
Skip Beat Episode 1 Recap — 54 Comments

  1. thank you for recapping skip beat, Ms. Koala.. Have been waiting for years to see this drama.. LOL
    I really love the manga,, hopefully the drama will be as good as the manga.. ^^

  2. Oh my I am not a manga person but the speed of the episode. Hmm….am I going over to the TW side? What is going on? How come I am watching less KD and more TW?
    As it is Ms Koala I am now thoroughly addicted to Inborn Love after you wrote about it…definitely addicted and can’t wait for it to come out. Is the manga good? What happens in the end?

    • Ur the same CK at cadence?

      What a small world it is… I read this manga also and really love it!
      The drama done quite a good job I suppose, though I need to see siwon more to see if he really able to pull his character =)

  3. Thanks, Koala. Will give this a try…Love Siwon and Donghae and love your enthusiasm about Skip Beat. If I can just get past the dubs…

  4. I can’t wait to continue reading your recaps for this!!! This will be my first TW-drama, so, I’m a bit nervous and excited at the same time 🙂

    Thank you!

  5. I still haven’t watched it because I’m waiting for the subs to come out!
    Though I read your recap 🙂 Very interesting, thank you!
    I’m happy that you liked the begining of the drama! Me too, though I saw only teasers 🙂
    I really hope it will be great thing!!!!!
    Waiting for in to be continued!!!!!

  6. Thanks for the fast recap! I was eagerly awaiting the episode yesterday and was glad that it got me hooked so fast ^^ Long wait for the next episode~ Btw, does anyone know how many episodes there’ll be? Hope its 20-ish!

    • Supposedly 12 eps.

      But it might be 13 since the GTV dramas recently have all been 13 eps. It can’t be longer than that, since it finished filming already in the Summer so no way to film more.

      • 13 ep seems too short since there are so many chapters.. My only hope will be that they have a definite and satisfying ending unlike the anime.

  7. Just watched this and it’s officially my fluffy drama of the season (no idea why zany or romcom kdramas rarely work for me but zany or romcom twdramas almost always do).

    I agree with you on the manga – fun idea, terrible execution (and still going!) – this took all the good parts and got rid of the dragginess and filler. (Also, it’s bound to have an end). So glad I checked it out and even more glad I’ll have your awesome recaps to speed me along.

  8. Love Love Love It! thanks for the recap. I can’t wait for the interaction of Gong Xi and He Lian because it would determine who I would ship! Wooh. I’m just happy it turned out well. :))

  9. really loving this! i watched the 20 min preview yesterday on viki with subs and now i am waiting for the episode one to be completely subbed!! Aah, can’t wait! XXD

  10. Thanks for the recap, will definitely check it out. There are a few things I dislike about mangas one of them is the tendency to drag things for over a month, so relieved that we are getting a shortened version here.

    Take care

  11. Do you still read the manga or have you given up on it? Would be interesting to know how far you’ve read in case you haven’t finished it. 🙂

    • I know the question is not for me but I still read the manga and want to say that things go too slow there! Sadly, but the fact!
      The plot is interesting but no dinamic at all!
      I’m happy that drama is out too 🙂

      • Yeah, I’m up to date with the manga (thats chapter .. 183 I think), and its sometimes quite tormenting how much it drags. Its a monthly manga, so you have to at least wait a month for a new chapter anyway, but the mangaka also takes her time (!) to develop the characters, relationships and to move on with the plot. I think thats great on the one hand because I love the characters and the different plotlines (I LOVE Kyoko’s little acting gigs 🙂 ) and the way the romance evolves seems quite realistically and not rushed (something I have to criticise looking at a lot of other shojo mangas). On the other hand that makes reading the manga sometimes quite frustrating. Don’t get me wrong, its pretty much the only shojo manga that I was able to stick with because I LOVE it, but sometimes I just want it to get on with it! :p

