
Ouran High School Host Club Episode 10 Recap — 11 Comments

  1. Thank you for the recap! I love backstory– I don’t think I got this far when I read Ouran way back when.. Lol ‘Black Honey’ sounds like some kind of dark chocolate xD

  2. Thank you for the recap! I giggle every time Kyoya touches Haruhi in any way or they are in the same screenshot together. It looks like they did a good job compressing different histories into one episode but like you, because it is so short, I don’t find it very compelling.

    I wonder if we will get more Kyoya backstory because that was my favorite for the anime version.

  3. i guess it’ll take the movie to resolve any and all(?) questions from this episode…

    joking prediction — we’ll see how grandma “convinced” Tamaki to resign (Mother/fiancee cameo?) we’ll also see kyouya’s mad stock market prowress….

    i forgot when dark honey showed up in anime….maybe it was when he wakes up or when Mori withheld sweets due to cavity(?)

    Frankly, I’m sorta curious why they even had a scene of kyouya’s dad and brothers (with tamaki’s family too…it’s not as if fuyumi’s available for tamaki or even showing up…sigh…i actually liked fuyumi since she made kyouya a little human in manga and anime)

    to me it might have made slightly more sense (bad/impossible execution, but more sense?) to finish this in 10 episodes and then have the movie as an epilogue of sorts, but all of a sudden i suddenly want to rewatch/review how did hana kimi and hana yori dango pulled off their stuff in roughly the same amount of episodes…sigh…maybe i liked ouran more than the other two, that’s why i’m tough(?) on it…oh well…

    thank you for recapping this drama… (i originally came for protect the boss, but PTB is beginning to slow down/boring…and now i come for a quick recap of ouran…in the hopes of more kyouya…)

    thank you again

    • HanaDan and HanaKimi both were standard 45-min per episode dramas, so technically they had double the running time as Ouran with the same amount of episodes (11). Plus HanaDan had its SP. But still, it’s so hard to condense and whittle down all the good stuff into 23 mins. Kudos to Ouran for actually pulling it off with some finesse.

  4. LOL at the black honey. thank you for the recaps. this show zips by so fast, it’s like your weekly dose of sugar. another jdorama that i just started is Kingyo Club(about a boy who’s given up interest in life and how he befriends a lonely girl that is constantly being bullied). it’s amazing that in less than 20 minutes an episode, i am completely invested in the characters. the actors are doing an amazing job and the OTP is so perfect. i’ve been spazzing out the last 30 minutes re-watching their scenes, crying and laughing alternatively like a little school girl. i wish more people could enjoy this little gem. its story is cute, heartbreaking, intense and just love.

  5. I really loved watching the anime with the wonderful floral motif: the showers of petals coming to the visitor/audience, the colors of the flowers for each character to the painting within the frame representing Kyoya’s feelings of constraint as the 3rd son. Even if you don’t want to read the manga, I highly recommend watching the anime especially the episode “And so Kyoya met him”.

  6. LOL!!!

    I’m not the only one who keeps going *giggles* Kyouya is touching Haruhi again *giggles*
    I mean… seriously, even though the twins bug her, Tamaki “pets” her and honey used to hug her all the time, Kyouya seriously TOUCHES her a lot.

    I mean… he keeps putting her hand on her shoulders! And sometimes in a side hug! Like… Like… he has this reflex to just want to touch her whenever she’s near.
    DAMNIT girl! I’m jealous….

    *pants* okay… end semi rant.

    But I have to agree with you (and it’s not JUST my kyouya bias speaking) that I want to see more Kyouya backstory in the live action. Perhaps in the movie!!!
    But how will I wait that long?

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