
Man of Honor Episode 9 Recap — 22 Comments

  1. Love, love, love this!!! Thank you so much for yet another great recap dear ockoala unni!!! I think Young Kwang will know Jae In’s true identity tonight through In Woo! I can’t wait to watch the cuteness in this episode. Also, I didn’t know that In Woo was also adorable way back. It’s really sweet of him to give her that bag. He’s really trying to protect her now… I wonder who was calling Jae In…Also glad to finally see Young Do’s part in this story. I really thought he’s one of the disguised santa’s elves, heh.

  2. i love this drama even though i have only watched the 3rd episode yesterday but your screencaps really made me glued to the story. thank you for recapping it. and i agree with you that the relationship between young kwang and jae in is just so sweet. it’s subtle, but sweet nonetheless. sometimes i kinda scream to young kwang that jae in isn’t his sister…so just go for it! ahhh…only we viewers know about that right now…and not the two OTP.

  3. am so addicted to this kdrama…came upon your website recently and I keep coming back not only for moh but also for the other kdrama you’ve made reviews for.. I love your detailed recap…don’t know korean language but still watching raw ep coz’ I can’t wait for the eng sub…and reading your blog really helps a whole lot. thank you!

  4. What is inside that storage room? soooo curious.. I can’t wait to see what happen next.. Thanks for the recap Ockoala, you have no idea that I keep refreshing your page from early in the morning.. thank youuuu….

  5. thanks Captain!

    I was smilling like a doofus myself while watching last night – JI/YK are so cute together. I think i really really like PIE here…

    the last part, when the door handle turned, i got teary cud be due to the fact the photo is inside and it could trigger JI’s memory (errr, well, im no scriptwriter of course). who is inside? it might be some cleaners leaving the room after doing their chores (hehhhh..) but im crossing fingers for the fairy god beggar (in disguise) to might make another appearance soon..

  6. What do you all think what In woo think? I just think he’s confused what he is going to do about her, since he knew that its his father fault, I think he will continue to covering his dad fault but Im not sure he will be protecting Jae in or not, I just think the reason he didn’t want Jae in to be his nurse and tell her not to showing up at the company is not because he wants to protect her but he just doesnt want his father faults will get to find out or something.

    • yup, i think In-woo is just one conflicted kid because he knows Evil Daddy too well and In-chul pressuring him like that doesn’t help him either.

      I think MoH’s sweet grandma has become one of my favourite K-drama’s elders 🙂 cos she’s not the cranky type

  7. This episode is so SUPER! There are cute, funny, more secrets being revealed moments!!! Please keep them coming!! I am adoring it more and more!

    Thank you for your wonderful recaps! ^^ I wanna know what’s gonna happen next! 🙂

  8. I dunno. I’m thinking In-Woo has always had a soft spot for Jae-In. I mean he asked about her when he was thought she was gone. He harassed the boy talking to her when they were at her party. He bought her that birthday gift. He’s torn. His father’s wrong doings, his own losses and knowing that his father did wrong to her and will most likely do it again. He really can’t protect her because he can’t protect himself. The best thing to do, is keep her out of his sight. He luuuuvers her, well at least he did as a child.

    Young Kwang and Jae In are super cute, but I’m feeling the angst and gonna root for the In Woo/Jae In ship!

  9. @Kelsey n @ D, that can be true too.. In woo ways to protect Jae in was wrong but maybe he just doesn’t know what to do anymore, since he also afraid to his father and he knew he can’t protect himself from evil dad, how can he protect her then? I got your point.. thank for let me know your opinion about In woo action towards Jae in, since it was confusing me a bit..

  10. Oh found the answer to my own question in your glossary. OTP – One True Pair. Thanks Your Koala Highness, for all your hard work.

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