      • I just did, for the whole night lol oh dear, my sleep -_- in any case, I agree with you about the dialogue cramming things. Even on the 2nd reading I still can’t bring myself to read all the bubbles that swarm the page o_O but it’s still sooo funny though! This is comedy at its best XD it starts to get reaaaaalllyyy draggy after Ren realized his feelings for Kyoko while filming Dark Moon, and I really don’t care about all the Beagles Bagels stuff -_- 12 eps seem too short though, esp. since fromt he 1st it didn’t look like they cut much from the source material, hmm. Anw, thanks for your recap! I skimmed the ep cos I didnt understand the dialogue, and also because I generally know the story, but now I feel like I can watch the ep in its entirety thanks to your translation 🙂

  12. Thank you Koala for recapping non-korean Asian dramas!

    You make Skip Beat sound really really exciting. I can’t wait when the two guys start trying to one-up each other. I hope it stays as fun and zippy as your recap. 😀

    (PS Siwon’s character seems like Tae Kyung then? Y’know, all “I am a serious professional.” — when most of his fans are just in it for teh preeeetty. Hehe)

    • The two guys don’t really interact much. One is an idol singer, the other a serious top actor, so they don’t compete for the same gigs. But the few interactions between them were intensely good.

  13. wow, after waiting 2 years…. first ep finally aired@!!

    gonna watch and then read ur recap!!! thanks for posting news and recap!!!!

  14. I had mixed feelings about ep 1. This is the first time I’ve watch something and not been too excited, knowing it’s really just the setup for the rest of the story. Usually, I come in very excited for ep 1. I really should wait til a few air before watching it, but I couldn’t resist. I normally hate dubbing – and still do but I understand that their chinese isn’t good enough to flow everything – and that would probably drive me more crazy. I haven’t quite gotten into Kunda’s dub of SW but I think Donghae’s character’s dub is pretty good.

    I really can’t wait for all real meaty part of the story to begin… 🙂 Shang deserves what’s coming to him and I cannot wait to see it!!! He needs a really huge swift kick in the butt. Totally selfish, total jerk right now. I am mostly up to date with the manga… so I have an idea but I am just waiting for Shang to eat his shorts 🙂 LOL Serves him right for poorly treating the one that was so genuinely good to him.

  15. thanks for the recap, i notice several differences from the manga but they’re not big differences. The only thing i dislike about the tv adaption is how ugly her hair is and her new clothes are yuck

  16. I was satisfied with their portrayal, maybe because I had low expectations for how they would capture the wild exuberance of the manga, but it was well done, particularly with adapting the pandora’s box. Ivy really came through in those heartfelt moments, and I really felt the kicker with her when Shang admitted his relief at not having to marry her. She embodied Kyoko quite well, whether upbeat or tearful – though I don’t think it was necessary to raise her voice a notch to carry out the dialogue. Her comic chops are not quite there yet, but then again, I haven’t seen Ivy act in anything this extreme before.

    I didn’t have high expectations for Donghae or Siwon (who had only a few scenes this episode) either, but Donghae really brought out the jerk in Shang ^^ Somewhere around the later chapters of Skip Beat, Sho slowly became one of my favorite characters. He was hilarious, earnest for music-making, and it was satisfying to watch him appreciate Kyoko after all that time. Since Shang in the drama is introduced as a selfish, arrogant jerk, I would like to see him get some closure and development by the end, stripped of some of that profound shallowness. Though with all the plot/character developments that happened in Skip Beat to get to that point, I don’t think the writers will get to that in the span of this drama.

  17. Thank you so much for recapping! \o/

    I love seeing Skip Beat! as a drama; the plot is whizzing by at a satisfying pace compared to the manga that seems to plod forward inch by inch.

  18. Ah Skip Beat…I’m on a break from the manga but I will be watching this. Donghae really seems to have Sho down and I expected Siwon to be able to channel the rude prince image of Ren by acting like himself and Heechul LOL. Ivy is Ivy…never had a doubt. Also…isn’t that her real ad?

