals – which I think is very important in a relationship – she’s going to have to confront and overcome that, and I think this is a good way for her to do that.

    I just loved all the cuteness in this episode, even Na-yoon and Moo-won’s “date” – they were hilarious following that other couple around. I’m glad they’re going to get together, because I think they’ll make each other happy. ^_^

    • I probably don’t “hate” it as much as I’m disappointed. I think the writing in these last two episodes were sloppy compared to the razor sharp writing of all episodes before. I felt like these last two episodes were the tail wagging the dog, i.e. have Eun Seol act this way, make a plausible reason for why she does it, so that the plot can ratch up the misunderstanding and angst.

      I’m not saying it’s out of character completely for Eun Seol to want to handle things by herself, but writing wise it’s a stretch, and Eun Seol would much more likely talk things over with Ji Heon and let him decide what he wants to do. She tries to take care of him, yes, but not to this extent where she repeatedly blocks his direct request for them to talk when she knows that he know something is wrong.

      These last two episodes didn’t work for me, but I still think PTB is leaps above most K-dramas when it comes to plot and characterization depth, even with this latest foray into more standard plot machinations.

      • I admit, I was a little disappointed, too. I would have liked her to directly confront the Chairman or at least tell Ji-heon what was going on.

        It makes me wonder how the story would have gone without the extension, if they would have brought it up to this extent, or if it would have just been addressed in passing.

      • Started to follow your recap recently, first would like to thank you.

        I could not complete this episode as I just don’t like the *angst*. I like this drama b’cos a fast-paced cute rom-com, nothing more. But, again, if everything remains so cute, how to put a closure in this drama?

        As much as Ji Heon is immature, not telling him the truth is a big no/no. Initially, I was a big fan for Eun Seol’s candidness on her confusion rather hiding from it. Given there are 4 more episodes, I’m not sure if this misunderstanding could be resolved by next week. If not, I would just wait till it finalizes. I just can’t finish this episode, too painful to watch.

      • I rewatched the episode again and I think everyone is being too harsh on ES. Yes, she might behave out of the character. But isn’t it normal that we sometimes make the wrong choice in a difficult situation like this? She is not a hero as we imagine her to be, and this is precisely the problem here since even she herself imagines herself as a hero since she always handle her life well without help from others (only MR is by her side, and probably MW).
        While everyone blames ES, how about secretary Jang? Is he more responsible for creating more misunderstanding? How can he tell JD that ES actively seeks out the investigator??
        I am not saying ES is not wrong. But I would prefer to understand her mistake in a bigger picture. Precisely because PTB is a drama about interpersonal relationship as ockoala observes, I think ES’ mistake will be a turning point in this drama because not only for her, but for all the characters in the drama that they have to work with each other to they have to work together to deal with this crisis.
        I enjoy episode 14 since finally we got to a different side of ES and I find her more appealing despite her flaw.

      • I hated this episode. There. It blew chunks. Eun Seol blew chunks. The only person who rocked was Ji Heon.

    • Estel, come to think about it, you are right. ES is still that “motherly” figure that tries to weather all the storm by herself and I hope that this “misunderstanding” will be the turning point for her. Until now, we didn’t see much of ES’ “weakness” and indeed, her resilience is her biggest “flaw” as well as her strength. However, somehow I also feel that this is a setup that will serve to dramatize the heroic triumph of JH?? I also have the inkling that MW will be the key figure since he knows what’s going on and he will side with ES. What a mess. lol!!!

      I will be MORE pissed than koala if PTB turns out to be a conventional drama that glorifies the triumph of a male hero in the expense of turning the woman into a pitiful martyr. Not in this drama!!!

      • No, I don’t think it will go that route. The way Eun Seol warned the traitor secretary was a good indication, i think.

        I was thinking Ji heon needed protecting not from being unable to handle it (immature and all) but because anyone who knows about it (and being in a prominent position) will be held guilty in court and punished (though at a lesser level than the chairman). I thought that was also the reason why Mu won’s mom was warning Mu won to deny any knowledge or inkling of slush funds.

        I don’t know about korean law, but isn’t it as punishable as money laundering?

