
Da Mo Yao Chapter 31: Deployment — 51 Comments

  1. Feel so bad for Jiu Ye! I almost cried when his hand shook and he looked out the window. Sigh. That is so heartbreaking, congratulating HQB on his love, Yu Er’s pregnancy.

  2. Ohhhh… I like touchy feely HQB:)
    The moment when she mentioned wanting to eat all the time I’m thinking, pregnant!
    Poor Jui Ye. That was double blow….

  3. Awww…they are so sweet. Though I still feel so bad for Jie Ye, how hard it must have been to be the one to say that Yu Er is pregnant with Quo Bing’s baby. 🙁

    Now I’m really worried about what’s going to happen with pregnant Yu Er left behind for 4 months and HQB out in the battlefield with Li Gan. I just hope Li Yan won’t start doing something to harm Yu Er…

  4. How did I know YE would be pregnant already…..? What a terrible time for him to have to leave and fight a war. That was a lovely sentiment about two lone birds now flying together guiding each other ever higher. –perfect description of our OTP.

    • Oh, and POOR, POOR Jiu Ye. Just when I thought his angst couldn’t get any worse, HE has to be the one to discover the pregnancy. Poor thing! 🙁

  5. For me, the most poignant scene/moment in this chapter is the conversation between HQB and Yu Er the night before his deployment. I really love HQB’s gentle ways and his eagerness to come back from military duties to witness his child’s birth. I also love how he tenderly insisted on being there with Yu Er during the delivery, saying that such moment is a cause for joy. HQB is so loving and tender in matters concerning Yu Er and their unborn child.

  6. How do you manage to find the time to post *two* chapter translations (DMY.30 and YZG.02) in one day? Thank you, thank you!

    “From now on, people will easily recognize if someone is from the Huo Estate.” . . . love their playful interaction.

  7. I’m sad for jiu ye, life is so cruel.
    But I’m happy for HQB and YE too
    ms koala Thanks for you hard working!
    Can’t wait the next chapter!
    I love You so much.

  8. thanks koala for the chapter!
    OMG, they are such a cute couple. I love the bit in the end where Yu Er describes the both of them as twin birds and every chapter shows how much trust they have in each other. I’m so excited for the both of them!

  9. this is another stab at JiuYe… worst thing that can happen- being the one the find out that your beloved woman is pregnant and dashing whatever lingering hope of reconcilation, however unrealistic that hope may have been… poor guy… and this is just the start of JiuYe being the self-sacrificing martyr.. Much as I’m not all too eager for the casting of DMY, I can’t deny that it would hurt many many times more and over with HG re-enacting the scenes from the second volume…. as if JiuYe’s fate isnt painful enough, now I have to see HG angsting it out too.. poor boy deserves a hug c’mhere…

    I love HQB and Yu-er’s interactions.. the steamy scenes are one thing.. but what I love the most are those scenes where their affections come forth so naturally… I love how HQB is so transparent about his feelings, i love how that gets Yu-er flustered at first, but then she one-ups him and levels the playing field… they’re adorable… and the part where they are arguing over sons or daughters….. now that you’ve translated part of YZG, it just makes that bit all the more poignant in the light of Yun-Ge being the precious daughter he only got in his forties… awsshh.. daddy and daddy’s girl scenes always hit me in the gut….. HQB and Yu-er they’re just so cute together

  10. Thanks Ms Koala! Can’t believe that you can translate two novels simultaneously and hold your day job and probably do a whole heap of other things too! You are one amazing woman!

  11. I am so captured by your translation of DMY that I didn’t feel hungry(literally) whole day despite having little food.

    I’m gonna be so so so disappointed if Hu Ge ain’t cast as HQB! I was planning to not watch the drama when it’s out if it’s not HG as HQB. T-T

    So Has the cast been finalized????

    Meanwhile, pls press on with the translation of DMY. I am totally onboard with you on having the imaginary cast in this blog and looking forward to the final chapter of this story!!

    Thank you!!!

    • prepare to get disappointed lol. Hu Ge is not HQB, he’s Jiu Ye, it’s confirmed. they held a conference last week.

      • Hamtaro,

        Thanks for the update. My heart just broke into million of tiny pieces with HG as JY and i can totally imagine the pain he had to go through in the second half of the story.

        Who is casted as HQB?

