
First Stills from Love Actually with Lee Da Hae, Joe Cheng, and Li Yi Feng — 28 Comments

  1. omgoodness…. the pic with her hand on his shoulder look awkward—cat paws–going for a scratch with a smile?

    LOL…. 😀 otherwise, all the other pics are cute! ^^

    • IKR!! They don’t seem to have much chemistry between them…..or maybe I just feel that way because Joe is turned away from her in that first still or becasue LDH has a smile that seems very…err…artificial

  2. *sigh* Y so gorgeous Joe!?! And I haven’t seen a better hair on him. (I love my guys in this do, can’t help it *droolz*)

    For me his bread and butter is be my personal fav male model on earth, bff to Ariel, wrapped in my arms or wrapping me in his (with or without Ariel).

    LDH looks a bit bloated/swollen face-wise in these, which she is usu not. But yes, she’s ceased to look natural for a while. I’m not betting on it’ll go away.

    But somehow, there is a tiny chance the combo of Joe+LDH+PDLin can be a crazy ball of OTT fireworks entertaining to watch, brains park at door.

  3. damn all three of them look very different!!! especially Li Yi Feng and Lee Da Hae were almost difficult to recognize in some of the stills…I like the short hair on Joe!…i’ve missed him so much….i hope that this one will turn out to be a much more palatable drama than his last few projects at least

  4. There’s something weird about lee dahae’s face here. Why does she look not as pretty as she did in miss ripley..?

  5. WOW, read all the comments and then started side-by-side comparisons of similar posed shots for LDH … uhm, yes, going to go with something in her face has changed a good bit. Her eyes are set differently now (work done?) and she’s a lot more full-cheeked than in two sets of stills from 3 years apart … not sure what is going on.

  6. I love my Husby Joe Cheng. My gosh, he just always looks so scrumdiliumpscious to me. I mean, I don’t like his outfit that much, but he still pulls it off. I love him I love him I love him.

  7. The guys look very different!! Almost didn’t recognize them… I don’t see any chemistry from these pictures… But I wouldn’t mind tuning in for the first few epi just to see everyone.

  8. da hae what did you do to your eyes
    i am getting seo woo vibes =.=

    she’s still an amazing actress so i will not hold it against her

    still *sigh*

  9. Girl seems to have a lot of ppl questioning the naturalness of her face & judging her based on that EVERY single time. I feel sad for her D: BUT those are really pretty unflattering photos of Da Hae. I think she has the tendency to look awfully stiff in photos… which is unfortunate because I think she’s awesome when in motion/candid shots.

    • Yes, she is soooo beautiful in Miss Ripley, one of the most beautiful actress as described by One Asia TV Channel for Running Man.

      I read in baidu, JOE CHENG actually interested in her hence recommeded her to the producer.

    • i apologize

      i really dont hold her plastic surgery against her ( i really like her as an actress)

      but these pics ARE terrible 🙁

  10. Too much botox on Lee Da Hae’s face. I noticed it while watching Ripley. You can barely see her skin and face move when she cries or gets angry. You’ll only know she’s crying because tears are falling down her frozen cheeks.

    Plastic surgery is not a big issue as long that you dont totally look like a wax figure and its not done repeatedly. (In her case you could tell she’s had her face tweeked too many times).

    And yes it does affect me as a viewer, because her face that barely moves affects her acting and her facial expressions.

  11. That’s not “my girl” 🙁 (Lee Da Hae) She doesn’t even look the same and I’m scared and concerned for her, just like Michael Jackson.

  12. Something wrong with those pics.
    LDH (also her outfit) looks too korean compared to other casts.
    She’d better learn how to wear/behavior like chinese.
    And her kid…looks too different from her mom (LHD).

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