Upcoming TW-drama Skip Beat Releases Official Posters
For a drama based on a manga I don’t like, I’m ridiculously excited about the upcoming Skip Beat live-action adaption. Airing on GTV following In Time With You (LOL, never thought I would actually be excited for ITWY to finish airing), SB stars Ivy Chen with Super Junior’s Choi Siwon and Lee Donghae. The drama is scheduled to premiere in late December, but the promotional machine is starting to awaken, with the first three posters revealed that make me fairly salivate with glee.
Siwon and Donghae will be dubbed, which is currently happening right now in post-production. Funny aside is that Siwon’s dub will be performed by former boyband Energy member Kun Da (also known as Penny), who has been Ivy’s gossip magazine boyfriend for the past two years. No word yet on who will be doing Donghae’s dub. For those of you curious about the story itself, the most kick-ass fanmade trailer for the Japanese version of SB (which doesn’t exist) gives a great explanation of the set up.
I just love love love all three posters, with the same dynamic between the three leads but different sensations coming from Ivy, at times pensive, at times challenging, and always focused on her goal.
Brilliant fanmade nonexistent Japan version of Skip Beat starring Maki (Kyoko), Toma (Sho), and Shun (Ren) – with English and Chinese subs:
First teaser trailer for real TW-Skip Beat released back in June 2011 – with English subs:
I am so ready for November to be over and for it to be December.
Yay, I hope Skip Beat does not disappoint! (And that I’ll be able to stand the dubbing.)
Not to mention SCHOOL WILL BE OVER. Thank goodness.
Oh yeah, I’ll be there as the officially delivery source of Skip Beat goodies and crack. And this drama WILL be crack. Mark my word. We will be flailing.
I am SO on board for the flailing. ~practices~
Aye aye captain! i’ll be ON BOARD too!=D
I’ve been waiting for this. What a pity I’ll not be able to hear siwon’s handsome voice. But I’ll still watch it anyway. 🙂
~incoherent flailing~
Treacherous! How could you not like Skip Beat?
Just to clarify, I mean the manga.
maybe because I read it once a year but the manga doesn’t drag for me….so excited!
The story is fabulous, but the manga execution is dreadful. The mangaka can’t write worth shit. She takes 5 times as long to get a point across. SB is the draggiest crap bc of her, but her concept story is just so awesome that I can’t wait for the drama adaptation.
Your sentiments regarding the author are unexpectedly strong…
But I must agree with you that Skip Beat is dragging a bit.
Yeeep I agree. So draggy. After waiting for chapters every month and only getting build ups and no outcome I gave up waiting for chapters.
Agreed. As much as I love the story and still following it diligently (mostly, because I can’t wait to see RenxKyoko together!), this is one of the most dragging manga I’ve ever read! So slow… I’ve heard the author’s other manga is the same.
I don’t know what happened to the mangaka…Tokyo Crazy Paradise wasn’t draggy…*sigh*
Well, the manga has really been dragging recently. I think we’ve been on that taping set for 3 months already. Anyway, I really love the manga and Kyoko is awesome. I just hope Ivy’s Kyoko isn’t as screechy as I’ve perceived from the trailer. Here’s to hoping for another awesome drama!
The problem is when you read it in installments from month to month. When you read it all in one shot, it actually speeds along pretty quick. But that’s impossible to do since it’s an ongoing series. Sigh.
It’s because she keeps adding all details, like she’s writing a novel instead of a manga. The price is that it can drag, something awful. (The part when she started the job as Natsu was one of the worse, in my opinion.) But what you get out of it is that you understand the motivations of even the side characters and everyone’s actions are understandable and in character. Which is pretty darn rare for a shouju manga!
But the art, on the other hand, is just painful. She (or her assistant) is definitely a bad artist. She can draw very expressive faces, but her sense of body proportions are all weird. Ren sometimes looks like a stiff, Frankenstein monster!
I have to agree with you, she takes far too long to get her point across! But the concept and plot is phenomenal, which is why I have anxiously been awaiting the release of a drama version. Also am I the only one who get’s the feeling that if this one goes well it could end up BOF-esque? (By which I mean it could spawn Korean and Japanese version.)
cant wait to see it
OMG. I just finished the fan-made trailer for the nonexistent J-dorama. It’s soooooo good. I am now a fan of Ikuta Toma. Gotta watch the original Hana Kimi to see him! He’d be soooooo perfect as Sho!!!
