
Protect the Boss Episode 17 Recap — 24 Comments

  1. when does it end – tomorow?

    whats coming next?

    i can only look in to future and think how the past(initial episodes) was so funny

  2. aaah I can’t believe this is almost over ! honestly, protect the boss never failed to entertain me, despite people say about a change of story since episode 14…I always find this drama great and amusing.. I love na yoon and moo woon couple!! it’s hillarious but sweet <3 ahhh I will be missing my moo woon 🙁

    • me too…
      and I’m happy to see MW got out of the car and went to NY’s matseon
      1 ep left, I wonder who will get the company JH or MW

    • i know rite….. I started reading the recaps for protect the boss and got excited about it because of nayoon & moowon….. I’m so sad its going to be over tonight… T.T
      I hope they “officially” get together….. and kiss…. 🙂 is it too much? hehehe
      or maybe PTB can have a preview of # years later of them… hehehe
      will miss it so much……..

  3. Thanks for the recap! I think I’ve mentioned it before, but PTB reminds me of a korean sitcom without the bajillion stories and bad acting. I feel like at this point in the drama is where the main couple we squeal over gets together and has to face a lot of uninteresting problems. They take the backseat, while we get more invested in the other 100 storylines -except in PTB, there isn’t 100 other storylines.

    Nevertheless, PTB still has maintained its charm and great characters. And it is also sort of a thing in kdrama rom-coms where the writing declines as we hit the last quarter. I do feel that this would have been a stronger drama if they had continued to focus more on Ji Heon’s problems and his journey to being an acceptable chairman. I’m not too into corporate conflicts and shenanigans in romantic dramas. The most boring parts of one of my fave dramas of all times, 49 days, dealt with Minho and his corporate shenanigans. The only romantic drama where I felt really invested in the corporate conflict was in Successful Story of a Bright Girl. Ryu Soo Young was so good as being bad even though in recent years, he has been playing such warm characters.

  4. I haven’t watched this yet but Moowon really pissed me off just reading the recap. How can he expect Nayoon to just know his feeling if he doesn’t express them, especially since he puts so much effort into pointing out how annoying and bothersome she is? I mean, it fits into the arrogance of his character but I really wish Nayoon would have put him in his place when he tried to pull that crap.

  5. Thanks for the recap sis Koala. Frankly I don’t have as much enthusiasm with PTB as I once had but I still love it. Thanks to Mu Won and Nayun’s cuteness. I really love their dynamics and how needy and immature Nayun is. Mu Won tho hard in expressing himself but is still a great one to watch. Seriously, the bucket list is getting so used up this days but the Chairman using it is rather cute.

    If anyone needs soft-subs, here is the link at DarkSmurfSub:

  6. Still love it to death…. guess I don’t need so much to be happy about a show that has entertained me so well over the past few weeks. I will miss looking forward to the new episodes and just hope something is coming up that will be as much fun. (but it doesn’t look like it).

  7. I still love this drama so much. I know it could’ve be better, which kinda reminded me how I felt about LTM. But well I’m still grateful this drama has brought me so much fun. I’ve already been through serious withdrawal. I’ll miss it for a while before I could move on.

  8. PTB, why are you doing this to me? I’m not going to lie, I still like you. But please behave better, especially for next episode when we have to say our good-byes. I expect you to go all out.

  9. I have a conclusion that it is not easy to write and play romantic comedy genre . It will become pitiful, once it lost the passion. The Romantic-Comedy is not as easy as i ever thought before. From now on, i respect more for Romantic-Comedy genre (hands-down …) with strong “story” and “character” from “start to finish line” and still memorable though it already ended. Unfortunately, PTB is not included in it. So sorry about that.

  10. Honestly I really hate what PTB have become for the rest of episode since company’s conflict, but i looking back again and I realize that conflict wasn’t so bad. The idea of story is still good with a few moments describe the situation enough. What’s annoying me is this directing.

    Just so much moment was in wrong scene and wrong shot that makes what a dialog suppose to be great, can’t be get by watchers and i think they hit their bottom in those last episode. I agree the conflict is not so bad, what is bad is how to arrange that conflict. Because of this I didn’t see chemistry between Eun Sol and Ji Heon as what suppose to be as 2 people have affection for each other. This is also happens to another character.

    I guess the credit for this series belongs only to PTB’s writer.

  11. Still love watching this drama for the characters but “two people creating problems because they have nothing better to do,” is the perfect explanation of Eunseol and Jihun’s relationship from ep. 15 onwards.

    But I have so many happy memories with this drama. Seeing it end is sooo sad D:

  12. eh…i agree with the deflated balloon comment…cuz i was really into this drama…but it became less interesting
    hope the ending is good

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