  2. Thanks for the recap!!! I sort of expect an outrageous reaction from koala and *a lot of * PTB fans. lol. I don’t know. Actually, I feel that episode 13 and 14 belong to an entirely different drama other than PTB. All of the sudden, the focus of international relationship gives way to the backstabbing and endless secrecy of business world. And of course, ES always ends up to be the one to be blamed. *sobbing* I hope that this turn of event will be meaningful in a way that brings the transformation of ES, especially given that koala actually talks about the fact that the character of ES serves as a catalyst rather than a character with her own “development.” She is always independent and maybe too self-reliant to the degree that she doesn’t even ask for help, except from MR.

    I actually don’t think that “misunderstanding” is the key element of episode 14. Frankly, I think that the writer wants to push the conflict between social mores and personal relationship into the forefront, which can be a very dangerous move. Ultimately we only have 4 episodes left and it seems like the writer/PD seems to move PTB into an entirely different genre of drama. Even in episode 13, I feel that the angst is dormant and too much to bear.

  3. Thanks for the recap. Koala don’t you see it as a good plot twister? We now have an outsider who is attacking the family. Will this family come together or fall apart? I mean one thing is in house fighting, but when you have an outsider who wants to take away the company isn’t that something else? The one thing that i hope they don’t do is drag this out to long.

    • Oh, I love the attack on the family from an outside party. What I don’t like was Eun Seol’s decision to keep it from Ji Heon and the Chairman. She suspects someone is plotting against the company and she tries to solve it all by herself? Stupid move.

      • Yeah…I have to agree. I would rather than she trusted Ji-heon, but I can see how it could fit into her personality that she wouldn’t.

  4. Thanks for the recap. I don’t like extensions…can’t recall one series that was improved by one, and can think of a lot of Kdramas that would have been more enjoyable if they had lopped off an episode or two (or three or four).

  5. Thanks for the recap! If the extension hadn’t happened, then this whole secret funds/evading taxes issue would have gone by much faster. It’s obvious they’re dragging the thing once Eun Seol told Ji Heon she’ll tell him when the time is right.

    However, I didn’t hate this episode. It wasn’t as epic, but a mediocre Protect the Boss episode is still a pretty good kdrama episode. I’m glad she wasn’t the only person who knew abt the whistleblower trap. At least she could talk with the Secretary about it. I like the whole secretaries-band-together-to-protect-boss thing. I don’t blame her much for keeping it from Ji Heon since 1. Ji Heon was intuitive enough to sense that something was wrong and 2. Ji Heon is still pretty immature. This will hopefully segue into further exploring and maturing Eun-Seol and Ji-Heon’s relationship and in giving Ji Heon another push to get further involved in the company. ES still thinks of herself as Ji Heon’s guardian and JH needs to prove himself to be a good leader.

  6. Thank you for the recap! Hopefully this plotline gets wrapped up quickly next week.. don’t want to see it dragged out any longer :/

  7. to be honest, i haven’t watched this episode because i didn’t like what i saw yesterday.. and judging by what i just read – it’s probably better for my sanity to just skip this episode until next week’s come along..

    also, i wish they would stop extending dramas just for the sake of ratings.. if the writer intended it to be 16 episodes, stop at 16. just my personal thoughts.

  8. Thanks for the recap ockoala. I have not watched the shows (13 & 14) as yet and am largely dependent on yours and softy recap to make an analysis.

    Granted these 2 episodes were not in line with the previous set as its more serious but I am trying to ascertain its purpose & where it leads to.

    Softy says this- “For the first time last night, I realized why this drama had to be called Protect the boss. It wasn’t so Eun Seol could protect Ji Heon from his father’s constant abuse or help Ji Heon with his phobia, it was so Eun Seol could protect both men at a time like this – even if it means hurting one or both of them. ” I agree with this statement because its typical of her personality and actions. We may not like them but I am sure there is a plan somewhere, plus in this case its Na Yoon’s family got the jump on the Cha’s (excluding Na Yoon of course).

    The other thing is that this may prove to be a real test for the Cha family to truly come together and fight the common enemy which is in essence Na Yoon’s dad, mom is a player in the scheme of things. The other test is Eun Seol herself to learn to depend on someone else which is Ji Heon & the Cha family to get over this hurdle in this case it is a matter of belief & trust. I am curious to see how this will be resolved & hoped it is done in ep 15.

    So until I watch it, I cannot say I am disappointed as in a way I sort of expected that through all the light arcs a serious set had to get in between lets hope they go back to what works before the end.

    By the way the naughty side of me definitely wanted to see a naughtier kiss by Eun Seol and Ji Heon so that I can be very sure that it really matches my/our imagination, that one is a bit lightish. Because to me its a did they/didn’t they?

