
Rooftop Prince and The King 2 Hearts Unveils Latest Drama Stills — 24 Comments

  1. Looks full of fun to watch! I’m so thrilled Yoochun and my favorite Kactress Han Ji Min since All In, the young Song He Gyo in that drama. Liked the men in their long hairs. Chuson F4 indeed!

  2. hi koala sis! still drowning in RL work and so glad i opened up you blog… waaaaaaaaah so much wonderful things inside and i can’t imagine i missed out on DMY!

    but here the stills on RTP is giving away the drama… so much fun and hilarity. yeah and like you, i can’t believe HJM and Micky look so awesomely good together. weeeeeh!

  3. Omona, I literally laughed-out-loud after seeing the male actors’ mane of glories. So hilarious when paired with modern clothing – matching track suits to boot.

    Btw, how much do I love that Han Ji Min looks way younger with bangs. I still can’t get over Padam Padam, so it helps that she’s sporting a different hair style in RTP. I can already feel the chemistry between her and Yoochun. Can’t wait til’ the drama airs… 😀

    • I fell in love with her falling in love in Padam Padam.
      I will be her fan for life now.
      I can see how she will be patient and at the same time wary of Micky’s delusions of grandeur.
      Although, maybe I am confused. Is she also from the past, or is she reincarnated?

  4. Manes of glory + flashy tracksuits + street ramyeon eating = I’m sold ! This promise to be hilarious.
    Ha Ji Won is impressive and gorgeous in her officer uniform, and anyway i just love her acting.
    So i definitely will watch both dramas.

  5. Never thought I’d say this, but I’m going to watch Micky Yoochun drama ‘Rooftop Prince’. The teaser photos look quirky and he looks good as a Prince.

  6. How did I miss this thread?
    OMG! I am giggling like a madwoman, OK, I am giggling like me!

    That tracksuit picture just made my month. LMH93 has the Joseon pose and face down perfectly.

    That first one of HJW and LSG put to rest any fears of them not mixing and melding. I just want him to be MANLY for a change. it looks there like he is.

      • oh, and the last pix is hilarious. The guys looking at HJM on how to prepare ramyun or is it them wondering how they’ll eat with one chopstick!! hahaha

      • awww….@LMH93. i feel bad for the boy because i read an article that LMHot fans are clamoring for him to change his name. seriously?!! although he is younger, this LMH debuted first so i don’t see any reason for him to change his name.

        anyways, i adore both of them and the older one will always be LMHot-with-skinny-flood-pants so its easy to distinguish them. haha!

    • hahaha. Yeah, I like the tracksuit pic too.. and how lee min ho’s sitting posture is like that of the royal officials in sageuks.
      Can’t wait for Rooftop Prince!

  7. I just love men with a mane 🙂 especially when the mane is well conditioned. What turns me off is long dry unwieldy hair on men. Will they wear those matching tracksuits in the drama itself? That would be a-la Hyun Bin in Secret Garden.

    I missed the thread on this RTP but am starting to get interested. Have not seen the 4 guys or the lead actress in any drama so it will be greenfield for me.

  8. Yay! HJW has long hair again 🙂

    Yay! yoochun in a comedy. He seems more fitted for it so I really hope it’s cute and fun!! I could use some cute and fun.

    Watching a bunch of period pieces (ruby & wallace’s drama from last year) and sagueks and melodramas are kicking my butt. I need something modern and funny – but as Capt Koala says – please don’t be boring!!!

  9. I can’s say much about K2H, from just one picture, only that it doesn’t intrigue me as much as RTP.
    Han Ji-min is one of my favorite k-actress, along with Han Hyo Joo and Moon Chae Won and she has so good chemistry with all her drama-men (I loved her in padam-padam, even if her role was too sad).

  10. Rooftop Prince is sooooo getting into my list-of-drama-to-watch! the still pictures of the boys in track suits are hilarious…

    I got a good feeling RP will be a good-laugh-drama… Ok! i’m putting a high expectation now which i shouldn’t… :p

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