        Meanwhile I’m just gonna live in denial and with koala in her imaginary fantasy of our preferred cast!

      • @PDP: the name has to be whispered here… is he who must not be named around these parts….. (it’s eddie peng)… shhhhh..

  12. Oh gawd!

    Jiu Ye! The emotions that must have ripped through your heart when you suspected Yu Er to be pregnant and then devastated that she really was pregnant!


  13. Aww, the ending scene is such perfection!

    “But love is not about tying the other person down. We were both once lone birds flying in the sky. Now that we are together, it’s not to force each other to fly slower or fly lower, it’s to become the legendary twin birds. We will guide each other to fly higher and accompany each other so that our dreams can come true.”


    “Yes. We hurt, then we hurt together. If we’re happy, then we’re happy together.”

    I think the whole chapter was perfect!
    And I bet HQB and Yu Er’s battle game will be useful in this battle HQB is heading to. Like it was some sort of training.

  14. Poor Jiu Ye! Why does the writer keep tormenting you so much?
    I hope HQB sent his thanks & appreciation to Jiu Ye for saving his life.

  15. Thank you for the translations! 🙂 Poor Jiu Ye, everytime I read about him I feel sad. As if his life isn’t already sad enough, he has to be tormented time and time again throughout the story. 🙁

  16. Thank you again , Koala san ! poor Jiu Ye 🙁
    Wow , Yu er is pregnant ! I wonder what tough situations she will encounter while HQB is away …can’t wait what happens next ^^
    Koala san , aja ! aja !

  17. After your tragic warning of YZG I purposedly trying not to read it. I’m going to dwelve myself into the more sunny DMY first, reading it both at the same time might cause me to be exhausted emotionally 🙁
    Thank you ms.koala, somehow I’m dreading the chapter where QB is not in CA,worry for YE :/

  18. Some bad juju is gonna happen when HGB is gone, I don’t even remember, or never really understood why Li Yan and her brothers hate Yu Er so much; but bad stuff is bound to happen. oomph, this is going to hurt my heart.

  19. This has to be my favourite chapter so far! HQB and Yu Er are so sweet! You. An really tell they love each other. 🙂

  20. Another 3 chapters to go? I am feeling a sense of dreadfulness is coming towards YE. However, I’m also excited in anticipating how YE outsmart Li Yan.

  21. Poor Jiu Ye! Sigh. 🙁

    I just love HQB and JE together, they’re just the cutest. And I love that description about birds! Perfect for them.

  22. Thank you Koala. I’m sensing trouble ahead.

    Could my Meng Jiu be any more heart-broken? It’s hard to be informed that your love one is pregnant with your rival. It’s that much more painful to be the one informing THEM that they are expecting. Sigh.

  23. I feel guilty towards Jiu Ye, but for me, this chapter is so much of a happy chapter.
    It was as if the pain in the beginning was totally eclipsed by how much love these two lovebirds have for each other.
    And as always, Ms. Koala, thank you. ^^

  24. HAH I knew she was pregnant the moment she talked about eating weird…. heheh

    awww HQB is so cute… SERIOUSLY!!! Where is my personal modern version of him!?!?!
    The part about how he just unconsciously grabs her in his sleep and brings her close to him is absolutely adorable.

    Gah.. Jiu Ye, I feel for your plight… but it’s literally impossible for me to jump ship now…

  25. This was such a sweet and bittersweet chapter.

    Jiu Ye is the one to diagnose her condition….*heavy sighs* Poor man.

    I knew she was preggers when it mentioned her eating habits…..These two ARE adorable together. What will happen to her all alone in Chang An? Oh, nooooeeeessss. :0

    Thank you!

  26. Thank you Ms Koala for another awesome chapter!

    As the old saying goes, this Is the calm before the storm…my mind is going wild speculating on what will happen in upcoming chapters. Persecution, kicked out of estate, QHB delayed from returning home, maybe even thought dead, YE having to give birth alone…..egads! This novel is getting more exciting!

  27. i really love this part when HQB said “Good son, please don’t torment your mommy, otherwise your daddy I won’t be nice to you. After you come out, you can move around as much as you want.”

    it so cute =D
    and thank you =D

  28. @gominam – Not spoilers just my imagination going into overdrive! Merely speculating what will happen next from my years of drama watching… they all seem to have the same plot lines….

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