  19. It is such a light and breezy drama! Thanks for the introduction Koala! I’m a Siwon fan so am very happy to see him in other dramas. You should also watch “Colour of a woman”. It is such a good drama too : )

  20. i was a bit afraid that I’d be disappointed by the first ep, but i absolutely loved it! so glad you’ll be recapping this. 🙂 can’t wait for ep 2… <3

  21. I’m so glad you’re recapping this, jie jie because I wubbed Skip Beat’s premiering episode. After finishing it, I realized 我中文退步了. T__T So’s I better start watching more TW dramas immediately to pick it up again. Maybe I’ll watch Office Girls next!

  22. the first episode totally following what we read from the manga and I love it! thanks Koala for the recap! I can’t wait for episode 2!! why it has to be once a week…torturing…

  23. I think has the subbed first ep already. They’re quite fast in posting updates and up-to-date with everything Suju. 🙂

  24. Thanks for the recap! The drama episode really did cover and capture everything about the first chapter of Skip Beat that hooked me! And with such a likable cast, too. I can’t wait to meet live action Kanae! I thought Skip Beat went at a great pace earlier in the series and found all the extra thought and dialogue bubbles great. A chapter would include several scenes or cover several days or move the story forward. The first chapter was everything in this episode. Nowadays, we get chapters that would only span a few minutes in the Skip Beat world and what used to take one chapter to tell is now taking an entire volume. Can’t tell if the mangaka has writer’s block or just milking the series. Hopefully, the mangaka will get a chance to watch this drama subbed or dubbed in japanese, remember what Skip Beat used to be, remember that Sho still exists, and start writing something that moves the plot and characters forward instead of having then run in circles.

  25. Thanks for the recap! I love Skip Beat soooo much! I watched the anime and read the manga. I might wait for it to finish it so I can have a marathon.

  26. I was so Suprised when I saw this episode. It’s almost the same as the anime. I felt that donghae isn’t as cold as sho.Too much cute xD you tend to forget that he’s the bad character. Ivy on the other hand is doing a great job potraying kyoko. Can’t wait for the next ep! Does it air only once a week?

  27. I remember reading Skip Beat way back when it wasn’t all the popular and the story didn’t drag as much as it does now. The drama looks pretty good so far. Some slight over-the-top cartoon stuff could be toned down a bit. (I know that’s what they did in the manga, but it’s also what I don’t like about the manga) Ivy seems really cute. What I’m looking forward to the most is GongXi/Kyoko’s transformation when she starts “acting”. The dubbing feels a bit weird for me. The mainland has a lot of Koreans star in their dramas and I feel they seem to dub much more naturally than with this drama. Basically, I don’t like the voice dubbers.

  28. ep 1- everything i had hoped for and more.<3 hopefully ep 2 keeps it up! so happy with this drama so far 🙂 a bit worried about the number of episodes though… is 13 enough to execute the entire story?

  29. Koala,

    I know this is your blog and as it is your domain “you can talk about dramas if you want”. I truly respect that, but let me say that I really missed you recaps in “Flower boy ramyun shop” and I honestly recommend this drama so you can watch it in your leisure time. It has some moments like “M3” – funny, dramatic, romantic, realistic and crazy at the same time, but mostly funny. They also had a memorable kiss like the “cola kiss” in LTM and the “coffee kiss” in SG, but theirs was really Korean – the “kimchi kiss”.
    After “49 days” I became a fan of Jung Il Woo’s work and, of course, his funny faces and his talent to make the audience laugh through his characters, even though some of them were kind of sad like the scheduler. Hope you give “FBRS” a try.

    Thanks for recaping “Skipbeat”, I know I’ll enjoy your comments. : )

  30. THAnk you koalashiii!!!

    please continue recapping skip beat!!!Your recaps gives me insights that I missed while watching (drooling over siwon)

  31. hey do any of you know where I could watch this. I totally love the manga so far and I loved the anime so I really want to watch this. In english if that is possible, well english subbed.

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