
Tangren Releases First Official Photo of Liu Shi Shi in Da Mo Yao — 26 Comments

  1. Shi Shi always looks great in period costumes and this look is no exception. I can’t wait to see her varied looks as the story unfolds on screen.

  2. Been stalking your site to see the final casting for DMY! Can’t wait…also really want HG to be HQB!!!
    Could u let me know the website for Tangren so I can check it out?

  3. in other news… also known as stalking eddie peng’s weibo… it doesnt seem as if he’s in the midst of any business… his latest weibo this afternoon has him cycling in some idyllic countryside somewhere… so suffice to say… the boy’s probably not in DMY?

    • another img of LSS getting her costume fittings.. from LadyBoss’s weibo


      apparently LSS continued the fittings from yesterday, starting today at 8 in the morning.. with 20+ different costume fittings and six stages(?) and the male leads are expected to join the production team starting tmw…. which would legitimise eddie peng’s idyllic cycle through the mountainous countryside today and still not put to rest rumours of him being involved in DMY pdn i guess.. ahhh why on earth am i wasting time speculating here… 2 more days! *runs back to the term paper mode*

  4. ohhh interesting… not one of my favourite period costume for ShiShi but I agree that it looks very gypsy-like, which does a great job of representing her sense of freedom during her time in Xiong Nu. Not really liking the hair piece cause I always look forward to the period hairstyles but I suppose I’m just more used to Han or Qing period costumes. I guess I imagined more colour usage instead of being colour coordinated but otherwise, no complaints from me. Can’t wait until we get to see her other costumes, probably going to have to wait until filming starts but excited none the less.

  5. Oh, Shi Shi looks so young and lovely! I love it!! I think at this rate, it’s pretty much Hu Ge or bust for HQB. I mean, can you imagine the chaos that will ensue if it’s not him? Ahhhhh….I want MOAR too!

  6. She looks absolutely great. Liu Shi Shi always has that beauty and face structure that makes her stand out beautifully especially in period drama costume. As the people in olden days would say, she has got good bones, my dear.

    I am really looking forward to seeing her in the blue Luo Lan dress because the way it was depicted in the book really entranced me. I hope Huge will play Huo Qu Bing but if going by his quirky nature and the fact that he is a veteran actor by now, he may wish to go for more interesting and untried character types, I have a sinking feeling that he may opt for Jiu Ye given half the chance.

    Also keeping my fingers crossed that the wolf CGI is realistic as they will feature quite a bit in the drama. The CGI in BBJX were so laughable especially that particular scene of 14 racing his horse through countryside to attend the funeral of Kangxi Emperor.

    • LOL I actually think the worst CGI effect in BBJX is any scene with the monstrous Lily/Lotus pads! Lucky that we were only exposed to this particular CGI during happy peaceful moments unlike the dramatic horse running scenes where we were meant to feel deep emotions but all we felt was horror haha

      • Right? I totally didn’t understand why they couldn’t just film on a lake or river somewhere. Even if it lacked stunning beauty or gorgeous lily pads, it would’ve better than the obviously fake scenes we got. It was such a beautiful moment of 4th opening up to her… but all I could think was that, “Is this their best attempt at CGI?!”

        I wonder why they had 14th’s running scene like that… I mean, they had real horses, and they did Ruo Lan riding scene well if I remember. Technical limit of their equipment?

        Anyway, I totally pray for good CG too… If they have to go that route for the wolves and birds. And I don’t know if they’re doing any on-sight filming, but the desert is so gorgeous, so I really hope for filming that’s really epic-looking. Spend more money on DMY, Tangren! It’s worth it!

      • in BBJX, they prob spent all the money on the costumes (i read somewhere that it is real silk, but it sure looked v v good) and jewellery (again read soemwhere that it’s real jade).

        so yeah, by the time it came to the CG for the lotus and the 14th horse riding scene, prob no $$ left. though i wonder why do they need to do CG for 14 on a horse…they have horses what…they cld just make him ride down some long long road.

  7. LSS looks gorgeous….thank you Koala for posting this.
    I think LSS can do period drama roles becos she has the ‘period’ face, but I wld stick my neck out to say that the Qing dynasty look (with all the hair tied up behind the face) is not her forte look.
    I am now also wishing for HG as HQB becos I cannot imagine HG as JY actually.He looks more general than wheelchair.

  8. uhhh why the fuss about used accessories?? Hahha peeps are getting too wealthy and used to luxury and extravaganza x)

    LSS looks very sweet in the pic. I’m sure they’re going to do a good job to in terms of props, sets etc 🙂

  9. Yeah me too ….. since the day one I am praying for very effective and charming, decent and realistic CGI effect … Man we are telling the story about wolf girl …. Think they need to hire Twilight movie CGI departMENT …. They know how to do wolf …. LOL … I just don’t want to see some clumsy graphic … Cause it is part of story and I can ruin whole drama .

  10. She looks otherworldly in the picture…like someone living in a desert…..I approve.

    Now, let’s see the MEN in the novel. 🙂


  11. I think SS is gonna look fantastic in her Han dynasty get up in this series. 🙂 🙂 I love the han dynasty look… not a huge fan of qing dynasty clothing. Either way, she’s got that good-next-door pretty look. I will take that any day.

    Hmm… wondering what they are doing with the men.

    I should not get to caught up in this since it’s a long time from airing! too much waiting. ack!

    • was eddie the one who played no 7 when Hu Ge played the role of no 6 in the Yang Warriors show?
      cos if so, I totally cannot imagine Eddie as either HQB either….and he is way too boyish to act Jiu Ye too becos i think Jiu Ye’s age is older than HQB by 2 years in the novel (but i stand corrected)

  12. Yey! So, I’ve finally had some time to start reading your translations for Da Mo Yao…I’m only on chapter 4ish so I haven’t got far yet but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TRANSLATING!! I never imagined I could like a translation as much as I like Da Mo Yao. Mostly because there is so much lost in translation and it feels awkward reading so I can’t connect with the characters. But your translations are AWESOME and I totally connect with the characters so I’m lovin’ it!

    I’m surprised they have LSS playing Yu Jin in her Xiong Nu days though because I got the impression that she was really young while with the Xiong Nu…like, under 10? Am I wrong?

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