
SMAP Gets Hilariously Wacky for Latest Softbank CF — 21 Comments

  1. Oh my God!!! XD That is so hilarious ^^ And also kind of cute, in a weird way. I think they’re awesome, doing all that, without any vanity : )

  2. LOL – totally reminds me of KimuTaku as P-chan the Dog in one of the old skits in smapxsmap. He’s totally an expert for that. Oddly enough the docomo series of CM has this dog (a real dog) character as the father of a family with a Black son (don’t ask me why). So Shingo is playing the “son” and KimuTaku is playing the “dad”. Hmm. Sometimes I can’t understand the “creativity” of Japanese…

  3. ROFL! Never thought handphone ads could be so whacky and creative 🙂 They’re really good at conveying a range of expressions, from the funny to the bizarre. Love KimuTaku in the doggie suit (hehe, never knew even the family dog could own a smartphone! 🙂 The feudal concept is pretty funny too; lol at Shingo’s and Tsuyoshi’s hilarious hairstyles and expressions 😀

  4. Omg that is soo freakin’ hilarious! Thanks for sharing this Koala…been having a bit of a downer today so this really made my day 🙂

  5. Oh! Oh! Oh! I dies… *presses play again*

    And here’s a bit of trivia for you. Due to the raving popularity of that SMAP vid, that hotel rooftop swimming pool has been inundated by Japanese tourists. The hotel has had to restrict access and erect a screen so that hotel guests won’t keep getting harrassed by people giving them “Is this it? But where are my hot aged boyband boys?” stares.

  6. 😆 They are so funny looking! OMG. The first video reminds me of the Village People singing YMCA…I love the stewardess outfit. They look pretty in them. 😉

    I’m a KimuTaku fan too. I’m watching “Nankyoku Tairiku” because of him. (*^__^*) Thanks Captain for this special treat. 😀

  7. If I haven’t told you that I love you for your recap, love you more because you’re the only blogger who recap my fave jdrama, and pledge my devotion to you because you post about SMAP!!

    and you are 200% right “Because KimuTaku is still hot and the other four are hella hilarious”.

    • Totally agree with the Kimura-doggie leg swinging cuteness :3 But can he even use the phone with those paws?

      Even though Shingo looks like… a man in drag… He still looked pretty when he winked at the end XDD it really is about how you carry yourself~~

  8. i think it works coz kimutaku doesn’t act like the alpha dog and hugs the attention to himself even if he is the top star and everyone knows it. love that he doesn’t take himself too seriously. maybe that’s why he IS a big star.

    and you’re so right, those guys are hilarious! but you, ms. koala… you are AWESOME!

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