The fan made Japanese MV sure is EPIC! I can totally see Toma acting like a big ass and Shun as daddy long legs, or something similar to that. How I wish it were real..
Wow the japanese trailer is made really well! Now I actually really wanna watch the jap version even though it doesn’t exist…
Yeah I agree the manga’s a bit too draggy. But I think that’s the case for practically all mangas that get famous. The mangaka wants to milk it for all it’s worth (or is pressured to milk it), so then we get a very long series with not much plot. 🙁
The other manga Tokyo Crazy Paradise by the same mangaka as Skip Beat is so much better. Especially since it’s already finished.
I found SB draggy from book one. The mangaka’s style is all over the place. She just doesn’t understanding pacing and execution. I really love the story, the execution just makes me want to headdesk all the time. A few chapters were excellent tho, the ones with Kyoko and Vie Ghoul and Sho in the middle teens were brilliant. Most everything else is a MEH from me.
This looks really fun. I like the anime, but unfortunately the ending was not satisfying. Understandable since the manga was not finished yet, and… still running till now. I gave up on the manga already. It’s wayyyy to draggy.
I’m curious on how the drama is going to end.
I hope we’re not going to get an open-ending.
Is this series really going to start in December?
Does this mean that it’s going to go head to head with OG at least for the first couple of episodes while OG is running its last leg?
I really want to watch this but I guess I’ll stick to OG until it’s finished first; then I can devote all my time to this. 🙂
how come the fan made mv is so much better than the official one! I’m so excited. I jumped when I saw a skip beat post!
Because it has a dream cast that could never actually come true. Maki, Toma, Shun, Kimura Takuya, Ayase Haruka etc all in one drama? I want to watch it too, though. 🙂
I only watched the anime . It was good. But, yes, it didn’t have a good ending. Weird, I wish that they would also have a version dubbed in Korean. Not that I know Korean, but it will be strange to hear Siwon and Donghae with different voices. I tried watching the butler drama with Park Shin Hye, but I was just weirded out by her different voice.
I can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Total drama crack from me… and the first tw drama that I’m actually anticipating in a long time. Most of them, I got addicted after watching ep 1. please don’t disappoint!!!
Kun da as siwon’s voice – interesting! i can’t say I’ll get used to it, but still should be interesting.
Ah I feel like I’ve waited years for this, then I think to myself… I have waited years.
I love skip beat. I first watched the anime when it started airing a few years back. Then decided to read the manga. I didn’t like the style of it, but I eventually ignored the extra pointy chins and jumbled up dialogue ;). Haven’t had the chance to read the latest chapters :O. I understand why you disn’t like it V_v. The anime is lovely though… But aww you don’t watch anime 🙁
I loved the Beagle parts! Hahah ah such good memories. For sure they gotta include the part where they film the music video. Ah Donghae and Siwon I was so happy back then when they’ve been confirmed. Lol I remember how everything were rumors before, now it’s true. The fangirl in me is so happy right now.
Woah that trailer is epic. How in the world can someone create something so perfect? I hope they really do do a Japanese version, heck I’d even want a Korean version. 😉
Waaah. Awesome. Love DongHae. But after watching the fanmade vid Japanese version, why am I anticipating for that version more?kkk. I hope Japan TV will one day make their version of it for real and Maki Horikita will be the lead with Oguri Shun. I miss their wonderful tandem. ^_^
I’ve been thinking why suddenly news was down on this drama.. and now, this! YAY!
I don’t know how I will feel of the dub.. but I’m totally looking forward to it! xD I wonder how Siwon will play the dark/murderous Ren, because I just see him as this sweet guy.
So siwon is playing a villainous role. As long as he redeems himself at the end just like his role in Oh My Lady. He is so gentle when he’s gone to the good side.
I dont know how i feel about this…the storyline seems awesome….but korean and taiwanese stars in one drama…just seems..i dont know wont judge until its out…but when theres a language barrier i feel like theres a level of actor rapport that would be lost
Now if the japanese fan mv was real i wouldn’t miss it for the world.
CAN NOT WAIT! love Siwon! of course Donghae is not bad either! =)
Oh man! I watched that fan-made ending at least 3 times. It’s great! I loved the bit with Corn the best.
