
Office Girls Ends with a Wedding and a Super Hot Kiss — 27 Comments

  1. I really didn’t expect such an arduous kiss HAHA especially since office girls refuses to give us starved viewers a nice kiss scene GRRAHHH. But I’m not complaining, Roy is smoking in his white tux *____*

  2. Oh yeah, I remember watching that kiss and going ‘ wow’ how come they haven’t done it till now.
    Thank you for bringing the drama to my attention Ms Koala. Have thoroughly enjoyed this series. It’s been sweet and not too angsty and I just plain loved the story and the slow pace.

    Aw shucks I love Zi Qi’s BFF with his nice smile and sensible advice- why did he have to fall for Kai Er?

    • I haven’t seen the last couple of episodes but I’m really not satisfied with Kai Er being forgiving just like that AND getting a perfect guy like him!!
      What adds up to not being able to forgive her I think is bcuz that actrice’s smile seem so fake even when its suppose to be genuine. It seems to forced like the ones I make while taking a picture 😛

  3. I was about to say that OG is very good except that it’s lacking of sizzling kisses. Bam! Bam! It happens at very end, such a long kiss that I seldom see in the wedding. Weird but I accepted. What a strategy to catch the audience and to zip my mouth. :o)

  4. OMG!! talk about a smoking hot kiss. in the middle of it they stopped, looked at each other and i swear, i thought Zi Qi was thinking, ‘Xing Ren — who in the H___ taught you to kiss like that in Paris???’ LOL!! then, in that split second after that thought, went ‘eh, never mind…’ and dove right back into an even longer, hotter smooch…

    And i saw the IP kiss from this blog, this one is wayyyy hotter, i think.

  5. i saw the IP kiss from this blog, this one is wayyyy hotter, i think.

    OMG!! talk about a smoking hot kiss. in the middle of it they stopped, looked at each other and i swear, i thought Zi Qi was thinking, ‘Xing Ren — who in the H___ taught you to kiss like that in Paris???’ LOL!! then, in that split second after that thought, went ‘eh, never mind…’ and dove right back into an even longer, hotter smooch…

  6. WOW!!!! Go OG! Yay… now I can catch up on the remaining 8 episodes that I haven’t fully watched yet. Totally was not expecting a smoking hot kiss at the end 😉 Awesome ratings!!

  7. Hurray for you to manage to watch the finale in-between flights. \o/ Wasn’t that last episode awesome, filled with a few surprises (Kai Er did emote feelings o_o), emotional moments, hilarious faces and squealing? ^^ Can’t wait for your recaps so we can all banter. 😉

    What I like the most in that kissing scene, aside from its realistic and passionate delivery, were the expression in their eyes. Before and during their pause. Electrifying. *_*

    Thanks for the article, screenshots AND web link, Mrs Koala. Enjoy your stay in HK! 😀

  8. Wow, that was nice — kind of odd at the end of the romance, but very nice. I think the Inborn Pair kiss was hotter, but this was pretty awesome as well. Go Taiwan dramas for showing that kissing is a two-person activity that both parties enjoy! If I never have to see another kiss with the poor guy turning his head practically horizontal and the girl just standing there doing nothing, it’ll be too soon. (Talkin’ to you, Korea!)

  9. it was definitely a hot kiss ! i would have much preferred it however, if they gave each other a hot kiss after NOT seeing each other for 1 year….not just a hug..maybe they were estranged after not seeing each other for that long and started with the hug…lol

    • I think the same way. What are they trying to convey to us? Didn’t she just come from France and worked in the fashion industry? The least they could do is don here in a simple but elegant dress befitting the daughter in law of a big department store.

      But I will overlook that with the kissing (making out?) scene at the end. 🙂

  10. Mmm a good ending, but the kiss was more cute than sizzling hot for me XD IP’s kiss was hotter heh.

    I really love Alice Ke but is it just me or does she have really unique facial features? It’s like some part of her face is sunken in but I can’t really pinpoint where :/

  11. That kind of passionate kiss reminds me of Lie To Me…whew! Gotta do an LTM marathon now. Thanks Ms Koala for sharing this! =)

  12. Completely giggled with utter joy watching this. It took a looooong time to get here, but I’m glad the show has ended with our OTP’s wedding and such mega high ratings. Could not have predicted this show was going to be so popular when it first started.

  13. i just watched the entire season in 3 days, I love this show. Thank goodness for subtitles because i would not have understood.
    I just wish there could be a season 2 .

  14. I just started this on Netflix! But there is only 1 season…. I am addicted! I just wish the English subtitles were automatic! I always have to re-set them!!

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