
Zenkai Girl Episode 9 Recap — 9 Comments

  1. Sometimes I wish the lead would just say “So you want me to back down so she can be happy with a interfering control freak? I don’t think so.” Perhaps a few punches could be thrown, but then the second lead might rebuttal, “And you want me to leave her with a man who uses his fists to solve problems?” Then the lady can decide to give both up and go after her best friend who actually talks to her instead of his love rival.

  2. Yes, wanting to punch the screen was my reaction to this episode too. No… more accurately, I wanted to knock Shota upside the head! I just want the guy to get some courage and man up. I know, I know…he’s a sweetheart and a softie, and that’s why we love him, but still…*sigh*
    I’m with you when it comes to the old noble-idiocy-making-the-choice-for-their-own-good trope! Hate it with a capital H! And yes, it seems to crop up a lot in J-doramas. Which is probably why I don’t watch a lot of them. That, and the lack of make-out scenes!

  3. I’m not mad at Shindo at all. He was in the right. He’s wrong in his assumptions but he wasn’t out of bounds at all. Shota needs to grow some fn backbone and get a life! I’m not a Wakaba fan but she did the right thing by being honest. Shota was the idiot that feels he’s not good enough and makes other people feel stupid. What about Soyoko? That’s ridiculous!
    Shota needs to move on cause until he gets to the point where he feels he can be Wakaba’s equal, they will never work. Ryo is cute and Shota and Pitaro are too precious but who wants a man like that?

  4. thanks for the recap! this ep broke my heart for both Shota and Wakaba. I hate the noble idiot out of all the drama cliches, so I’m glad that we have a couple eps left to wrap this up.

  5. Yeah, at this point in Zenkai Girl, I started feeling that they really should have ended the series at episode 9.

    Hina and Pitaro were the highlights of this episode for me!

  6. Well, you could think of it this was. If Wakaba decides to not marry Shindo, it will be entirely her choice. She will have done it because she wants to take a chance on discovering what love could be because she knows she does not feel that way with Shindo. I admit Shota made things complicated by involving Soyoko into the mix, but Wakaba and Shota are meant to be!
    Relax people! It will work out! 🙂

  7. UGHHH! i love Shota and all but he’s using Sokoyo which isn’t right on her part. >:( poor wakaba…. the rejection must’ve hurt.

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