
Full Length Trailer Released for My Brilliant Life with Jerry Yan and Yedda Chen — 14 Comments

  1. Awww. The trailer’s pretty cute. I last saw Jerry Yan in Hot Shot with Show Luo, and while that show was pretty much a bomb, he did make a small impression in it.

    I had no idea that Liu Wei started acting! He’s really such an awesome individual and I wish all the best for him. I saw him playing “You’re Beautiful” on YouTube months ago, and it brought tears to my eyes. Watching his life story and seeing him compete on China’s Got Talent was just so inspirational, especially his words about how everyone is responsible for fulfilling their own dreams.

  2. Jerry has had the same haircut for like 10 years n im bored of it, lol! He is still very hot after all these years though. Not sure if i want to see a Brilliant Legacy remake since watching that drama once was enough

  3. Will be watching this for Yedda and Liu Wei. (liu wei’s comment really moved me.) Jerry looks so skinny his face is too narrow for his big hair. he needs to restyle it. Even my mom who use to be a hard core fan of his said he didn’t look good.

  4. Whoah this is like an exact replicate of the original. Their outfits are so similar and their lines are almost exactly translated from Korean. lol I’m a fan of Yedda and I liked the original so I’m definitely going to watch this =) Can’t wait!

  5. In my mind nobody in any drama has yet to beat the role of “evil mom/step-mom/mother-in-law” or the role of “second-choice-who-should-be-first” than Kim Mi Sook and Bae Soo Bin…. Its the main reason I liked Shining Inheritance so much– I have never hated (step-mom) and loved (second-choice) someone so much before then lol….
    Also Jerry should stick to funny and cute, or even quiet somber roles…he doesn’t do angry/mean well– if he’s being a tease its one thing but from this trailer his angry/yelling faces seems….off?….I dunno how to describe it… also- although it seems like his hair calms down as the show progresses (like LSG’s) it still looks terrible lol– looked somewhat bearable @14:15 mark but that’s is the end of the series:(
    This trailer showed me most of the show so I prob won’t watch it (okay maybe just the cute parts) but it made me want to go back and re-watch the original:) thanks koala!

  6. not sure if im gna watch it since it seems almost 100% the same as the korean version.
    And OMG liu wei!!! he reli is an inspiration.

  7. urm.. doesn’t look too good. i like how they used a track from the black and white soundtrack. HA. weird. and jerry yan.. dude’s just not really attractive. personal preference, and also, really, his acting is not all that. sigh, chinese remakes.

      • Its not always about looks anyways. I was so-so about LSS’s looks in Bbjx but still still loved her performance. Yedda isnt over the top flashy looking, but she’s awesome with lotta spunk. Watching this for her.

  8. OMG!!! I got flashbacks from “Fated to Love You” when I heard “99 Ci Wo Ai Ta”. I couldn’t stop giggling. I wonder if it will be on MBL’s official soundtrack.

  9. I like Jerry Yan but I think I will pass this one up. It’s a remake I get it but something is missing. I don’t know what. I am not really a huge fan of Lee Seungi based from the trailer, he connected more to me than Jerry did. AND please he needs to lose the hairstyle. It is because he’s trying to copy Seungi’s in the korean version? I was kinda cursing the stylist back then every time something is off with him. However, Jerry carry the clothes better than LSG ever did. Call me shallow but I look at these things too aside from the acting performances and directing. The girl is too plain for me and I see no spark between the two. I was hoping that the lead actress will be as pretty as Han Hyo Joo. Even the girl playing the role of Moon Chae Won is not on her level. Yes. you can call me super shallow if you want but this is television and its all visual. I want pretty people on my screen if possible…if not give me awesome acting skills..and if i cant have both, why not….and sizzling chemistry. And yeah I concede Jerry is hotter than LSG and is probably the only reason I MIGHT watch a few episodes…

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