
Yoon Eun Hye Holds Fanmeeting in Fukuoka Japan — 38 Comments

  1. I miss her so much!

    She was supposed to do the movie Tong Que Tai with Chow Yun Fat, Alec Su and Tamaki Hiroshi, but she declined the role and it went to Liu Yi Fei.

    And since then, there’s been no news about what drama or movie she might be in…

    I want to see her on screen soon <333

  2. OMG that second dress – can it be any shorter?! :O though yeap, she’s still lookin’ smokin, though acting-wise I really do think she ought to pick more substantial projects..

  3. She is sooo adorable, I like her very much, but the second dress it looks like more a coat than a dress, anyways she is cute. Hope she picks some drama soon. Miss her.

  4. I want YEH to try something outside the rom-com genre for her next project…I would’ve loved it if the Tian Mi Mi adaptation had come to fruition with her on the lead and I’m still sad that is such a no go now….I’m still hoping she’ll pick something like that in the future

  5. miss wuri YEH much!!!! please pick up a project soon…and better be with Junki or just anybody fresh from military service…hehehe 🙂 🙂 🙂

  6. Although I want to see her in a project soon, I hope she’ll have a good rest first… As the boss of her own management company, she has a lot of responsibilities compared to other actors/actresses. And she has to take care of those in her company. She can’t just think about her own success like others and work hard for just herself. She has to work hard to make sure that those in her company also succeed, and that more than doubles her work and worry load… I think we forget how much responsibilities she has and that she’s not the same as the other actors and actresses because she’s also a boss of a company.

    Although i want to see her in a new project soon, I’m willing to wait longer than before until she’s 100% good and ready..

  7. I love her first dress. It’s beautiful and not super short like korean actresses like to wear… then I scroll down and there’s the super SUPER short dress… well, I hope it’s not a dress, because that’s way too short! Nice legs, though… 😛

  8. I like her first dress, her second outfit is elegant but kinda too short, yeah and her third dress makes her look like she just jumped out of an anime/manga ^_^

  9. Ohhh love that first dress..and so glad to see a healthy looking actress. Still beautiful as ever, but I think she looks tired..the girl needs to rest, oh and pick a drama soon..I miss seeing her onscreen. And that LJK pairing, wouldn’t that be adorable hmmm…

  10. I also can’t wait for her next drama so that I can be obsess about it. She has the power to do that to me and I’m not kidding!

  11. The first dress is really pretty, but with the bare leg…looks unfinished. In the second she looks like a KPop star and the third…well, those thigh-highs…Meow! I’m so jealous!

    • Um how old are the girls from dream high compared to Yoon Eun Hye? Dream High cast were portraying highschoolers in the series, so its totally different in comparison to a 28 year old adult wearing it.

  12. the first dress was truly becoming and she looked demure with that classic look.
    i hope next time she thinks twice before wearing designs like the second and third dress. does not
    seem to fit her kind of personality. her beauty comes out more with very little make up and simple classic dresses.just the same she looks beautiful. hope she has a new drama or movie soon.

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