This looks cool! Where can I watch this online?
I am excited about this but dislike the posters. Please dear gods don’t mess up the drama.
I thought this was coming out next summer but HOORAY for being early!! 😀
I’m a huge fan of this mangaka’s work and love the details she put into it (better to just read chapters in bulk to make up for the slow delivery), but these past 3 years have been excruciating. I was all for the slow-pace, but in recent years, it’s been ridiculously slow- like slower than American daytime soap-opera. And she jumped off the deep end this past year with the CainHeel storyline. It’s like a totally different story right now. It sounded like she had hit writer’s block and wanted to write a new story. Then shoehorned that new story into Skip Beat. I feel like the victim of a bait and switch after shelling out money for the first 20 wonderful volumes. I’ve been downloading the manga too and still reading it religiously, hoping that the mangaka will turn things around. 3 years and waiting…
Hopefully this drama will help revive my earlier love for Skip Beat.
Just watched the fake trailer- now I feel like it’s going to be hard to really enjoy the taiwan version after watching the epic awesomeness that is that trailer!
couldn’t agree more! now, i’m looking forward to the fake jap adaptation with the exact fake casts. they got KimuTaku on board?! LOL
I have to agree, this Cain Heel tangent is taking too long, even if the mangaka has been preparing for this exploitation of Ren’s dark side since the beginning. It’s a good opportunity to bring Kyoko and Ren closer, maybe hint at Kuon’s present identity, and force Ren to confront his inner shadows, but how long many more chapters/months is it going to take to get there? Has she forgotten about the other to LoveMe members’ stories, and Sho?
This story has a great premise, and it’s rather creative in its characters, comedy, and plot twists, but it’s losing me right now.
ah i love this manga before it became too draggy for me, but still i love the concept of the sho-kyoko-ren triangle and this on a live action series would be a great . . . i want to watch how they would execute all the characters without going overboard
Ok, that it the most EPIC faux trailer ever. That simply must be made, and made yesterday!
Looking good it has been awhile since I last saw a good TW drama and hopefully can pick this one later…Thanks.
the japanese trailer is brilliant! i kept laughing throughout because the scenes selected are perfect for the story, much more than the taiwanese one. i was hoping for a japanese adaptation, because i trust they will not refrain from all the extremities (in comedy and emotion) that is Skip Beat. am still looking forward to the taiwanese one though, because a) i love seeing ivy chen onscreen and b) i find the style of some taiwanese adaptations to be more grounded, thus presenting the story in a more realistic, straight-forward manner rather than risk losing the audience in gimmicks. and i have a long history with t-dramas, much more than k/j dramas.
the first two posters feel like they push kyoko aside and focus on the guys. they shine very much on their own, thank you, and i don’t like how weak kyoko is portrayed in them.
The Japanese Live Action has to be made real. NOW! 😛
Aww I must be the only one to not think it’s draggy. I devour this stuff en mass and keep wanting more. It might help that I pile up my volumes though. The two things I do hate but try hard to overlook is the elongated art and the confusing dialogue/thought bubbles. She jams so many broken up sentences in the panels that it was literally a chore piecing them back up.
Anyway, I’m super excited about the drama as well. I can’t wait to see Shiwon as Ren.
Just finished watching the fake Japanese trailer and I must say it is awesome!!! Very very epic!!!
The editing from different J-drama scenes are very well edited into the storyline. It make me more longing for the Japanese version than the taiwanese one. Sighs! How I wish there really is a Japanese version with Maki/Toma/Shun as the cast.
Oh well… will just settle for the T-drama version. I am sure Choi Siwon, Lee Donghae and Chen Wenxi will be great as well.
never watched any taiwaneese drama before but I will this time becoz it’s SB one of my favourite anime ever ( even though , like all of u said , the end was not good becoz the manga is still on going ) and I’m still reading the manga too which is also as u said draggy but I’m not able to stop reading it becoz I wanna know how KYOKO will finally admit she has feelings for tsuruga Ren , the love between those too is too strange
This drama is a definetely must watch, the story, as you said koala, is fabulous, besides Choi Siwon is in the cast. I already can’t take my eyes off this drama. But the thing that bugs me is why a TW-drama is casting korean actors (and dubbing them) instead of casting taiwanese actors. Why?