
Upcoming K-drama Wild Romance Releases First Stills with Lee Dong Wook and Lee Shi Young — 30 Comments

  1. Hair for both 🙁 …..nearly felt like crying after seeing Lee Shi Young’s still…’s like they’re saying u already got to see all the pretty u deserved to see in Scent of a woman and Poseidon

  2. The only thing keeping up my interest in this drama is the writer, who is solid through and through. Otherwise, what’s up with the premise? It sounds like a City Hunter/Man of Honor mash-up…is there a Park Min Young fan on the production staff?

    The hair. *Grinds teeth* What is up with the hair? I can’t count how many perfectly good-looking female leads I’ve seen ruined with horrendously unflattering bowl cuts.

  3. gosh, she’s like on overdrive, she just finished a drama now she’s on to star in another one.. super busy.. i need to learn how to be driven like her~ ! 🙂

  4. I think the bird’s nest looks adorable, but that’s only because it’s attached to Lee Shi Young. I’ve developed great affection for her because she boxes and I box and we can all be really tough women together!

    I feel like they make the poor, plucky heroine really drab because they want to emphasize that she’s really very down on her luck and that she really has more important things to care about than how she looks. I can sympathize. I’m a consummate girly girl–I paint my toenails, mess around with my hair, wear heels in winter, and plan my outfits with more care than some generals plan wars, but sometimes, you just have to spend a week running around in sweatpants and a hoodie and that’s fine, too, because there’s no time for anything else. But I do wish k-dramas would do away with the inevitable make-over scene in which the audience goes, “Awww, look, she can be feminine and therefore worthy of being the female half of the couple!” and the hero goes cross-eyed with wonder at her perfumed and ruffled wonderfulness. No, please, let him love her even if she looks shabby because she’s a wonderful person and she completes him and he feels joy when they’re together. It’s the makeover scenes that really annoy me; there’s nothing wrong with being feminine, but there’s something very wrong when all women are held to that same arbitrary standard of desirability.

    • Amen, sista.

      Someone should get ahold of all the stylist and give them all a talking-to. I mean, even if they’re not style icons, they could at least dress normally. And have normal hair. No one, and I mean no one, actually wears their hair like that. What’s wrong with just wearing a ponytail all the time?

    • I think they dress the heroines so badly and give them such bad haircuts because the characters are played by such beautiful actresses that even in plain clothes they couldn’t possibly look ordinary (aka. relatable). But then they go overboard hence the haircut above. Haha 🙂 I mean even with that hair, LSY is one vidal sassoon appointment from looking like a model.

      Highly likely she will have a makeover or at least one glam scene where she knocks everyones socks off. Gil Ra Im had hers in Secret Garden (and what a knock-out!). Even Bong Woo Ri from CYHMH had hers and she was as plain Jane as it gets. Anyway very excited for this drama. Is it me or are baseball player protagonist really “in” right now? Lee Dong Wook in a baseball uniform……. O.O

    • You’re right, but the K-dramas aren’t saying these have more important things to do than worry about their looks, i.e. poor hardworking types, they are saying these women are completely style-deficient. And that’s ridiculous. I can wear sweats all day but that doesn’t mean I’ll be wearing granny sweats. And I can cut my hair short to make it easy to manage, but bowl cuts and birds nests are just too much ugly it stretches credulity.

      I think Lee Ji Ah’s blunt cut in Me Too Flower is a great attempt at making her seem really grounded and not care about her appearance, with a haircut that isn’t atrocious but rather just serviceable.

      • Half of the dramas that I’ve seen involve a poor, hardworking heroine, which does get boring sometimes. However, most of the time, we, “the viewers” could never tell they were actually poor due to their styling. I never felt like Ra Im was portrayed as “style deficient” in Secret Garden and neither was Eun Chan in Coffee Prince. Even Na Na in City Hunter was supposed to be poor, at least in the beginning, and the entire crux of her character was the plucky, hardworking one.

  5. Uh…. what is happening to the hairstylists of k-drama? Are they (hairstylists/producers) exacting some sort of revenge against all the actors/actress?

    Bodyguards don’t automatically mean ugly hair… I guess ponytails were too fancy…

    • I don’t think coffee will fix her hair. But if everyone around her drank plenty of alcohol, the drunk-tinted glasses might make her hair less like it’s about to come alive and walk off her head.

  6. Your last few sentences are funny mwa ha ha! But this guy really looks hot, gosh, Koreans never run out of them aha ha. I am just bothered with his eyelids. It has a different colour from his skin and he looks perpetually sleepy now. Was that surgically done, I wonder. I was never bothered with that when I saw My Girl (as far as I can recall).

  7. Oooh, I hate the “let’s make our gorgeous lead girl ugly so she’ll come off as totally pathetic compared to our handsome lead guy” trope so very much. If I never hear another lead guy call the girl ugly again in a kdrama, it’ll be too soon. I hate the way kdrama romcoms stack the deck against the lead gals in terms of class, job, looks, and often intelligence as well. For heaven’s sake, it’s okay if she’s a together human being BEFORE she meets the lead guy! Let the poor girl be able to style her hair at least.

    Otherwise, this looks fun. I love the tough action girl trope — one of the reasons I loved Secret Garden, and then got annoying that Gil Ra Im didn’t get to do more ass-kicking.

  8. How do they even come up with those hairstyles? I’ve never seen ANYONE with a haircut like that in daily life! O_O

    Same here, there’s something about Lee Dong-wook that doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t know how to explain, but there’s a certain…emptiness in his eyes, no spark, no joie de vivre, not even depression or anything.

  9. really? i loved him in scent of a woman! her hair does look like a bird lives in it, but maybe they’ll fix it up in the actual drama

  10. Shi Young poor thing!!! they give her a horrible wig!
    baby i{m just saying but dong wook is so damn gourgeous in SOW tht i can sy anything about him! so gourgeous……..
    in dream world!

  11. Oh my people. I love Lee Dong-wook with facial hari(and it look like a goatee). The fangirl just came out and she doesn’t come out that much

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