
Miss Rose Episode 5 Recap — 25 Comments

  1. thanks for the recap, I am happy that I can also join in the discussion. I too think the watch is from her bf when it first broke. Can’t wait for the next episodes. Just wondering, in ep 2 when Vivian makes Cheng Kuan show up at the photo shot, after she says Love You, the two guys Sheng Jun and Cheng Kuan are mouthly words to each other. Does anyone know what they were saying?

  2. Sigh thank you.
    I can’t even tell you which are my favourite moments because there were too many.
    I remember the deadpan delivery after the policeman let them go, it was such a contrast after the moaning and theatrics.
    Cheng Kuans’ smirk when he saw her outfit after the shower just made me laugh and laugh.
    You are right, he has such expressive eyes… the way he looks at her
    * swoons *
    Don’t want to rave on but am so happy this week with Miss Rose and RMPW.
    Even the Korean dramas are co operating as HL wasn’t too bad and this Wed’s dramas promises to be fantastic.

  3. I anticipating Xiao Ke’s story to unfold because I am just waiting for her and Sheng Jun to happen. I am pretty sure they will happen. Aint it cute to have a pair of BFF (Cheng Kuan & Sheng Jun) date another pair of BFF (Si Yi & Xiao Ke)? Aww

    • I’m pretty sure Xiao Ke and Ah Zhe are kaput soon, but only because the handsome Lee Zhi Zheng is only guest-starring in MR. I was surprised when he popped up in episode 2 briefly, and then realized that he’s now done two roles where’s he’s a cheating lout. Ha! Anyways, Kai Wu (Catwalk) does produce some gorgeous models-turned-leading men even aside from Ethan Ruan, Mike He, and Joe Cheng.

      • You see, I find Ah Zhe extremely familiar looking but I could not think from where. Is he from some show, movie or even mv that I should know of?
        Also, I second you about the catwalk models.

    • A few thoughts on the episode:
      1 – how satisfying to see Cheng Kuang come to the rescue of Si Yi and “humiliate” his fiancée who was toying him around in front of the dumb trio! Kyaaaaa!
      2 – the fortuneteller caught me by surprise because her moves are very sensual and feminine – wow!
      3 – I was dying of anticipation with the car scene when Si Yi sneezed the 2d time, as the camera focused on Cheng Kuang; right there you could see his wheels turning inside his head to find an excuse in order to spend more time with her without being too oblivious.
      4 – anyone else thought they would kiss with the foam incident? Haha. The cast and PD totally fooled/tricked us.
      5 – I felt like Cheng Kuang [Roy] taking care of Si Yi’s cut finger was a nice reversal to Shin Reng taking care of Si Qi [Roy] in Office girl.
      6 – the ending was nearing perfection until Si Yi started sobbing which had me criiiinge so much because it sounded/looked so fake! That ruined the moment for me.
      7 – the opening credits do show us a female watch with a pink bracelet, the same kind that Cheng Kuang is about to offer Si Yi (as seen in ep 6’s preview). Her ex-boyfriend does show up for the wedding and he enters the room with Xiao Ke wearing a crown and what seems to be a wedding gown too. *me puzzled*

      That’s all. For now. I need to calm down after so much giggling and squeeing and melting to write articulate ideas. ^^

    • @thuy: thanks for your feedback.

      Been watching subbed ep 5 a few times again and although nobody’s gonna read my comments, here they come:

      8 – I too do not understand Vivian’s reasons to agree with this loveless marriage. She sees CK as a toy she gets to play with or throw away and becomes territorial when she senses his distancing from him.
      9 – When Si Yi told CK that she could take care of the band-aid, I can’t help but feel that he could not let go of her physically after holding her hand. Thus he wanted to have their skinship linger and chose to dry her hair with the towel, which was such an intimate gesture. Definitely not what a boss should let himself do for his secretary but we all know that there is more to the “health/work” excuse. That scene was breathtaking.
      10 – Si Yi’s behavior is supposed to be the infinitesimal no-big-deal employee yet she is most polite and classy, whereas Vivian, who is supposed to be the company’s top supervisor, has no manners whatsoever, using verbal and physical violence. Big contrast here.
      11 – Si Yi’s watch. Vivian broke it yet she orders CK to buy a new one instead of that cheap watch. She needs to learn a lesson or two. Wonder who might be able to do so successfully.
      12 – Si Yi has no “power/weapon” of her own to fight Vivian, her daddy and the evil dumb trio and I really am curious whether her ex-boyfriend will side with her and be an asset or not.

