
First Impressions on Wild Romance with Lee Dong Wook and Lee Shi Young — 29 Comments

  1. Loved the first episode 🙂

    “They actually nail the “I hate you” element of their relationship with such believable gusto I almost don’t want them to fall in love.”

  2. I loved, loved, loved the first episode. Lee Shi Young slightly reminds me of her character in The Birth of the Rich (who I loved), with her crazy obsessive ways. I like her in anything, but her comedy roles are pure genius. I’ve always liked Lee Dong Wook, but being shallow I have to admit that it’s been more for the pretty than the acting (apart from Bittersweet Life which was fab); however, he’s killing it in this. This drama is definitely top of my list of the new Wed/Thurs offerings.

  3. Ok !! so I was not in fan of Lee shi Young.
    But after watching the first episode I am sold, She is GREAT !!!!
    I watch the first episode with out english subs and I totally ENJOYED it !!!!
    thats to tell you, who needs english subs when you got GREAT ACTING !!!!!!

  4. This is the kind of story I really like and it seems really fun to watch. Everyone in my country is a fanatic of one team or another and I can relate 🙂

  5. Thank you, I haven’t watched it, I will shortly…to put thing in my perspective, so she’s basically a liverpudlian but has to be Wayne Rooney’s’s just so cruel..

  6. Hilarious pilot, loved it right off the bat. Lee Shi Young is so natural in this wacky role and Wookie is kicking ass as the sleazy jerk, I had no idea he had such a comical side to him. LOL

    Already love the OTP’s chemistry here, plus the funny BG music, major PLUS!~~

    • I agree, the OTP totally have chemistry! I can’t wait until they start to have feelings for each other. Though I do agree that this hate-hate relationship is a hoot to watch!

  7. totally love this drama! hope you will continue to recap this. the lead actors are very good in portraying the characters.

  8. Wait… you mean to say you only saw her in Playful kiss ? Not in Birth of the rich as Bu Tae Hee? What ?!? !! She was insanely hilarious in that drama ! She was the evil witch there but you just can’t help NOT hate her because she was freakingly great !!!! So hilarious that she shines more than any of the leads…. you have to watch her there, you’d be amazed!

  9. I LOVED the first episode! So I just had to watch the second one raw. I really hope someone out there is planning on recapping it because I don’t think I’ll have the patience to wait until subs are complete.

    I’ve been in love with Lee Dong-wook since My Girl. So, I had been waiting for him to play a similar role for ages. If you haven’t seen My Girl, his character is no where near as crazy as Moo Yul but he’s pretty hilarious in that one too. And I just love Lee Shi-young in this. Before this, I had only seen her in Playful Kiss and parts of Poseidon. I found her kind of annoying in Playful Kiss (result of good acting??) But she’s doing such a great job with this role that I don’t even notice the hair either.

    YAY, new drama! I can’t wait for next week.

  10. this drama is just what I need
    it is so funny
    LSY is daebak
    Makes me wonder where she has been all this time? It seems she only started to act about 4 years ago. Saw her in Boys Of Flower and bit in WGM. Looks like I have to watch her other work now.
    Hope they will keep the funny in this drama and not go too melo. I would not mind if no melo at all.

  11. Like you Miss K, I watched the episode RAW, and I laugh so hard that I think I was going crazy!! I LOVE IT!! It had me at Wookie and I’m staying here for the long run!! Love everything about it, except that IF he is really having a thing with his hyung’s wife, I’m gonna go bersek, fly to SKorea and b!tch slap someone!! SERIOULY!!!

    Waiting for the recaps!! Fighting!!!

      • You really think is the hyung, doing the back stabbing!! Ewwww that is grossest than gross!!!

        Maybe Wookie is trying to keep the peace, between them, and just hang in there to support her… Just maybe he is a good friend… We have to watch and see what is the truth behind that…

        I sooooooo want to see this kdrama!!! fighting!!!

  12. I was tearing up laughing my head off with the sparring between LDW and LSY’s characters. Wild Romance is refreshing, love your first impression, same thoughts. Like some, I’ve been watching raw. It would be hundred times better if subbed. Will be glued to this kdrama throughout. Thanks once again.

  13. “Thus far the drama doesn’t try to create likeable characters, with the two leads currently tied for having equally bad personality issues. That makes the character’s fighting feel less fake and contrived… as opposed to so many rom-coms which try to make two very genteel normal characters act like they hate each other and engage in poodle fights to simulate conflict.”

    Thats exactly it!! what makes this drama works better than any I’ve seen b4 Both main characters go at it without reservations or anything! they DON’T CARE what each think of the other, and get back at each other, so its not one sided, you don’t really feel bad or side with anyone of them and just sit and enjoy they’re battle wondering who’s gonna have the last laugh of or what’s gonna be their next move!!

  14. oOOooo
    yep i luvs this! I actually fell inlove by mistake with LSY as half of the Gundam couple on WGM. I thot, wow… she’s honest about her plastic surgery & collection… what else.
    she nailed PK and now, this! LDW finally came alive indeed! I have trouble w/the pronstache but… if it helps his character LOL
    i also hope it wont go down like SMW… sigh. im still sad it died a slow painful one…
    keeping fingurs crossed

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