    Gone for now and have a good week.

  9. Thanks for recap ockoala. Same position with you about this crazy episode.

    The one unforgivable thing is Eun Sol lied to Ji Heon. I think the problem of company turned be can be acceptance as we know who is Eun Sol from first episode (the way she thread Ji Heon over his phobia is same with her thread for Cha Daddy’s problem). But what she did like prev episode – she does things opposite what she said about not to come chaebol’s world – makes me want to throw her to the sea, and now my anger to Eun Sol is even bigger.

    Btw, i think they weren’t “DO” that consider Ji Heon lack’s of physical interaction. Well it will be another story if Ji Sung involved. HAHAHA

  10. hola, ockoala, nice to come here again and I am so grateful that you are recapping this series!
    Hmm….am I the only who actually enjoys episode 14 more than earlier episodes?

    Contrary to everyone, I see ES’ “hiding” the truth rather normal, given how the scriptwriter has created the character from episode 1. Yes. ES is a realist that her main concern is nothing more than making her ends meet. However, ES is also an idealist. This is a woman who has the passion to change the world, which is why she constantly gives JH’s advice for making DN a “decent” company. And since she is an idealist, somehow I feel that ES is also blind to the reality and to the limit of her ability to cope with a tricky situation like what happens in episode 14.

    Maybe it’s just me. I find her “pride” very human and real, which makes her characterization rather complex because I also feel that ES, ultimately, is not a woman with much of the confidence in herself, which is why she overcompensates her lack of confidence by trying to make everything under her control. She does not have a good diploma and respectable upbringing. So she tries very hard to prove herself. But she sometimes tries too hard, and this is what happens in episode 14.

  11. Thank you so much ockoala for the recap. I stalkering your site excitedly after PTB was aired^^
    I respect your dissapontment opinion for this eps. For me, i feel this episode kinda slow pace..and wonder why the angst suddenly came out when it remain only 4 eps left..but i decide to keep following this drama and believing what the writer will take us into this drama.

    Hmm….i also guess maybe MW will be the key figure, the only one who still believe in ES and will defend for/protect for ES..i don’t know exactly…but i don’t think ES really has motive to lie to JH, maybe she just afraid of JH’s phobia will comeback again. From the situation of JH’s dad health condition maybe become worst after this kind of storm, i hope JH-MW-ES-NY will hand-in-hand helping each other to save the company.

    I’m still hoping for the 4 last eps will finally give us a conclusion that PTB is really a different kind of rom-com drama and break the common K-drama rule. (^_______^)

    PTB Fighting!!!

  12. Honestly, this episode makes my heart break but not because of ES or anyone.
    It is because of this circumstances they’re in to. I really pitied JD for facing consequences of his misdeeds. How I wish he’ll find ease in his heart to face a new day full of happiness.

    One thing on my mind, this challenge might lead us to a better understanding why this drama is made…a thing that will teach the characters and viewers as well…

    I just remember the scandal that ES, J & JD faced before that somehow made their life crushed and how it been resolved? Simply forgiving and forget, the reason why my heart pushed me to cling on to this story.

    I’m now asking the writers to put a very nice triumph against the trials they made into PTB…

  13. I’ve been watching this show from episode one but apparently I must have missed something. Because out of nowhere Eun Seol is dating Ji Heon. Whaaaat.. ?? So she decided on him. That or this is friends with benefits, whenever Ji Heon feels like it

    • They became an official couple from episode 11, it was subtle but there. If you watch the coffee house scene – Ji Heon described Eun Seol to the part timer as not his guardian but his secretary and his woman who is a bit narrow minded. Eun Seol response was I think was what man is calling who narrow minded plus she did not refute the claim, Ji Heon was happy that she called him a man because that to him is how she actually sees Ji Heon. From there on it was coupleship.

  14. Thanks much much sis Koala! Been late lately on blog visits due to work. First I don’t really like PTB extending. The way the drama unfolded since they does notneed another episodes, the pacing will the be perfect for 16 ep series. I hope this “little” sloppiness in 13 and 14 is not brought about by the extension.

    As to Eun Seol keeping the thing from Ji Heon and J’s Dad is outright studid. That may be harsh but I feel that way. Gah! In the first place, she should have thought that the Chairman had all the right to know what’s going on in his company… and Ji Heon too. To be frank about it, she is just a secretary and things like this should be reported to the top management for proper action. tsk tsk tsk.