  4. I don’t understand what Vivian gets out of the deal either. That part bothers me a little because it doesn’t make any sense. What motive does she have to be with a guy who only wants to be with her in order to please her father? It would make more sense if she didn’t know this was the case but believed Cheng Kuan actually loved her, but I just don’t understand why she would want to be in a loveless relationship and eventual marriage. Does she think she can’t get a guy any other way??

  5. I’m probably the only one here who thinks this, but I actually am not really loving CK at all. I know I have very unrealistic expectations for drama leads, yet his type of lead isn’t the type that I automatically like. I don’t love his whole motive for faking it with Vivian and that whole mess there. While I understand why he does it, I still don’t like that he does do it. I know all male leads have some sort of “jerkiness” to them so we can see their change in the future. Sigh, I can see Vivian walking all over SY and I’m not looking forward to that.

    I wish the 2nd male lead would appear sooner… CK needs some real competition so he can realize what things are truly important to him.

    Nonetheless, I am enjoying this series a lot and I hope it just gets better.

  6. Yay! So glad to hear it’s being subbed, and what good timing, since I finished my exam for summer school today and am free til the fall term.


  7. I just wantthe ex to hurry up and appear already! For some reason, I’m really really looking forward to that… Mayb it’s just cuz I wanna see a jealous CK 😉

  8. Ah drama, what have you done to me? I am aware that dramas are “female porn”, like someone long ago stated, but I have been hooked. The scene with CK taking care of SY’s cut finger and hair must have been replayed on my laptop about a dozen times by now and probably much more by next Sunday evening. ^^

    This moment does get me. CK definitely does not want her to leave. Prior to that, he gets her a 2nd and a 3rd cup of steamed milk. Then as she motions towards leaving after her dad’s call, the cup incident occurs leaving her with the cut and him tenderly tending to her. Yet, she does stop him with “Deputy GM, I can take care of it now” which is her way to remind him of their relationship. The look on his face speaks volume and as the camera also shows how his hand having to let go of hers, as disappointment and longing. [Btw the piano piece does help set up a sweet atmosphere]. So she is supposed to be leaving right away yet they keep stealing glances at each other when he decides, after a small breath, to dry her hair with the towel nearby. [Btw, props to the director for the set]. Although once again, she does push him away a bit, stating that it’s actually almost dry in a low voice. To which he replies in the same tone that she’ll catch a cold if it’s not dry, with concern and much more in his voice, as he keeps using the towel gently on her hair to maintain their intimacy and bond while she begins to grin. And that’s where this scene ends at least for me, because I am not interested in what’s coming afterwards, hahaha.

    • Really nice description of the CK/SY dynamic in that scene.

      CK reminds me the most of a true Darcy because in P&P, he falls pretty fast and hard for Elizabeth, while she remains unaware of his affections.(However, this Elzabeth isn’t going to hold out much longer, I think.)

      I love how he tries to keep her nearby, and his eyes feel like they are swallowing her whole. I really do believe he has never met anyone like her before that captured his imagination as she has. That he just doesn’t what to do with her sincerity, and that she couldn’t possibly be real.

      As I said in earlier recaps, I love that they are not making her gorgeous, just pretty enough that this handsome handsome man wouldn’t mind being seen with her.

      As silly as the recurring coincidental meetings were, they both acted in character for each moment in them. She doesn’t suddenly get stupid, but somehow regains her poise after each catastrophe.

      I LOVE this MEGAN lady!

      Ep 5 is the end of the line over at Dramafever. I hope they update the newest epos

  9. Hola, alguien sabe donde y en que página puedo ver este dorama subtitulado en español? es que no lo encuentro? mil gracias

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