
The Moon that Embraces the Sun Episode 1 Recap — 30 Comments

  1. Thanks for the recap…have been refreshing constantly. I am totally digging this drama too.
    I just can’t believe how good these young actors/actresses are these days. They totally melts and got me wrap around their every actions!!!

    Going back to watch the raw video now.

    • IKR! They look perfect together! Which makes me worried abt the pairing of Han Ga-In n Kim Soo Hyun more n more 🙁 I hope d chemistry is good enuf!
      And after watching the ep 1, with Kim Yoo Jung looking soooooo beautiful, i cant picture HGI as her older version!
      Jung – Il woo! Dying to see him! 😛

  2. thanks for the recap ms.koala.i am really loving this drama already.i recognized the two teen actors so i already have a good impression.the story is very good and i think the love story is something to look forward to.

  3. thank you madam K for this… i live streamed last night and like yourself i was totally enamored by it… i love everything in it that even if i hardly understood any convo i just felt very drawn to its totality… am happy with your recap since you explained very well what transpired in the episode…like you, i love all the actors and am glad they will be on til episode 6..they are doing a great job so far…am so excited with tonight’s episode!!!

  4. Thank you so much unni! I’m so glad to hear that you like it this much – that about quadrupled my anticipation!! 😀 😀

  5. thanks for the lighting bolt recap!!!
    TMETS is innnteressting..will keep tuning for the next episodes (:

    (I wonder how Take Care of Us Captain fared last night. won’t you recap that too?) lol..demanding?

    thanks again for the recap ms.koala (:

  6. OMG!! Thank you sooo much for recapping! its so beautifully done and the acting is superb. i got a feeling this drama will be very heartwrenching, but enduring at times. i really hope the adult actors and the future storylines doesnt botch up such masterpiece,

  7. fully read.. and oh, it’s really good. it’s something to watch out for.. the actors, the child actors were great and the story was loaded and perfectly unfolding.. (: can’t wait for the next episode!

  8. This episode was just firing on all cylinders! So glad we’re off to such a great start. In just one episode I feel like we’ve already gotten to the heart of what’s gonna drive this story. And does this writer know how to write a compelling second lead, or what? She did it in SKKS and she’s done it again here. I was worried that 6 childhood episodes were going to be too many for a drama this length, but after watching this episode…it’s all good, no worries. I might have a hard time saying goodbye to these kids though!

  9. You are awesome Captain Koala! I am back in the playground. Can I join you in this ship? I would love to embark on this new journey with you. Thank you for our new crack!

  10. Thank you thank you thank you Captain Koala! 🙂 A new ship has sailed.

    Episode 1 has totally lived up to my expectations. I like my female leads to have a little sass, esp when up against the male leads. I also did not expect that Prince YM met YW first – and I’m totally curious how they met. He is totally smitten by her but I am so curious as to why. Just as this is everything up your alley, it is also up mine. Yippppeee! 🙂 I love the historical ones but I also like a purely fictional fantasy one as well. Totally love Prince YM… I will get there with Hwon.

    I will not be able to survive watching this live each week! The anticipation is going to be a killer.

  11. I almost never translate the previews, but there is a line in the preview for episode 2 that had me (still has me) spazzing like a loon.

    Prince Yang Myung says (either to himself or he dares say it to Yeon Woo): “I do not care if every person in the world becomes Hwon’s (is on Hwon’s side), as long as you can be mine.”

    O.M.F.G. Second leading shipping in this drama will be INSANE.

    As for their names, everyone’s name is really beautifully evocative of the title.

    Yeon Woo is Foggy Rain/ Wol means Moon.

    Yang Myung means Bright Sunlight.

    Hwon means Illustrious.

    Woon means Cloud.

    Bo Kyung means Mirror.

    Yeom means Flames.

  12. Thanks for quick recap .. watch the “raw” version so your recap explained everything ! Love the child actress .. she is very good ! Oh no .. can’t wait for Episode 2 tonite and your recap tomorrow !
    Love your site, Ms Koala.
    I come by everyday for update 🙂
    Blessed 2012 !

  13. The episode was well acted and beautifully shot but the plots are similar to many other recent sageuks. I don’t see anything that makes it stand out other than the fantasy-like elements.

    I hope the future episodes will hook me

  14. This drama was so beautiful in the first episode that I almost shed tears of joy. I have been in a drama rut lately. I started watching so many series then left, because the story made me lose interest. But wow, this drama brought me back.

  15. One word after the first episode recap: “WOW~~!!!”

    And to think this is only the FIRST episode, if the later episodes are so GREAT, I don’t know how to endure from week to week! I am drawn to SECOND lead shipping already, I love both male leads, but the writer-nim will make us hard to choose!!

    Thank you, ockoala, for your fast and wonderful recap!! I am loving it and going back to read once more! ^^

  16. I loved it, especially the young actors. Kim Yoo Jung and Lee Min Ho, were also lovers in
    Revenge of the Gumiho. They both played so adorable. So it is really a treat to see them back. Both of them are very good young actors. And thank you for the recaps.

  17. I just realised, from the pictures, that Lady Shim (the pregnant one) is Court Lady Han from Dae Jang Geum…I haven’t seen the actress in ages!

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