    On the side… I would have love Na Yun and Mu Won moments. Na Yun is really cute. I just hope that all her efforts on Mu Won would come into fruition. I guess she did really liked Mu Won even before but was just fixated with Ji Heon.

    Anyways, guys, subtitles are availabe at . Here is the direct link to the drama:

    • But it was secretary Jang who asked her NOT to tell the boss, and pretend not to know. Before, when JD asked ES about JH’s illness, ES was praised for keeping the secret since she insisted that the JD should ask JH directly. Yes, she failed her duty not to report to the boss, but she also fulfilled her responsibility not to tell her boss since she promised her senior, secretary Jang, not to tell. It’s NOT simply a black-and-white issue, in my opinion. Also, if she did tell JH, wouldn’t JH get more upset with his own father?

      If we want to judge things in black and white, isn’t what JD did in the first place outright wrong to begin with?

      • Yes, Sec Jang was adamant that ES not tell JD or J what she knows. Since Jang is obviously loyal to JD and has many more years of experience with the company, it makes sense that she tried to listen to her senior. Her conflict was shown. She didn’t want to keep it a secret and finally tried to talk honestly with JD. Her attempt at honesty with JD didn’t go well.

        But I do think the friends and family will rally to reveal the truths. As has been pointed out before, the basic decency of many of the key characters has been a theme in this drama.

  15. This episode was such a drag. I’m really disappointed. Looks like the writing team didn’t know what to do with the extra episodes, so they introduced this boring mess into the series. I hope the writers get back to the witty, fast-paced, and fun serial they had before.

  16. I really liked the directly honest and up-front NES. Then came this event in Ep 14. And “Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive!” I wish she’d stayed true to her character. There’d have been less mess to clean up afterwards.

    When NY’s mom mentioned her husband’s interest in acquiring a DN group subsidiary, it suddenly dawned on me that NY’s dad is still around. I’ve always thought that he’s dead. Don’t believe I’ve seen him in PTB so far. I must have missed something along the way…

  17. For some reason, I never really thought that Eunseol was in trouble since she recorded the initial conversation with the Citizen’s Group fellow and the conversation in which he said that she had called him, but she said she hadn’t. She also says to him (while being recorded) that she doesn’t know anything. That will probably be useful later.

    Eunseol’s set-up doesn’t come as a surprise, since Na-yoon said something like her mother would try to attack a person and everyone around that person.

    Too bad that Eunseol got caught in a lie to Ji-hoon. That’s the only thing that’s disappointing. Otherwise, it was a pretty good episode, just not as snappy or fast-paced as the others.

  18. Thanks very much Koala for all the recaps on PTB!

    Yup, too bad ES was caught lying by J and JD about meeting “Bong Suk”. But what I hate more was how J treated her. He had been patient in pursuing her all this while, and now that he finally managed to “obtain” her, he treated her badly – pushing her hard when she was hugging him, telling her to get off the car, etc. What the heck is this attitude?! Prior to this episode, I thought he’s one of the best male lead characters ever… if things don’t get better with him, I may change my mind.

    • toinfinityandbeyond, i love your user name! Toy Story is one of my all-time favourite!! =D

      i agree with you about how JH treated ES, he was all sweetness till then! Terrible boy! Grrr…

      i think secretary Jang should be spanked for not trusting ES, that she would not do such a thing as whistleblow on the chairman. Grrr…

      i think ES should be forgiven for trying to take on too big a responsibility all on her own. yes i agree she shouldn’t have lied to JH when she went to meet the An guy. Grrr…

      i wonder, for those who love this drama so far, have you guys watched Best Love? And which one do you think is better? Just curious! 😉

  19. Yes, I agree. I really disliked this episode. I think Eun Seol should have just immediately told the truth instead of trying to solve things by herself. Then perhaps less misunderstanding would occur. I got so bored halfway through this episode.

  20. I started liking Kdrama after watching PtB. So, it can be said that I love PtB more than other series including goong, full house (never see FH in full episode) boys before flowers. I rewatch PtB many times especially mu won and na yoon scenes.

  21. after reading this recap on Ep 14, just felt I want to skip this episode…..I wonder whether I can take all these “hard times” and negative impact on ES……by the way Koala Playground…tks for your much appreciated effort in getting these recaps done really makes sense to go thru the recaps after viewing or the other way around so that we can get indept into the story cos just merely watching something we just miss certain points ….tks

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